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just curious (A.A.A.A.)

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more than just a pretty face...

  • anyone else have issues with on i.e. 9 with latest updates?

    it keeps locking up on me. anyone else experiencing this?

    1 AnswerOther - Internet9 years ago
  • is emergency contraception really contraception?

    can someone explain to me how pills like the morning after pill and ellaone can be classified as contraceptives of any kind? as i understand, contraceptives (as the term implies) are meant to prevent conception, not preganancy. but these pills do not prevent conception. their main function is to prevent pregnancy after conception has taken place. so how can they be considered contraceptives?

    1 AnswerGovernment9 years ago
  • help identifying multi part rap video?

    does anyone remember a multipart rap video that came out around the year 2000? i can't really remember much about the video other than that it was telling an ongoing story with a lot of plot twists in the story. something about cheating relationships and stuff like that.

    1 AnswerRap and Hip-Hop9 years ago
  • did john adams really say this?

    there's a quote i keep seeing attributed to john adams posted in the comments sections of various news sites. i can't seem to find any actual source of the quote, which leads me to believe he probably never actually said it. but i don't know for sure, so i was wondering if anyone could settle this for me. if he did say it, please provide the source of the quote. thanks.

    the quote:

    "When economic power became concentrated in a few hands, then political power flowed to those possessors and away from the citizens, ultimately resulting in an oligarchy or tyranny."

    1 AnswerHistory9 years ago
  • a question about paying one's fair share of taxes...?

    so, i often hear people argue that "rich" people should pay their fair share when the issue of taxes comes up. often, what they mean by fair is some amount more than what they currently pay. they rely on the argument that without things like publicly-funded those people could become rich. and since their incomes rely more on these public resources as opposed to someone who makes considerably less, then they should pay a higher portion of their income.

    so here's my question. let's say i don't rely on public roads at all. for the sake of argument let's say i manage to make a million dollars a year, with transactions i performed solely through the internet. i currently pay about fifty bucks a month for my internet service, which is run by a private business, hence it's not public. would anyone here argue that because i've gained so much because my use of the internet, that i'm somehow obligated to pay more to my internet service provider, than someone who doesn't profit at all? likewise, should someone who doesn't profit financially at all from the internet be exempt from having to pay for internet service?

    6 AnswersPolitics10 years ago
  • if saddam had wmd's...?

    it seems to me there's a lot of confusion on both ends as to what the official reports on iraq possession of wmd's both before and after the iraq war. many people are citing findings by the iraq survey group as gospel that saddam definitely did not have have wmd's, nor the ability to produce them. however, from what i've read of the report, all it says is that no wmd's were found during the isg's inspection. not surprisingly, those opposed to the iraq war have used this as irrefutable proof that bush lied about wmd's to get us into war with iraq. however, to say that no wmd's (or no evidence of wmd program) were found in a post-war inspection is not the same thing as saying there were no such programs at all.

    for the sake of argument, let's assume that wmd's did exist sometime before the inspection began. is it at all possible that saddam, knowing inspections were imminent, could have ordered the removal of such weapons? if so, would the amount of time between when bush announced his belief that saddam had wmd's and the time when the inspection by the isg began be enough time to remove such weapons and the facilities that produce them?

    for historical context, bush gave his infamous "axis of evil" speech on jan 29, 2002, declaring saddam had wmd's. the iraq war began mar 20, 2003, and the 3 month investigation by the isg ended around oct 2, 2003

    7 AnswersCurrent Events10 years ago
  • Laws protecting citizens from tyranny of the majority?

    Can anyone cite a bill/law that was passed this year in the u.s. congress that protects citizens from the tyranny of the majority?

    1 AnswerOther - Politics & Government10 years ago
  • question about pregnancy?

    what health risks, particularly in regards to the mother's life, are detectable in the first trimester of pregnancy? supporting documentation would be great. thanks.

    1 AnswerPregnancy1 decade ago
  • autocad 2010 data extraction?

    can anyone tell me if it's possible to work backwards with an xls file that was created using the acad data extraction wizard? in other words, once an xls file is created, is there any way of creating a dwg file from the data in it?

    2 AnswersProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • after six years my ex-gf contacted me...?

    after six years of no contact, my ex-gf contacted me and revealed that she had just recently gotten married. am i the only one who thinks this is weird? anyone with a similar story? should i be bothered by this?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • how accurate is this?

    i was searching for a breakdown of every dollar that gets spent on insurance premiums, which explains how much of it goes towards things like, medical costs, profits, admin. costs, etc., and this is what i could find. does anyone know if this is a fairly accurate analysis?

    2 AnswersInsurance1 decade ago
  • social security and the national debt?

    This may seem like a silly question. It's about social security. As far as i know, the government currently has about $2.5 trillion dollars in i.o.u.'s which it owes to the social security system. This amount makes up part of our approximate $12.5T national debt. So if we were to borrow money from another country to pay off this debt, how would this affect our national debt? The way i see it is it doesn't.

    5 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • is there a way to extract object properties in autocad to a spreadsheet?

    i'm looking for a simple way to gather information about a group of objects (line properties) in autocad, in stead of just doing one at a time. i'm pretty sure acad has a way of extracting such information into a table like a spreadsheet, but i can't remember how to do it. does anyone know how to do this?

    1 AnswerSoftware1 decade ago
  • religiously speaking, is now the time?

    with the recent death of billy mays and the fairly recent arrest of the vince shlomi, i was wondering if anyone else thinks this would be the right time to get into the super-absorbent towel business. with both guys out of the game, i could make millions!!! who's with me?

    3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • what if they're all the same thing?

    what if there really is a god and he's just messing with people? ok, for those who are theists, whether you're a muslim, christian, wiccan, scientologist or whatever, chances are you believe in a higher power of some sort. the problem is, nobody can seem to agree on who that god is. my questions to all of you is, what if they're all the same god? like let's say there is a god, and so before he created the universe, he decided he wanted to have some fun. so rather than create some living creature that would satisfy whatever want a being who is completely sufficient could want, he decided he'd create a group of creatures simply for his amusement. so decided to reveal himself to them, but under different aliases. to the jews he called himself yahweh. to the christians he called himself jesus. to the muslims he called himself allah. to scientologists he called himself zenu. to the hindus, vishnu... and so on. does anyone ever consider this a possibility?

    10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • whether you're a christian, atheist, or something else... are you really that surprised?

    are you really that surprised, when you ask a question, which you know will more than likely offend people who do not share your beliefs or philosophy on life, when you receive hate mail? the reason i ask is i was thinking about the departure of venomfangx from youtube. now, i'm not saying i really believe death threats were his reason for leaving. i'm fairly certain it had something to do with using the name of a charity to scam people out of their money. nevertheless, assuming he did receive death threats, do you think there's any reason why he should be at all surprised by it? shouldn't anyone who spent a good part of the past two years insulting people of other faiths be prepared for hate mail of some sort?

    23 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • why are conservatives so relaxed on abortion?

    that's right. i said conservatives. i understand the stance liberals have on abortion. simply put, conception is not when life begins. and even after life has begun, regardless of when, there is still a necessity for abortion if it poses a threat to the life or health of the mother. it's a difficult decision to make. for this reason, i can understand why issues such as partial birth abortion are under strong debate even among liberals.

    now, conservatives on the other hand have it very simple. life begins at conception. there are no ifs, ands, or buts about it. so why then are conservatives so relaxed on abortion. why are they only concerned about passing bills which prevent only partial birth abortions if all abortions are considered murder?

    24 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • religiously speaking, is anyone else...?

    is anyone else having trouble with youtube this morning?

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Sigmatel audio drivers for windows vista?

    i have a gateway laptop with windows vista. it has a sigmatel soundcard integrated into the motherboard. as far as i know, neither gateway nor sigmatel offer a driver that will support stereo mix for my sound card with windows vista. i've searched online and it looks like the only companies that have resolved this issue are dell and lg. my question is, is there any chance installing the audio drivers from either of these manufactures will resolve the issue?

    1 AnswerLaptops & Notebooks1 decade ago