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Name's Joel Nerdy High School Football player Wanna know more just e-mail Follow me on tumblr and I'll follow back

  • How should I quit my job?

    So I'm a full time college student with a job a retail store. Ive been working there for a little under two years. About three months ago I started filling out job applications since I got bored of my current job, and they were cutting hours big time. I got hired at Disney world as a part time parking attendant at EPCOT about two months ago since the opportunity was there and I wanted to try something new. Now that I'm fully trained and working I have to say this job is not for me. I'm not to fond of my coworkers and the job can be a bit disorganized and overwhelming. I can't work two jobs with my school schedule so I have to drop one. Although I don't like my retail job it is a lot less stressful than Disney. I do however want to work for Disney as an intern or a professional worker later in life.

    My question is how should I quit? DO I have to write a formal letter? Should I speak to my managers? Can I still be hired after quitting? Is a month of working too early to quit?

    Thank you in advance.

    4 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment8 years ago
  • Wisdom teeth getting pulled soon.?

    I extremely nervous. I'm going to have all four removed. They are not impacted, however, they need to be removed so my teeth can have room to adjust to braces. I'm not nervous about the pain after the surgery. The fact that I am being put to sleep terrifies me. I have never had any surgery done so I have no idea what to expect and it seems like everyone's answer is unique. I don't want to be put under. I asked the surgeon if I could be put under a local anesthetic but he just laughed and said that he "didn't feel like going to jail" (which makes no sense). Anyways I like to be conscious and alert. I don't care if I feel pressure and am able to hear them ripping out my teeth, that doesn't bother me at all. Just the fact that I'm being sedated freaks me out.

    So my questions are:

    What can I expect?

    Any tips before the surgery?

    How does it feel once you wake up? (I know I wont remember but that doesn't automatically make it a pleasant experience)

    Thank you in advance

    4 AnswersDental8 years ago
  • I'm getting my wisdom teeth pulled in a few hours?

    I extremely nervous. I'm going to have all four removed. They are not impacted, however, they need to be removed so my teeth can have room to adjust to braces. I'm not nervous about the pain after the surgery. The fact that I am being put to sleep terrifies me. I have never had any surgery done so I have no idea what to expect and it seems like everyone's answer is unique. I don't want to be put under. I asked the surgeon if I could be put under a local anesthetic but he just laughed and said that he "didn't feel like going to jail" (which makes no sense). Anyways I like to be conscious and alert. I don't care if I feel pressure and am able to hear them ripping out my teeth, that doesn't bother me at all. Just the fact that I'm being sedated freaks me out.

    So my questions are:

    What can I expect?

    Any tips before the surgery?

    How does it feel once you wake up? (I know I wont remember but that doesn't automatically make it a pleasant experience)

    Thank you in advance

    1 AnswerDental8 years ago
  • Would a Pontiac Grand Prix be a good first car?

    It is a 2001 Grand Prix with 159,000 miles and an automatic transmission. The guy is selling it for $1300. I'm going to go see it in a few days but I'm not sure whether or not it would be a good car for me.

    3 AnswersBuying & Selling8 years ago
  • What should I do about this girl?

    Let me start by saying I am 17 years old, a senior in high, and I have never dated anyone or had a girlfriend. About two weeks ago a new girl showed up in my second period class who was also a senior. I spoke to her a few times here and there but I didn't flirt or anything (Although I thought she was attractive). One day I decided to walk with her to the next class when she asked me out to a dance. I didn't know how to respond so I said I'd let her know. The next day I said yes. That very day I found out that she had a boyfriend who is 20 years old whom she lives next to. When I asked her about it she said yes. From there I knew she was off limits for me so I never bothered going any further with her. A few days later she gave me a little note with her number on it though I never actually planned on calling or texting her. The day after she added me a facebook and told me to text her, so I did. After texting her for a little while things got really intimate really fast. She started asking me sexual questions and other stuff. I told her that I cant go that far because she has a boyfriend. She then told me that we can be together as long as its between her and I. So I just went with the flow. The next day (yesterday) went as normal until she sat with me at lunch. We talked and stuff while exiting the cafeteria. Once it was time to say bye she came close to me and I got close too (I thought she was going to give me a hug or a kiss on the cheek) but instead she kissed me on the lips. That was the first kiss I have ever gotten on the lips. Today we talked but she didn't act as intimate as usual. It was like she stopped caring about me. When walking together she always says that she feels awkward. But in text she acts so intimate. I don't know what she wants. She is also really nice and sweet (despite practically cheating on her boyfriend).

    Sorry for the long post but my questions are:

    What should I do? Should I go with the flow? Try to date her? Or just forget about her because shes not worth it?

    Also why me? No girl ever likes me and I think I am extremely unnattractive

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • Am I going to get fired?

    I called my job and told them I couldn't make it to work today because I was sick. I wasn't supposed to work today but one of he managers asked me yesterday if I could come in today. I told her yes. I just called her right now that I couldn't. She seemed upset. I've never missed a day before. If it helps I work part time. So do you think I might get fired?

    5 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment9 years ago
  • Forehead is peeling. Please help?

    I went to warped tour the other day and I got burned from the sun. My I had a little tan going on in my face. Now the middle of my forehead peeled off and the rest of my face looks really dark. My face looks horrible! But the worst part is I have to go to work in a few hours and my job involves helping people. Lots of them. What should I do to even out my complexion immediately?

    4 AnswersOther - Skin & Body9 years ago
  • 16 year old planning to get a car. How should I go about this?

    I am 16 years old and I am currently in high school and also enrolled to take community college classes for free to tranfer over to a state university. I have a part time job and I get straight As. This summer my goal is to get a used car. Something cheap but reliable. Getting a car isn't my problem, my problem lies in the expenses that follow. Most insurance companies charge a ridiculous amount for insurance for people my age (which I understand) and on top of that refuse to cover me because I'm 16. When I talk to an agent they get angry and tell me that I should be covered under my parents which is a problem because my parents don't drive therefore have no auto insurance. Waiting until I am 18 isn't an option because I need a car right now to get to work and take college classes during the fall time. People also state that I wont be able to be registered because of my age. I can afford to cover all costs that a car brings up but still it is still hard because of the crap that comes with my age. YES I am 16 and still young, but I have a job, I get good grades, and I'm in college. all I want to do is DRIVE and somehow this is frowned upon. btw I live in Florida and everyone here is so butthurt about driving here.

    So my question is what can I do to get a car 100% independently and what are some things to keep in mind as for steps/tips? Please don't be rude about it since I already get enough of that

    3 AnswersInsurance & Registration9 years ago
  • I have a job interview soon and I don't know what to wear?

    I have a job interview for Nike and I am really nervous. To make matters worse when I put on my black slacks they were extremely big and 6 sizes bigger than my waist and there's not enough time to get a new one. All I have are jeans. Is it ok to wear jeans to a job interview? Also what should I expect?

    4 AnswersFashion & Accessories9 years ago
  • Anyone have any words of motivation?

    It seems as if my life is getting worse and worse, normally I can shake negative things on and move on, but there's only so much a guy can take. This may sound like a rant but here it does. It seems like god took all the bad physical qualities and shoved them into one human. Before I go on just know I'm not pessimistic or a downer, I am completely normal mentally. I hate to admit it but I'm really unattractive, I take care of my health but there are some things I cant control, my body is kind of weird, my face is just horrible. I have tanned skin (which everyone hates where I live), I have extremely thick short black hair which cant even be combed down so my hair is really bad, my forehead is slanted, my teeth are extremely crooked, and my head is extremely round. Everyday people criticize me or laugh at me for looking weird. I am also always shaking, everyone points it out and I'm sick of it. I can be a calm as possible but my nerves are out of control. I don't have any friends at all, I am a really cool person, based on people I knew, and I am also very funny. But people never want to get close to me because of my horrible looks, looks are everything these days. I am also very kind but that doesn't matter anymore. Every time I ask my teachers a question they get mad or ignore me. Everyone on the football team hated me. No one is ever nice to me not even my family. I am also poor, which I cannot control because I'm only 16. I always get good grades and I am currently in Dual Enrollment taking college course but I still think, what is the point of working hard academically if I wont be able to get a job because of the way I look. It saddens me to see I am smart and kind yet my life sucks, yet all those harsh, mean. dumb but good looking people have everyone kissing up to them, they have relationships and jobs. And no I'm not exaggerating. So my question is: Does anyone have any motivational words I honestly feel like just giving up.

    3 AnswersMental Health9 years ago
  • I have gotten spam email back from myself that I never sent?

    When I check my sent email it says I sent an email to everyone I have ever emailed in the past. It say I just sent an email to all my teachers, professors and friends. The email contains a link which is most likely a virus. I never sent this! I just changed my password (I'm pretty sure no one has hacked into my account) also I don't have any viruses because my laptop is new and it has Norton and I never do anything that would put me at risk. Is there any way I can delete my list of people I have emailed in the past using hotmail? Please help this is embarrassing. I cant have my name associates with such things

    1 AnswerSecurity9 years ago
  • Am I a waste of life?

    I'm not sure how to deal with anything anymore. My life sucks all because things I cannot control. I have all the bad qualities a human can have. My head is shaped weird, my eyesight is terrible, my hair is too thick to mess with, my teeth are crooked, and my skin is the type of dark nobody likes. I don't have any friends because of my bad looks. I am really nice but in return I get treated poorly. I am in high school and it sucks, teachers only like the good looking kids (I'm not lying). Every that knows me pretty much hates me for no reason at all. I'm poor and I don't fit anywhere. Also I have this problem with my nerves that I am constantly shaking, everyone thinks I'm scared or nervous but I'm not its something I have control of. No one ever gave me a compliment and all people do is criticize me, normally that wouldn't bother me but it really sucks when I get the same negativity every day. I'm not depressed, I'm normally a positive person, but nothing good happens to me. Its like life just made me as a joke. I fear I will be alone forever. I'm sick of logging on facebook and seeing photos of people having a good time. I'm not depressed I'm perfectly fine mentally. I want to know that feeling for once. I'm sorry this is long, what I would like to know is if there is any hope for me? Do you think one day something positive can happen in my life? I'm not sure how much more of this I can take.

    5 AnswersMental Health9 years ago
  • What are some cool things I can do to enhance my tumblr?

    I just made a tumblr and its bland and lame. Is there any sites that has good content or cool stuff that I can post that is powerful. When I tried searching everything looked boring. Also please follow me if you can


    2 AnswersComics & Animation9 years ago
  • Should I just give up on everything?

    Now I know that is quitter talk and I hate to say it but it is true. This is my story: I don't have any friends and I'm a junior in high school, I know its pretty cliche on this site but this is serious. I'm not socially awkward at all and I think I'm pretty cool but honestly that doesn't matter when your unattractive. I live in an area where if you are ugly then it is impossible to be happy. I go to school everyday, I make jokes, I'm not annoying, and I'm really cool to talk to but everyone ignores or avoids me like wtf did I do. I have a sort of weird shaped head where the bottom of my forehead slants forward. My hair is very thick so it is short and my teeth are kind of messed up and I cannot afford to fix it. But those things are small, the biggest problem is my skin color, I'm hispanic and so my skin is naturally tan, you would think that's a good thing but apparently it isn't. In my school either your white or black, everyone is messed up to those in between for some reason which doesn't help me at all. People take one good look at me and think "I don't even want to go there". I was even on the football team and still people hated me. I have no idea how to act anymore, if I go any further it would look like I'm trying hard. What should I do? I get embarrassed by something everyday and school really sucks. How will someone like me make friends?

    3 AnswersFriends9 years ago
  • PS3 AV cables not working please help?

    I just bought a PS3 right now and a new TV, I spent all my money. When I connect my ps3 to my tv and turn it on I get no picture. I put it to the video channel and Component and still nothing. Is my AV cable defective, is this what I get for buyinbg a sony product. Can anyone help

    4 AnswersPlayStation10 years ago
  • Poll: Do you act tough over the internet?

    Honestly I think it is dumb how people argue over the internet or online gaming and say that they will kill the person and and how the other person is weak and stuff. In reality they would be too scared to do such a thing. So be honest do you act tough over the internet? If so why?

    11 AnswersPolls & Surveys10 years ago
  • Life is going downhill, in need of help?

    Well curently I'm a junior in high school and I'm usually the over achiever but now I feel like giving up. I used to love school when I was a freshman, although I was ugly and immature I had so many friends and I never worried. Sophore year was sucky and so far this year is the worst. I recently started taking college credit classes and so I have to drop football and a lot of clubs just to study. I always helped my friends with whatever they needed whether it's advice or not, to repay me they leave me out of everything. Everyone is so harsh to me, and I mean EVERYONE, like I did something wrong. Everytime I try to talk to someone they just ignore me of get mad even my so called friends. I have so much problems outside of school as well and people still treat me badly when they don't know what I go through. I know I'm not very attractive but people don't have to be so mean. It hurts me because I see everyone laughing and having a good time but I have to sit and school is full of assholes even the teachers who only respect the varsity football starters. I can't seem to make any new friends. I also have really bad anxiety that is getting worse, I am always shaking even when I'm not scared, it's like my mind is always worried. I'm sorry this was long I just need some tips or advice to get me through because for the first time every I just feel like giving up, like life just really hates me. Thanks

    5 AnswersFriends10 years ago
  • Life going downhill, please help?

    Well curently I'm a junior in high school and I'm usually the over achiever but now I feel like giving up. I used to love school when I was a freshman, although I was ugly and immature I had so many friends and I never worried. Sophore year was sucky and so far this year is the worst. I recently started taking college credit classes and so I have to drop football and a lot of clubs just to study. I always helped my friends with whatever they needed whether it's advice or not, to repay me they leave me out of everything. Everyone is so harsh to me, and I mean EVERYONE, like I did something wrong. Everytime I try to talk to someone they just ignore me of get mad even my so called friends. I have so much problems outside of school as well and people still treat me badly when they don't know what I go through. I know I'm not very attractive but people don't have to be so mean. It hurts me because I see everyone laughing and having a good time but I have to sit and school is full of assholes even the teachers who only respect the varsity football starters. I can't seem to make any new friends. I also have really bad anxiety that is getting worse, I am always shaking even when I'm not scared, it's like my mind is always worried. I'm sorry this was long I just need some tips or advice to get me through because for the first time every I just feel like giving up, like life just really hates me. Thanks

    1 AnswerMental Health10 years ago
  • What should I do? USPS Package out for delivery?

    I when I track down the package I am supposed to receive from USPS the status says out for delivery at 9:15 am. The courier always delivers at my complex 11:00 sharp. It is now 3:03 and I every time I check there's nothing in my mailbox. Should I be worried? This has happened before and I'm sick of USPS losing my packages. What should I do?

    2 AnswersPacking & Preparation10 years ago