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Lv 611,723 points

Lady Rowan

Favorite Answers4%

Hello, i'm Rowan(not my name,but it works) and i love children, and hope to have my own. Reading is my favorite pasttime. I'm an adoptee, and a twin. I also care for my disabled aunt during the day, and we have our good and bad days. It's tough, but family matters. I've dubbed myself a Christian with common sense. i hope there are more like me. Oh, and i'm very open minded. I believe gays should have the same rights to marry as heterosexuals.

  • Does this sound like an infection to you?

    So, a couple months ago a piece of my tooth came off. I was worried about infection but after two weeks and a ER trip they assured me it wasn't an infection and gave me signs to watch for. Went to a dr(unrelated) had her give my tooth a look while I was there. Despite having two lumps under my jaw that weren't there before she said no infection. Fast forward to a week ago. I've been in pretty much constant pain on one side of my face. Theres no redness to the gum at all but every so often I get a weird taste in my mouth. I haven't got a fever but my face is very slightly swollen(over where the tooth is that's missing a piece.) Unless I take advil or something before bed I can't sleep because of the pain I'm feeling. I can't chew on that side of my mouth because it hurts and I have this weird tight feeling in my chest.

    I guess what I'm asking is if you can have a tooth infection with no sympthoms other then a lot of pain? It hurts so bad.

    2 AnswersInfectious Diseases8 years ago
  • Possible tooth infection, no pain?

    So, i asked a question a few days ago asking about a chipped tooth. I'm fairly certain infection may be setting in but I';m not sure. Yesterday a co worker told me my face looked like it was swelling a little. I can't tell. Theres no pain in the tooth itself, i don't have a fever or any of the symptoms that would come with infection. Just a slightly sore shoulder. I cant get to a dentist until Monday at the earliest. Is there anything I can do to keep it from getting worse. I have no dental insurance.

    3 AnswersDental8 years ago
  • No period on tri sprintec?

    No period on tri sprintec?

    A little background information first. I've been on tri sprintec for about 3 months, went on it 2 weeks after a miscarriage in December. So this would be my third month I guess. Its the 4th day of the sugar pill week and my period has not started. I took two pregnancy tests, 1 yesterday at 1:30pm and another this morning at 6am and both tests came back negative. What could be causing my period to not start?

    1 AnswerWomen's Health8 years ago
  • No period on tri sprintec?

    A little background information first. I've been on tri sprintec for about 3 months, went on it 2 weeks after a miscarriage in December. So this would be my third month I guess. Its the 4th day of the sugar pill week and my period has not started. I took two pregnancy tests, 1 yesterday at 1:30pm and another this morning at 6am and both tests came back negative. What could be causing my period to not start?

    I'm not ready emotionally to be pregnant again(or health wise) which is why I'm on the pill. What else could it be?

    1 AnswerPregnancy8 years ago
  • How much to get a tooth filled?

    So, I was eating and a part of my tooth on the side broke off. There's a cavity there, not too big, but enough to make me go" yea gotta fix that." It's on the side of one of my back teeth, the wisdom tooth to be exact. I don't have insurance, how much will it cost to get filled?

    1 AnswerDental8 years ago
  • How likely are you to get pregnant while taking the pill?

    I've been on the generic form of ortho tri cyclen for two months now. I had a miscarriage in December and went on it about 2 weeks after wards. I had sex last week(Wednesday) and told my partner I wanted him to pull out to be double safe. He forgot and even though I am due for my period tomorrow I'm still concerned. I was nowhere near when I would be ovulating but I guess im just looking for some imput.

    4 AnswersPregnancy8 years ago
  • Birth control causing issues?

    So, i recently went back on birth control. I know that sometimes it takes time for the body to adjust but I'm wondering if maybe i should switch. It seems i always get a headache shortly after taking it. And today I'm feeling light headed and just over all not right. I'm taking Tri Sprintec if that helps.

    Anyone have any experience?

    1 AnswerWomen's Health8 years ago
  • Issues with constipation?

    So, for the past three weeks ive been having issues with constipation. At first they were just painful but this past Sunday, after nine days(if you dont count the two pieces i managed on Tuesday) I ended up having to resort to an enema to go. This was after three senna laxatives(one one night, two the following after no results) and a half bottle of grape flavored magnesium citrate. After drinking the citrate i felt some relief but didn't go.

    My question is, after the enema, how long til I have a regular bowel movement? I do NOT ever want to resort to an enema again and I'm trying to not get worried or anything.

    3 AnswersOther - Health8 years ago
  • The unforgivable sin?

    Ok, this is a question that has been bothering me for some time and I have to ask it. Why does an unforgivable sin exist? If a Christian commits the unforgivable sin, could they lose their salvation? I was always taught that no matter what, you can't lose it, but it seems that this sin could contradict that.

    BTW I am talking about Mark 3:22-30

    18 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Where and how to fix an original Nintendo?

    I recently bought a original nintendo system from a yard sale. The lady told me it worked, but sadly, that's not the case. The games, when I push them down, don't STAY down. Can this be fixed? Where would I take it to get it fixed?

    1 AnswerOther - Electronics1 decade ago
  • Where and how to fix an original Nintendo?

    I recently bought a original nintendo system from a yard sale. The lady told me it worked, but sadly, that's not the case. The games, when I push them down, don't STAY down. Can this be fixed? Where would I take it to get it fixed?

    4 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • my calf muscle cramped and woke me up?

    So, this morning at 430am I was woken up by a severe cramp in my right calf muscle. This has happened to me before, but not in almost a year. I tried to get up and walk it off and it hurt so bad I barely made it to the bathroom. I finally went back to sleep and when I woke up, the cramp was all but gone. There is still some achyness in the calf.

    What causes this? Could it be the way I was sleeping? It was pretty random though.

    2 AnswersPain & Pain Management1 decade ago
  • Shoe size problem? Anyone else have this problem?

    So, for the first time in two years or more, i decided it was time to go shoe shopping. I've been wearing a pair of sneakers for the last year that were a size 10, and that is too big. So, when I went in to get shoes, i asked the lady to measure my foot. She did so, and told me I was a size 8. So, i headed to the 8 section and tried on a pair of sneakers in a size 8. WAY too tight on the front. So, I went to the 8 1/2. Still too tight. I finally found ones that fit in the size 9!

    why in the world is this happening? The shoes smaller then 9 hurt and were tight around the front part of my foot. The 9s feel a bit loose around the back, but that issue resolves it self when i lase up the shoes. I just want to know what is up with this? Why did the foot measuring thing tell me I was an 8 when it was clear as soon as I pur the shoes on i'd never walk comfortably in 8s? I just want a decent pair of walking shoes.

    3 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 decade ago
  • Best type of norton protection for a laptop?

    I just got a notification in my email that my norton subscription expires in 14 days. It came free with the laptop, and I'll be honest, I don't know a whole lot about this sort of thing.

    What's the best version of the norton anti virus for a laptop? I get so confused when I see all the different options.

    My laptops a toshiba if that makes a difference.

    7 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks1 decade ago
  • What's the point of Step parent adoption?

    I really don't get it, especially if both parents are still alive and making a concentrated effort to be in the child's life. And it can go so wrong. If the step parent divorces the bio parent, it just opens up a huge can of worms.

    I just don't see the point. It hits home at the moment because a friend of mine, who is a damn good father, is going through this. His ex is trying to get him to sign his rights away so her new husband can adopt HIS children. It is causing him sleepless nights and so much pain to think that his rights as a father could be trampled on.

    Whats the point? Even if say, one parents deceased and the other remarries, don't the parents understand that the last thing a child needs is to have their dead parent wrenched from them all over again? I know people don't see it that way, but that's the way it is.

    Could someone explain this to me??

    13 AnswersAdoption1 decade ago
  • Just purchased a laptop, would love some tips on how to care for it properly?

    So this past weekend i went and purchased a laptop. Now i know the basics, don't let it get hot, don't bang it about and all that.

    What kind of things do you all do to keep your laptop in good working order? Such as how long to stay on it before giving it a rest, and how often should i scan it for viruses? Any tips would be great.

    4 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks1 decade ago
  • Scared of loss of eyesight, what can I do?

    So I've recently discovered that my biological father has glaucoma. being the worry wart that I am, I've gotten worried that I may start experiencing vision loss.

    What can I do to help my eyes out? I've heard carrots are good for eyesight, and I try not to sit too close to the laptop when I'm on it, and whenever I read, i make sure the room is well light. But my laptop is sometimes too bright and i need to turn it down, or i'll find myself leaning in to read.

    Any advice would be welcome.

    3 AnswersOther - Health1 decade ago
  • Where's my Refund accurate? need help!?

    Ok, so, being hopeless at paperwork, i have someone else do my taxes. Being on unemployment, i wasn't expecting to get that much back to be honest. Well, the woman who did my taxes was different than the lady who did them last year. She neglected to tell me she needed my adjustable gross income from last year to file them this year. That set things back about week. no biggie right? I was anxious to see when i got my refund, so a friend recommended Wheres my Refund. i typed in my info, and i'm getting nothing! According to my brother and sis in law, the lady filed them Two weeks ago! how reliable is wheres my refund?

    1 AnswerOther - Taxes1 decade ago
  • Confused about internet network card?

    Lately i've really been considering getting a laptop. Nothing fancy, just something to surf the web, chat, that sort of thing. I was discussing this with a friend, and she told me she got a laptop and when she did that, she got a network card installed through verizon and only pays 50 dollars a year for her internet. So i thought that sounded like a good idea. But everywhere i look online, i can't find anything about this.

    My question is, does this plan really exist? If so, how good is it? If it doesnt, should i go with a wireless router? I really want to be able to travel and not worry that my internet signal will be non existent.

    5 AnswersComputer Networking1 decade ago
  • Adoptees who have had their own children, what's the bond like?

    My twin brother's little girl was born last year, and i cant even tell you how much he and her have bonded, its amazing to watch and yes, i'm a bit jealous. I have no children yet and feel a little left out.

    Whats the bond like? How does it feel to look into your own child's eyes and know that feeling?

    Also, as you may have noticed, my other question was deleted, why i dont know.

    9 AnswersAdoption1 decade ago