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  • is it a crime to tell a cop to politely f off?

    a cop asked me while i was standing on the sidewalk if i had seen a guy in a grey hoodie, and i kindly asked him if he would please f*** off. he then cited me for disorderly conduct. is it a crime to speak words? is it a crime to offend? where is my first amendment.

    7 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police8 years ago
  • What is blood pressure and what is it used to determine?

    Every time i go for my physical they take my blood pressure. Today it was 125 over 75. What do those numbers even mean? What is an unhealthy blood pressure? What is blood pressure used to determine? Thanks.

    3 AnswersHeart Diseases8 years ago
  • Is it illegal to remove VIN number from my car?

    I live in maryland and am wondering if it is illegal to remove the vin number from the dash board and the door jam. local PD wont answer the question. i have my reasons for wanting to do it.

    7 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police8 years ago
  • why is assault on a police officer worse than regular assault?

    a buddy of mine is charged with assault on a police officer, threw an egg sandwich at a cop. why is assault on a police officer a more severe crime than assault on anyone else? dont they put their pants on one leg at a time like everyone else? or are they more important

    5 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police8 years ago
  • Is it smart to buy a hybrid?

    I am trying to save money. I have to pay a little more for a fusion hybrid (around $28k) than the regular fusion (around $23k), but will the gas savings in the long run outweigh the original price difference? Are hybrids more expensive to maintain? Which one is more reliable? I dont trust the dealer with these questions. Thanks.

    2 AnswersBuying & Selling8 years ago
  • how do i find out the dimension of the wheels that are on my car?

    i want to get new wheels that will fit the tires that i already have. i dont know if these numbers mean anything, but the tires say P195/65R15 now how to read those i dont know. i want to know the dimensions of the wheels i already have. the car is a 2000 Honda Accord LX 4 dr. l4. If you can help me, youll be my hero. thanks.

    3 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • why dont airline manufactureres make planes that can hover?

    im a private pilot and i fly for fun all the time and enjoy take offs and landings on runways, but wouldnt it make more economical sense to make airliners that can hover? like if you could diconnect the jetbridge and have the plane take off right from the spot; and then land at their specific gate at their destination? Why waste more time and fuel waiting in line to take off, waiting in line to land on a runway, or holding for departing and arriving traffic on a taxiway? To me, if boeing or airbus could make an airliner that could take off and land from the gate they would make a crap load of money

    18 AnswersAircraft1 decade ago
  • Weed Possession and Minors?

    im 16 years old and I live in maryland and my friend and i were arrested for tresspassing and i had 3.5 g's of weed on me that the cops found. The court date is comin up and im kinda nervous about it. am i gonna go to jail for it? am i gonna have to shower with a bunch of crazy old guys? im scared shitless

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Why are my friend in some sort of competition when it comes to sex?

    Im in high school and i notice that my friends seem to be in a sort of competition to see who can have sex first and with the hottest girl and stuff like this and for those who dont get much from women are almost like outcasts at my school...why is this? anyone can have sex

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Why is it that i always have connecting flights?

    I live in Baltimore and always fly out of BWI and i never am able to book a direct flight it seems like. I always have a connection making it longer and more expensive...what can i do to get more non stop flights?

    5 AnswersAir Travel1 decade ago
  • I have questions on Islam?

    I have a big test to study for tomorrow and forgot to take notes on a section...If you couls answer 1 or 2 of these it would be a huge help!


    1. What did Muhammad see in his revelation regarding prayer?

    2. Where had Islam spread to within 200 years of its birth?

    3. How did the Hajj contribute to culture?

    4. What are some Muslim contributions to medicine?

    5. What positive effect did the Mongols have on Islam?

    6. Who was Mamet the Conqueror and who did he kill to secure power?

    7. What happened to the Hagia Sophia?

    8. How did the Ottomans conquer the Island of Rhodes?

    9. What was Suleimans trade?

    10. What worked against the Ottomans when they tried to conquer Vienna?

    3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Who was Suleiman the Magnificent?

    I have a big test on Monday and this is a section I forgot to take notes on...if you answer 1 or 2 of these questions it would be really really great!

    Thanks alot for the help.

    1. Other than conqust, what was Suleiman known for

    2. What is Suleimania and what is it used for other than worship?

    3. What was Suleiman's trade?

    4. What position did Ibrihim hold under suleiman?

    2 AnswersWords & Wordplay1 decade ago
  • Questions on the Islam religion?

    Have to study for a test and answering 1 or 2 of these questions would be awesome!

    Thanks alot for the help

    1. How did muslim scholars view natural sciences?

    2. What incident in Jerusalem turned christians and muslims against each other?

    3. What positive effect did the Mongols have on Islam?

    4. Who was Mamet the Conqueror? Who did he kill to secure power?

    5. Who was Mustafa?

    6. What was the basis for the split of Sunni and Shi'ite Muslims?

    7. What major European city did the Ottomans set their sights on?

    1 AnswerReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • i have some questions about islam?

    I have a test monday, and these are some of the questions asked, if you could answer one or two of them that would be a really huge help.


    1. what is islams connection with judaism and christianity? and how do muslims view these two religions

    2. why is praying together so important? what is it symbolic of?

    3. What was the outcome of the fighting between muslims and meccans?

    4. what did muhammed do in mecca?

    5. How did muslims treat conquered peoples?

    6. What is the significance of the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem?

    7. What is hajj, and what did it do for cultural interaction?

    8. What did baghdad become for the muslim empire?

    9. What are some muslim contributions to medicine?

    10. Who was saladin and what did he do in 1187?

    11. What did Saladin do for christians in Jerusalem?

    12. What city did the turks set up in 1326?

    13. Where did the Ottoman turks originate from?

    14. What was suleimans trade?

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Is USAF boot camp hard and long?

    Im thinkin about enlisting in the air force to gain experience for being part of a ramp crew for a commercial airline, like loading luggage and fillin the planes with fuel and that stuff. I was wondering whether or not the boot camp for the af is long and hard like the marines and the navy and stuff.

    9 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • I feel like im losing faith?

    Im 15 and have been a strong christian for all my life up to about 6 months ago. I feel like my faith is struggling in that i find it hard to believe that god is actually real because it defies human nature in all that i learn in school. I go to church mostly every week, i really want to believe in God because in my heart I know that He is really up, but my brain keeps telling me no, its not possible. Is there anything that I can do, is there anything that physically explains that gods true?

    46 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • why am i feeling nauseous?

    I stayed home from work for the past 2 days recovering from a cold. I have done nothing for these 2 days kind of enjoying not having to work. My cold is gone but now I am feeling extremely nauseous, i think it may be because ive just been layin around for 2 days? or maybe its because of something I ate? I am just feeling extremely queasy and have no idea why. What are some ways to get rid of this? and why am I feeling this?

    4 AnswersOther - Health1 decade ago
  • can you agree that america has the best military?

    for example, the us has 19 total super aircraft carriers, no other country even has one!

    9 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago