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jessica G

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  • Wiring a ceiling fan?

    I bought a modular cape this year with an unfinished upstairs. I just finished installing a ceiling fan in my livingroom. It runs off of a switch in my livingroom.

    problem. I just went to operate it using the switch, and when i turn off the switch, my christmas tree turns on. when i turn off the christmas tree or unplug it the ceiling fan light stops working....? I knew the outlet below the light switch was wired to the switch, but now how to I resolve this funky issue?

    What am i doing wrong?

    6 AnswersDo It Yourself (DIY)6 years ago
  • mildew smell in brand new house?

    We just set up a modular cape cod style home, before we even moved in we noticed a mildew smell stong in the bathroom and mild throughout the rest of the home. There are no moisture or condensation areas that we have found and we have looked everywhere, and had our hands in the set up process, so we have seen internal parts of the home.

    What could be causing this smell? A vent? All my plumbing checks out properly so I doubt there is a hidden leak.

    5 AnswersCleaning & Laundry7 years ago
  • Memory foam mattress molding?

    I have a knock off brand memory foam mattress, it is made up of 6" of regular foam with a 2" memory foam top.

    This AM I took my infant son into bed with me after a sleepless night of trying to get him to sleep in his room (gotta love colic) anyway, his diaper leaked through, and got my bed wet. I stripped the sheets and blankets and the mattress cover itself (the one that came with the mattress and stays on permanently) was damp, so I unzipped it from the mattress and noticed that the underside of my mattress had what appeared to be dark grey, blackish mold. HUGE HUGE circle of it, the size of the mattress minus about 6" from each of the edges.

    I sprayed the entire mattress with bleach, and this appeared to kill the mold, it looks to have disappeared about 90%

    We have never spilt anything on the bed, and the mattress is only 2 years old. any ideas of what caused this?

    2 AnswersCleaning & Laundry8 years ago
  • tips on felting crochet items?

    I have seen these types of clogs

    I am more than determined to make them.

    but i want to crochet them and i can crochet anything without a pattern.... but felting is a completely different science.

    when felting crochet, what should i know? im a machine felting virgin.

    2 AnswersHobbies & Crafts8 years ago
  • Snoring husband... its baddddd?

    My husband snores so loud, its crazy. I know an awful lot about sleep apnea since my mother, and first husband have severe cases of it. I know my current husband has it too, however, he's the "don't need a doctor" type of guy. So, I need a way to get sleep...

    Fyi, earplugs are horrible to use daily, and for long periods. I used to be in the air force and was obligated to wear double hearing protection while working, which included foam ear plugs and noise cancelling headphones. The bacteria in your ears duplicates several times if sealed without any air. Sleeping a week with earplugs nearly guarentees an ear infection. So, I need a plan....

    11 AnswersMarriage & Divorce8 years ago
  • I have a reoccuring patch on my scalp, that comes and goes at random.?

    towards my "widdows peak" on my scalp, i have a spot. Its very difficult to explain this to anyone since it comes and it goes, and ive made appointments for this issue, and the following day when i go in to be seen, its gone.

    I first noticed this after getting ready for my highschool prom. that was over 10 years ago.

    the patch seems to have no real explanation... I wash my hair usually with the same products, and go a few weeks at a time without any issue, and then all of a sudden, this spot will appear to be greasy and wet. it will itch like crazy, and feel sticky. I fight to leave with myself not to scratch at it. when inspecting it, nothing is there, other than redness. theres no indicator of where the patch starts or ends, or where the fluid appears to be coming from. theres no holes, no sores, no nothing. just redness and clear sticky crap on my scalp only in this one spot. It always only happens on this one spot. the following day, the ichyness and redness is gone, and large (sometimes even dime sized) flakes of skin come off of my scalp in the spot. they are large enough so that i can slide a comb underneath them, and comb them out fully intact once my hair slides through them. Under them generally is normal scalp. no irritation, no more flaking, nothing... until the next episode.

    I thought this was an issue with products. So i have changed and changed my shampoo and conditioner a million times, and it still happens. ive even used baby shampoo, organic stuff. everything. i have settled on using DOVE, since it seems to have less frequently (about once a month now) while using this.

    so, what could this be? Its annoying as can be, and nobody seems to have any idea. Ive been told exzema, psoriasis, and all the other cleche' skin conditions. but thats not right. Anyone else experience this?

    1 AnswerSkin Conditions8 years ago
  • Reoccuring growth on my thumb?

    I have been a fingernail biter my entire life. and as long as i can remember doing this i have always bitten off hangnails, and broken cuticles as well..... yea i know... filthy habit..

    To ease your stomach, I have quit biting my nails... now at 25 years old.

    I have always been someone who hates any little imperfection on my hands, if a piece of skin snaggs on anything throughout the day, and i dont have a pair of clippers, i have always used my teeth to get it.

    Anyway, since quitting the nail biting, i have also stopped chewing the surrounding skin of my fingernails. and have discovered a growth on my thumb, towards the corner of my nail, closest to the nuckle. I always thought this was a callous from excessive use of my hands... but it occured to me that i am right handed and there is no reason to have a callous forming on my left hand.... ?

    I have looked up various photos of growths, warts, callouses, and such, and the closest thing i can find that resembles it is a "planters wart" but i remember this being on my thumb forever...and its always been something ive either bitten or clipped off. it is hard and painless to clip like a callous, but will bleed. ther are fine pin tip sized blood dots in it, which a planters wart discribes as tiny blood vessels that fund the wart...

    So, if that is the case, It also says that they form in damp places, and only after contact with HPV virus. This makes little sense to me since i have been through extensive medical screening due to another health issue, and many many times have i been checked for various diseases. I am having a hard time thinking that i could be carrying HPV and them never tell me. plus, i have never sheilded this growth from anything, since ive always just thought of it as a callous, and the planters warts are supposed to be contagious to yourself and others. I would assume this would have spread elsewhere on me, and my husband throughout the years if it were contagious, or that it would have gotten to a very large point. or that chewing on it over the years would have made it distroy my insides...? and it hasnt. its hardly noticeable to anyone, except myself. I didnt know if there was anything else that looks or acts like this that is something else?

    3 AnswersSkin Conditions8 years ago
  • making a working yarn spinning wheel?

    I purchased a very convincing spinning wheel planter at goodwill for 6$. It is not an actual spinning wheel, but the components move, and i am convinced i can salvage this into an actual spinning wheel.... but i have no idea how to spin yarn on a wheel and therefor have no idea what i would need to do to rig this to work.

    Any sites or ideas for creating a homeade spinning wheel? We can definately use the wheel, and the base. we just need to figure out a way to make the components work.

    2 AnswersHobbies & Crafts9 years ago
  • What is the best tip you have for a mom to be?

    I have a 2 year old, and just found out number 2 is on its way. If ive learned anything, its that I definately could use more tricks, Im clever, but it seems like all the old ladies have all the right tricks up their sleeves. For example, my two year old is potty training, and the first time he soiled his new spiderman undees, i really had no idea how i would clean them out before throwing them in the wash, except flushing anything big and swishing them in the sink a while to rinse them off. In comes my mother in law, and asks me why i didnt just hold them by the waist band dangling in the toilet and flushed it, letting the water run through them. GENIUS! I never would have thought of that.

    So, what kind of tricks do you got? Its interesting to see what people have to say.

    2 AnswersParenting9 years ago
  • Whats the trick with cloth diapers?

    I have a 2 year old, and I used conventional diapers with him, and we found out baby number 2 is on the way. I am interested in using cloth diapers this time around, but i guess i just dont quite understand.... from what i gather, the cloth diapers these days go along with disposable inserts... is this not basically the same as throwing away diapers? I am looking for a washable alternative to anything disposable. I am pretty handy, and skilled at the sewing machine, so given the right concept, i could even make them myself. Does anyone have any ideas or info that may help me? Im looking to avoid disposable diapers entirely if possible. Theres got to be a magic material, some type of reusable absorbant stuff.... maybe like that orange cloth they advertise on tv with the squinty guy? i cant remember what its called. Anyway, any tips or motherly tricks are welcome. thanks in advance

    2 AnswersNewborn & Baby9 years ago
  • weight loss immediately following child birth?

    i have gained about 40lbs, and about 10 of it are because im overdue now, and my feet and hands are just now beginning to swell.

    how much weight is lost on average from childbirth and the hospital stay?

    3 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • air craft carriers, crew in colored uniforms?

    What are the uniforms called that the crew wears on ships that host fighter jets? They looks like characters from the wiggles!

    long sleeve, bright red, green, yellow... maybe even purple. what branch are they attached to? navy? what are the purposes of the individual colors?

    anyway, there was a photo i saw once of former pres bush walking on an aircraft carrier and being saluted by people in the colored uniforms, and i cant seem to find the photo again.

    2 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • other than contractions, signs of labor?

    My dr has constantly dismissed my concerns that i wont know when labor strikes. my due date is tomorrow (4th of july) and i havent felt a thing the entire time ive been pregnant. I can see the baby move, but i cant really ever feel it, Ive never gotten period cramps, and the dr stripped my membranes thursday and i didnt feel any pain, just pressure. and she warned me that would be painful. my mother and grandmother never got contractions when they were in labor, and both of them say that im taking after them.

    well, with all that being said, my dr tells me there is NO WAY that i wont have contractions, and theres no way that my family hasnt felt them either, so i am upset that my concerns are being dismissed. i know that waiting until my water breaks could mean i only have a short amount of time until i need to start pushing, but the dr wont even entertain my concerns.

    anybody else experience this? what would be other signs that i might feel or notice?

    the only thing that i have been feeling since she stripped my membranes is a soreness in my lower abdomen so when i roll over in bed, or get up from sitting it hurts to move for a few seconds. its intense but it goes away. and doesnt recur until ive been sitting or laying for a while, and then move again.

    1 AnswerPregnancy1 decade ago
  • prior military filing for unemployment?

    i was reciently discharged and im now filing for unemployment. when putting in my previous income, do i count only my base pay or total pay including BAH and other allowances?

    1 AnswerMilitary1 decade ago
  • DIY decorating a nursey!!! CRAFTS!!! gimme ideas!?

    I got a quilt that i am using as a theme to decorate the room for the baby boy were about to have in the beginning of july. its made with bright blues, greens and yellows. so i am sticking to those colors, and trying to incorporate the animals in any way i can. (click link below to see the quilt)

    I made a mobile out of those colors by folding 3d origami stars to hang, Ive printed and colored coloring pages and framed them and hung them in a cluster. but im far from done! we live in an apartment so painting is not an option, sadly.

    I am skilled in pretty much all crafts, crochet, sewing, scrapbooking, drawing, anything you can think of, i have done before and done it to professional quality. But when it comes to ideas Im LOST!!!

    I want to make everything to keep costs as super low as possible, plus i have so many supplies i need to use up.

    Please give me some craft ideas to decorate the babys room! HELP!!!!!

    Photo of Quilt im theming the room around:

    Photo of mobile i made

    Photo of hung coloring pages

    8 AnswersHobbies & Crafts1 decade ago
  • DVR or Tivo to purchase without a subscription?

    I have dvr included in my cable package, so all the thinking was done for me. but, my grandmother does not have that luxury. shes got regular cable with a regular digital converter box and a tube tv about 7 years old. for years she has been recording her late night shows on VHS tapes, often making mistakes, cutting off the end of shows, and getting mad when the channel makes time slot changes.

    I would like to purchase a DVR for her. but, it would have to be one that doesnt require any subscriptions or for her to change or upgrade her current tv or cable.

    anything like this exist?

    3 AnswersTiVO & DVRs1 decade ago
  • do snails leave their shell and become "slugs"?

    We live in a complex that is littered with snails. When i say littered, i mean there are snail parties of about 30 or so at random parts of the walkways throughout the community. we easily see 150-200 snails every night.

    Normally this would not bother me, in fact when on my walks with my dogs, i would avoid stepping on them, and i would pester my husband to be more careful after hearing one crunch beneath his shoes.

    My dogs are starting to eat them, and getting sick the following morning. the vet said that as long as the complex are not using poisons to control the snails we dont have to worry about the snails being fatal, but they can cause parasitic problems that can become serious when eaten.

    so, to protect our dogs and the other animals in the neighborhood, we have begun stepping on every snail in our path to cut down the population. hopefully this eliminates enough of them so that the complex does not start using dangerous pesticides.

    ***************************************The real question: it appears as if there are a lot more slugs than i had noticed before, have the snails that we have stepped on survived and now live without shells?

    5 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • chocolate cookie recipe?

    is there a way to incorporate hot cocoa packets into a cookie recipe? I have a ton of those instant packets of swiss miss, and would like to use them up without needing to drink a million cups of hot chocolate.

    3 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • why does my computer screen turn black if i look at it with my polarized sunglasses on?

    if i look at it straight on, its clear, if i cock my head to the left, it all turns black...but not if i turn my head right. i dont get it.

    4 AnswersMonitors1 decade ago
  • Jaime Reid a good name for a boy?

    weather you're going to bash it or love it, help me out.

    6 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago