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  • Psychology Research Paper - APA?

    I'm a freshmen in college and currently taking Abnormal Psychology. I needed a summer class and this 4000-level course was the only one available. My professor has assigned an 8 page paper due in 3 weeks (in addition to the studying/exams every week that come with a 6 week course). The assignment is to pick a disorder and write five pages about it (symptoms, history, who is more likely to have it, treatment methods, limitations caused by it, impact on society, etc.), and three pages about my thoughts/opinions on the disorder as well as any experiences with it.

    Problem? I've never written a research paper of this caliber, so I'm overwhelmed and don't know where to begin. I know very little about writing in APA format. How many spaces go between the running head and the title? How do you cite things (more specifically online things)? Since I'm not conducting an experiment myself for this paper, do I need to include the headings, abstract, and author's note? If so, what do I put under "Participants", "Methods", etc? What exactly are empirical articles and where can I find them that I don't have to login to view them? How do I cite articles that obviously have no pages? What are review chapters because my paper needs to have 2-3 of them not from my textbook?

    I would appreciate any help because, as I said, I am very clueless, and my professor doesn't seem very approachable.

    1 AnswerPsychology1 decade ago
  • Forensic Psychology Info?

    I'm currently a sophomore in college and a Psychology major with a 4.0 GPA. Can anyone please give me some information on Forensic Psychology? I'm very interested in both psychology and the criminal justice/legal/law field.

    The school I'm attending does not offer a BA (or BS or Masters) in Forensic Psychology (only a BA in Psychology), and the school I was planning on attending for grad school (Vanderbilt) does not offer it either from what I can see.

    Can anyone please give me information on the field of Forensic Psychology? What kinds of jobs are there? What's the average salary like? I understand I need to get my doctorate degree (was planning on it anyway before I became interested in forensic psychology). Any good schools that offer degrees in it? Is the field fairly open to women? Should I minor in Criminology instead of Sociology that I have decided on at the moment? If I wanted to get involved in the FBI, is this a good major? Is it growing field? Would it be possible to get involved in rape cases or child-related cases only? Any help would be appreciated!

  • Interesting Organizations for a Speech?

    I need to do a 6-8:30 minute speech on a non-profit organization.

    The Speech Requirements:

    1) Must have 6 sources (articles with authors, etc. not just plain websites) and one MUST BE from someone who works for the organization

    2) Must be 6-8:30 minutes.

    The speech's main points have to be:

    1) What the problem is that the organization is addressing.

    2) What our class money will to do help solve it.

    I'm having extreme difficulty finding non-profit organization that have other credible sources and that fill up the time requirement. I was trying to find an organization that had a list of supplies so I could go to the store and price things out that our money can buy (my class will donate $70 to the winning organization), which would fill up the main point 2. But, I need help!

    Any non-profit organizations, sources, tips, etc. would be greatly appreciated.

    I cannot use The Red Cross, UNICEF, American Cancer Society, or Alzheimer's Association as they have already been "claimed" by other students.

    2 AnswersHomework Help1 decade ago
  • Help with finding a speech topic?

    I have to write an informative speech for my college speech class. I'm suppose to have my topic and main points chosen by Wednesday. I've been thinking about things for 10 days, and just can't come up with anything.

    The criteria:

    -Has to be informative and pass the "Hm..I didn't know that" test. (ie: can't be how to make a PB&J)

    -I have to use FOUR different sources (to be cited verbally). I can only use one web-based source (not including online articles, journals, magazines, etc.), and no Wikipedia.

    I thought of a topic a few days ago, but then couldn't find many sources with sufficient information (the articles had only one good sentence), and the speech has to be between 4-6:30 minutes, and how am I suppose to talk for 4+ minutes about one sentence?

    Can anyone please help me think of some interesting topics and where I can possibly find sources.

    2 AnswersWords & Wordplay1 decade ago
  • Sister's boyfriend is over all the time?!?

    My sister (age 15) has a new boyfriend (almost 18) that she's been dating for about a month, though they've been friends for about a year.

    The kid is annoying me!

    Well, since they've started dating, the kid is over here everyday! He brings her home from school (around 2:30), and he stays after about 9:15pm or so.

    I come home from school (college) and the boy has parked and consumed my/my family's entire driveway, so I'm left parking on the street and walking to my house in the rain.

    He gets in the fridge and gets Gatorade's, so I bet one day I'll be left with none to take the school because he's drank them all.

    He comes over on the weekends before I'm even showered and out of my pajamas, so it's kind of awkward.

    He stays so late most nights that my mom is having to feed him dinner, so we don't even have family dinners anymore. And if we don't feed him, it's just awkward because we're eating and he's not.

    When he gets here after school, he goes to my sister's room and naps until 6:30 while my sister does homework in the living room, so I have to tip-toe around my house and whisper so the kid can sleep.

    When we are all together somewhere (at the table, in the car), he talks 100% of the time, and he's so loud! Nobody can hardly get a word in, and I can only be near him for a few minutes because it's so loud and constant noise!

    Is it wrong for my to be annoyed and angry about this? I am being selfish? I feel like I can't even live comfortably in my house because he's here all the time. He has a great home life with everything a boy his age could want (his parents are extremely rich and active in his life), so it's like he has a bad home life and "get's away" by coming over here.

    I tried mentioning to my mom nicely that I had to walk in the rain to the house because the guest parked in the middle of the driveway and took up all the space. She just shushed me and said it was okay. My sister likes him too much to ask him to back up a bit, and doesn't see a problem with him being here all the time. And my dad thinks, "I'd rather them be here, than anywhere else."

    Should I just shut up and get over it? Or should I politely ask the boyfriend to ask before he takes Gatorades, makes sure the homeowners are home before parking in the driveway and taking their spot, and to take his naps at home, etc? He only lives a few minutes away, so he can just zip home and get food, zip over after his nap, or ride his bike to our house. I understand I should be nice and polite to guests, but I feel like he's practically moved into the house! Anything I can do?

    2 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • Questions about Statistics?

    I have to take a Statistics class in college (this fall or spring), and am kind of worried. I am absolutely horrible at math, and can't solve a word problem to save my life. I was looking at my old Algebra 1 and Alg. 2 books and can't make any sense of it all anymore. I've already taken College Algebra, but my teacher was horrible and I didn't learn a thing. (I was one of 3-4 students who passed his class, and it was all thanks to a tutor and others helping me.)

    Does Statistics build on Algebra? What can I expect?

    1 AnswerMathematics1 decade ago
  • Looking for advice after verbally abusive past?

    I'm 17 years old and have had a verbally abusive past. My father was/is always putting me down, calling me names, cussing at me, making every little tiny decision for me, saying he doesn't "give a D@^^N about me, my siblings, or my mom", saying I'm psychotic, withholding support (even with childhood-like things such as YMCA soccer and acting classes), among many other things.

    On Saturday, he blew up at me out in public while we were shopping for a Mother's Day gift. I had things I wanted to get her already in mind. Last year I shopped by myself with no help, but this year he woke me up and said that we should go. I assumed he just wanted to spend time with me, but when we got to the stores, any little thing I had in mind wasn't good enough. He didn't like this idea, or didn't like that idea. I'd pick out flowers and he would put them down and get something else. When we were leaving the second store, I said quietly to him, because the cashiers were nearby, "This is turning into a husband-to-wife gift, rather than a Mother's Day gift from me." He started screaming and cussing at me right outside the store and threw the car keys about 40 feet down the sidewalk. He continued to insult me for about 45 minutes in the hot car (I live in Florida) with people watching. I told my mom later and she said that next time it happens I should just call 911. My dad hasn't spoken to me or anyone in the family since, and he hiding around the house to avoid being spoken to.

    My mom occasionally puts me down and/or treats me as less than my other siblings. The most recent event was I was nervous about having a endoscopy done at the hospital. I was getting a little upset about it (nobody had told me what to expect yet, or what would happen), and she basically just told me to get over my fear of it and stop being such a baby.

    Well, anyway, my mom is making me get a job this summer (my first job), but because of the verbal abuse, I have no self-confidence, low self-esteem, and low self-worth. I'm very nervous and worried about not doing my job right, forgetting to do something, people being rude, etc. It's becoming a paralyzing fear of getting a job. I've recently (in the past year or so) become very shy and nervous around people, so much that I don't go out with friends often. Last Thursday was the first time in almost two years that I met up with friends. I don't go to restaurants, sports events, fun things (movies, bowling, skating, etc.), friends houses, etc. because I'm so afraid of new situations. I occasionally even feel guilty for being alive. I have great difficulty making decisions (from big choices to small ones - even what to order at a restaurant with my family). I've tried talking to a counselor about my anxiety issues, but she wasn't much help. Plus, I'm too nervous/shy to even talk to someone personally about any of this.

    Does anyone have any tips, words of encouragement, websites I should look into for advice, online counselors, advice, etc? It would be greatly appreciated. Sorry that this is so long.

    2 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • Christian Democrats? Anyone care to explain?

    In the past 20 months or so, I've met alot of people who openly claim to be Christians who attend church, pray, etc. but yet they are Democrats. I was just curious as to how one could be both a Christian and a Democrat since Democrats go against most things the Bible says (abortion, personal responsibility, gay marriage, etc.)

    On personal responsibility: "For every man shall bear his own burden" - Galatians 6:5

    "Even while we were with you, we gave you this command: "Those unwilling to work will not get to eat." - 1 Thessalonians 3:10

    "The plans of the diligent lead to profit as surely as haste leads to poverty." - Proverbs 21:5

    On Abortion: The Bible never refers to a child in the womb as a fetus (and definitely not a "lump of cells"). He always calls it a "baby" or "babe", "child", "infant", etc. He used the term "with child" 26 times, but never "with fetus"

    Jesus, dying on the cross for us, is pretty much the definition of pro-life. He gave up his life so we could live!

    "You shall not murder" - Exodus 20:13

    "These six things doth the LORD hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him: A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood"

    "Cursed is the man who accepts a bribe to kill an innocent person." Then all the people shall say, "Amen!" - Deuteronomy 27:25

    "Be fruitful and multiply" - Genesis 1:28

    "As for your children that you said would be taken as plunder, I will bring them in to enjoy the land you have rejected." - Numbers 14:13

    On Gay Marriage:

    "'Do not lie with a man as one lies with a woman; that is detestable." - Leviticus 18:22

    "For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet." - Romans 1:26-27

    "Even as Sodom and Gomorrha, and the cities about them in like manner, giving themselves over to fornication, and going after strange flesh, are set forth for an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire" - Jude 1:7

    So, again, I'm just wondering how one can call themselves a Christian, but knowingly go against him and His Word? Only real, honest answers here. No name-calling, bashing, rude comments.


    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Cat recently started peeing on the bed?

    We have a female cat that we adopted about 3.5 years ago as a kitten. She used the litter box fine up until about a year ago, when she started peeing on beds. She has peed on every bed in the house at least once and 4/5 our beds have gotten peed on at least twice. She's peed in the dog's bed twice this week, and on cloth furniture (2 weeks ago).

    She has access to her litter box, and we haven't changed the litter. We have changed the actual box itself, but she's gone to the bathroom in it before. Any idea as to why she may be doing this? It's getting old very fast, and we're all sick of having to wash everything afterwards, worry about where she is all the time, and keeping as many doors as possible shut (some can't be shut as the room is in open living area).

    Any info would be appreciated.

    5 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • Advice on a childhood enemy?

    I'm a Sr. in highschool, but currently enrolled in a community college taking two classes there.

    Way back in 4th grade, I started going to a new school (I had been homeschooled the year before, and went to a different school in a different state before that). A girl in my class was extremely mean to me. She bullied me, harassed me, made fun of me in front of others, etc. so much that I had to be pulled out of that school before Thanksgiving.

    Now, she's a student in my College Alg. class. I know she knows who I am, but all of a sudden she's being very nice to me and wants to study with me. (I'm doing fairly well in the class, and I'm not so sure she is). Now, she missed class all last week (and wants to skip tomorrow, too) and asked me to take notes for her. I agreed and emailed her the homework assignment and the notes I took. I wanted it all to end there. But she has other plans...

    She keeps asking me if we can get together to to look over notes and help each other with homework.

    I've seen/heard her continue to be very rude towards others, in front of others.

    I'm very hesitant for two reason: 1) She was beyond mean to me back then, and I don't know what she as the power to do to me now. 2) I don't want to keep working my butt off and have her basically steal my notes, etc.

    Any advice on how to handle the situation? She keeps texting me!

    2 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • All my songs got deleted from Itunes!?

    A few weeks ago I noticed a virus on my PC. I took it in and the tech wiped a large majority of my computer out. I went to open my Itunes and saw that all but a few songs were gone. (The "few" were songs that I got from a CD and eventually deleted a good two years ago.)

    I haven't plugged in my Ipod, because I want to keep all my songs. Is there any way to get all of those back without paying over $600 to download them from Itunes?

    Or does anyone know of a non-peer-to-peer place where I can download for free, and that has a low risk of viruses?


    4 AnswersMusic & Music Players1 decade ago
  • Can you match these twin names?!?

    Here's the names of several sets of twins that I know. See if you can match each name with his/her twin.

    Whoever gets the most correct will win best answer.

    There are four sets of boy/girl twins, five sets of boy/boy twins, and

    five sets of girl/girl twins.

    To make things a bit easier, next to some of the names, I have put in parenthesis whether they have a twin brother or sister.


    Michael. (twin sister)




    Jake. (twin brother)

    T.J. (twin sister)






    Randy. (twin brother)




    Samantha. (twin sister)




    Jennifer. (twin sister)





    Katelyn. (twin brother)

    Jacque. (twin sister)


    Gillian. (twin brother)


    Good luck!

    4 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • Which spelling of these names do you prefer?

    Choose just one from each set. Please don't answer "neither" or "both". Just wanting your opinions!

    Rachel vs. Rachael.

    Natalie vs. Natalee.

    Katherine vs. Catherine.

    Avery vs. Averi.

    Kaydence vs. Cadence.

    McKenzie vs. Mackenzie.

    Hannah vs. Hanna.

    Jillian vs. Gillian.

    Nora vs. Norah.

    Ariel vs. Arielle.

    Mae vs. May.

    Elena vs. Alaina.

    Lindsay vs. Lindsey.

    Jordyn vs. Jordin. (for girl)

    Reese vs. Reece.

    Aidan vs. Aaden.

    Garrett vs. Garret.

    Colin vs. Collin.

    Stephan vs. Steven.

    Connor vs. Conner.

    Lane vs. Layne.

    Miles vs. Myles.

    Zach vs. Zack.

    Dylan vs. Dillian.

    Gregory vs. Greggory.

    Mitchell vs. Mitchell.

    Elliott vs. Elliot.

    Tristan vs. Tristyn.

    Also, do you prefer the full name or the "nickname" for each of these names?

    Lucas vs. Luke.

    Trenton vs. Trent.

    Clayton vs. Clay.

    Nathan vs. Nate.

    Vincent vs. Vince.

    Zachary vs. Zach.

    Benjamin vs. Ben.

    Andrew vs. Drew.

    Joshua vs. Josh.

    Rebecca vs. Becca.

    Gabriella vs. Gabbie.

    Abigail vs. Abby.

    Brooklyn vs. Brooke.

    Alexis vs. Lexi.

    Madelyn vs. Mady.

    Jacqueline vs. Jacque.

    Evelyn vs. Eve.


    22 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • Did the Jackson kiddo's attend...?

    I've seen many photos recently of Prince, Paris and Blanket Jackson wearing clothes that make them look like they attend a private school. (skirts, polo's, ties, suit jackets, button down shirts, private school logo's, sweaters, etc.)

    I know there have been reports that the kids are homeschooled, but I also know that there are some schools with less than 10-15 students a year. The students often say they are "homeschooled" because of the small class size.

    Does anybody know if they went to a school like this? Or do they just dress nice and the logo is from something of their dad's? (photoshoot, album cover, poster, etc.)

    Below are photos of the kids in the outfits:

    1 AnswerCelebrities1 decade ago
  • Why such an increase in multiples?

    Has anyone else noticed an increase in multiple pregnancies? (twins, triplets, quadruplets, etc.)

    About 30-40 years ago, triplets had TV anchors and newspaper writers flocking to the hospital, practically beating down the doors to get an interview with the lucky parents or info on the babies and their progress.

    Nowadays, when someone is expecting triplets, they get a, "Wow! Congratulations!" and that's it.

    You have to be sextuplets (and not all), septuplets or octuplets to make the news.

    Is it because science is better and there are more fertility drugs and specialists? Or are we waiting to have children later in life (this increases the chance)? What's the deal?

    3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Does this bother anybody else?

    I see parents all the time saying how they give their children prizes, money or rewards for doing chores. They have chore charts and use stickers to keep track. They make a game out of who can complete the most chores by the end of the week.

    Let's be honest - working around the house is a thing of life, right? People say that chores teach children how to be responsible so they can be a contributing adult in the future. Adults don't get paid for vacuuming, doing dishes, making their beds, etc. So why should children?

    I'm almost 17 and was never given any money or prizes for doing work around the home. The saying in my family was, "Jobs need to be done in order to make everything smoothly. Why is it Mom and Dad's job to do everything?" I have three siblings and we all pitched in to help. None of us were rewarded with material things or money. I can't even begin to tell you how many weeds I've picked, baskets of laundry I've folded, rooms and hallways I've vacummed, pieces of furniture I've dusted, windows and mirrors I've cleaned, etc. I don't/never did feel like a slave because I wasn't rewarded. I've always considered my "reward" a nice home, food on the table and in the pantry, and a loving family. My family and I have built a 20x12 deck with arbor, complete with a koi pond and beautiful landscaping by ourselves over TWO 85-90 degree weekends. My reward is family BBQ's and memories. When I was 6, my parents were trying to sell our 5 bedroom, 4 bathroom, two story (minus the finished basement) house. The realtor would call and say, "A family wants to see the home in 10 minutes, is that okay? The answer would be "yes" and in 10 minutes, "five" of us (dad was working and my sister was 4 at the time) would work as fast as we could to have the house shining! My "reward" was an even bigger, new house and family memories (we still talk and laugh about out "10 minute tidies" today, 11 years later)

    Chores and work are essential for life. My question is: Why do parents reward their children for working? Knowing how to do laundry, dishes, and clean my home are life lessons. If anything, I feel like I should be the one rewarding/thanking my parents for teaching me these life lessons that one day I will carry on into my own home and family!

    What is your opinion on payment for household chores? Do you agree or disagree? Do you think it's fine when they are young and learning, but should stop by a certain age? I'm not trying to start an arguement here or claiming that parents who do reward are bad parents; I'm just trying to get a better understandment. Thanks! =)

    9 AnswersParenting1 decade ago