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View my profile and "pulse" look me up on Facebook: "Sean B. Kelly" "Tuna8er" Portland oregon

  • 4G LTE Sim Card router with HULU live T.V.?

      I use a Mofi4500 4G LTE Sim Card router for Internet, it is enough for one person, but slow during peak hours.  For half the price, and mobile.  Hulu; only allows home Internet for live T.V. (Spectrum, Comcast, etc.).  How can I get around this restriction?  Can I use an alternate IP?  Do they make exceptions.  I was getting HULU no ads, plus HBO Max, Showtime, Starz, and Cinemax before no problem.  Now that I have switched my base plans I can not even sign in to see on demand or the Premiums, which worked before the switch.  It works on my father's wifi, which I marked as home but I am only staying here temporarily, and on my phone (but not to cast the screen to anything that is not on his network for more than 30 days).  After doing some research, Youtube T.V. does the same thing but they allow 90 days.  I loved the Idea of taking my T.V. anywhere I go with me, now it is just bunk.  Any suggestions, or fix ideas?

    1 AnswerOther - Internet6 months ago
  •   I pay for Hulu live TV where I live, for my parents and I.  I am moving soon...?

    ...and my Hulu account will come with me.  My father, and grandfather are old (82, & 90), and on a fixed income.  They live also with my Step Mother who takes care of them, the 90 year old is her father.  Is there a way to keep them receiving my Hulu tv access after I move?

      Hulu has a home network policy that is pretty strict.  Maybe changing thier IP, or Mac, a VPN, arrangements with hulu.  If they are going to be this strict they should charge less, or cut the price; in half if you want 2 or 3 locations on the second and third accounts.  I say 3 because they are also talking about putting the 90 year old in a full time home with caregivers.  Without his Hulu he would get bored and deteriorate rapidly like my father's mother did, long before hulu was invented.   It is sad we have all this technology, and all these companies have slot of ways to use it to make life better, but due to greed (i.e., Disney) they don't use it that way.  Instead they target hipsters and the wealthy for huge profits, and lawmakers just watch or help them.   

     If anything, these services and technologies that could be used to make lives better make it worse be charging so much and reminding you your poor all the time, and by giving you the knowledge that there is something like these things out there but you don't have it and can't get it (most likely not in thier lifetime)

    4 AnswersComputer Networking6 months ago
  • 2nd D.U.I. in 2002, What do I need to do to get my California Drivers License back?

      In 1999 California,  I was convicted of Willfully under the influence while in possession of a loaded and Operational Fire Arm (While on Tylenol 3/Codeine, my prescription, I basically broke my neck In the Army as a Paratrooper).  In 2002, I got a 2nd DUI charge, for actually driving after drinking.  I did probation and got a Stay on the 18 month program since I was living in the V.A. in W.L.A. for spine Treatment, for about a year and half.  I got fed up with the V.A. and moved to Thailand for 3 years with the Courts Permission.  When I came back in 2007, I had a warrant and Taken to San Bernardino where I stood before a Judge and was granted an indefinite stay on Alcohol school, 2nd offense, which needed to be completed to California standards before I could get a new Drivers license.  I haven't Driven since 2002.  Can I get my license back now?  I still haven't done the 2nd Alcohol school in any state, as the Judge Ordered.

      In 2012, I had a urinating in public, that was bumped up to misdemeanor indecent exposure.  In 2017, I had a disordely conduct Infraction, This was Oregon.

      Can I get the 2nd DUI expunged to a misdeanor and get my license back that way?

      It was 18 years ago, and I am not on scripts as often anymore.  I am a Disabled Veteran, 40% Service connected ($617/m) since I was 24, and on S.S.A. ($960/m after Medicare) since I was 27,  reluctantly.  I have moved back to California Temporarily, and just grocery shopping without a car nearly breaks my bank.

  • My Fiance took her own life 11 years ago, after discovering HIV, and I still can't stop comparing Women to her...?

    ...she was Asian, from Thailand, and did it to protect her family's Honor and name. She had just turned 20, and broke up with me 2 weeks before. I was 29.

    It has been 11 years and when I look for women to date or whatever, I seem to only notice how different they are from her, and they don't measure up. How can I get passed this, I haven't been on a date or anything since? Starting to notice that I am getting lonelier. I am also a disabled ex paratrooper, who uses a cane. I am also concerned now that I am 42 years old, that maybe I am not attractive enough to start a new relationship, especially since most women that are available are younger.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating3 years ago
  • Why is sling TV not working on my Roku 2 device? The loading wheel just spins and spins and spins.?

    My roku 2 won t play sling tv. I contacted sling support and they had all the normal recommendations, restart the device, refresh the router, restart the modem change the connectivity settings, all did not help. Finally they sent me an email saying to go to support setting and turn on logging for their techies. How can I get it to work?

    3 AnswersTVs5 years ago
  • El Paso, Texas? Is Sun Metro the only Public Transportation there, they look like they stop running a little early?

    I currently live in Portland, OR, but would like to move to El Paso. The problem is rthe public Transportaion doesn't look line run late enough. Here in Oregon, I pay disabled fare as I am a disabled Veteran, It's.currently $1. I would rather pay the extra $.70 to avoid the heat of the day, as most medications casue dehydaration, and you have to buy fluids to stay on top of this. Not driving also cuts down on Social activities available since most work 9_5 PM. Some things to consider, for Sun Metro, El Paso, TX/ Or maybe you know first hand? The cost of living doesn't seem to be so high there, and for Vacations Mexico is just a short trip away, I am originally from Los Angeles.

    2 AnswersOther - United States7 years ago
  • Clash of Clans Question: Donating troops?

    I read online that all members of a clan castle may donate up to 5 troops to the clan defense slash offense. So I started a clan thinking I as a member could donate 5 troops to my own clan. Am I right in thinking I can donate 5 troops to myself, and if so how, I have been trying all night?

    3 AnswersVideo & Online Games7 years ago
  • What do you think of these for my next 3 Tattoos, done it U.V. ink, Cool or Not Cool?

    They would be Done in U.V. Ink, (show up only under Black light/U.V. light like White, but only a little pinkish mark on my skin during the day). Oh, and I am a heterosexual Male for the context of the Tattooee/tatto reipient?

    I am going to get them anyway, but want opinions, and reasons for those opinions.

    The Barcode would be on my neck, and Being a Disabled Veteran/ex-Paratrooper Has significance to me, it is my Social Security/Service number.

    The Oroboros would go on my Left hand, and the Hong of War on my Right. I am an Ordained Taoist, and the Oroboros represents reincarnation (like the wheel of life)/Cycle of life, Dragon Eating it's own tail from the life comes life), and the Hong of War represents Conflict/war with two dragons Fighting/Facing/Conflicting each other (Science/Society Clashing.with Religion, Mythology, Thoelogy, Folklore, Tradition, Heritage)

    other tattoos:my Left Arm: ForeArm; (Front) Taurus Constelation Mapped out (also on my right, both at wrist level, For the 12 month Zodiac, my Sun sign and Moon sign are the Same), year of the Rabbit (B-Day in Chinese Zodiac Script), Hexagon/Hexagram (Star of David, I am 1/8 Jewish of French Decent) (Back of ForeArm) Egyptian Ankh with infinity Sign in it (sideways 8, or 2 perfect Circles Joined, wrist level), U.S. Army Airborne Wings (with Green/Olive Drab Parachute Conopy) with Black Beret on it (for Rangers, before the Army switched to everyone wearing a Black Beret), Yin and Yang. Upper left: Tribal Arm Band (all the way around, from one side of my pit to the other), Sign of Aries (the 13 sign Zodiac, modern Zodiac, same as on the right also). Upper Back/Low Neck: Star of Lakshmi, Rub el Hizb (Octogram/Octogon, faded a little so take care of yours, espeacially the first week). Right Arm: ForeArm: (Front) Taurus Constelation Mapped, Year of the Dragon (year I was old enough to become a Chief in Judaism, in Chinese Script, I wanted something Dragon Related but not a cheesy Dragon Picture) and a Penticle (5 Pointed Star, 5 elements, earth, Water, Fire, Air, Heart) (Back, otherside) Sacred Heart (burnt almost completely off, years later) on a Sword shaped like a Crucifix (Color). Upper Right Arm: Peace sign in Rose stems (blurred spikes 20 years later) with amererican Stars and Stripes inside, Marvin the Martian (From Looney tunes, "must Destroy the Earth it Disrupts my View of Venus, Where is that P-38 Space Modulator?".), Sign of Aries.

    I put the ones on my left because they represent the Loving and nutureing side of Religion, and the ones on my right (i.e., the Right Hand of God) represent the Wrathful side of Religion, except for Marvin, I still like my Marvin though, I have had it 18+ years, and Looney tunes are timeless, and Innocent and was my first time, like a virgin, ahhh!, good times..

    4 AnswersTattoos9 years ago
  • I have 3 Questions about Triple Citizenship, U.S., Ireland, and Netherlands?

    I was born in 1975, in California, U.S. My mother, and Grandparents were Dutch Citizens (Mother Born <1951> and raised in the Netherlands, and My Grandfather was in the Dutch resistance against the Nazi’s, my Grandmother Bornand raised in the Netherlands around 1915) at the time, my Father is U.S. (New York, 1938), and his parents are Irish (Born in the 1889 and 1899, He served in World War I with the Allies). He and I have both served in the U.S. Military (Him Marines, and me Army) and he just recieved Dual Citizenship to Ireland in (2004) through his Parents and I have applied for Dual Citizenship to Ireland as a Decendant of my Grandparents, through Naturalization, I am a U.S. Citizen. I have 2 Questions, one is if my mother naturalized in the 1980’s can I still opt for a declaration (via the Consulate, fees and all) Dutch Citizenship, and do I have to get my Irish Citizenship before Dutch Citizenship to ensure I keep all 3 Citizenships, so as not to cancel out Dutch Citizenship (I read you can keep any Citizenship you had before you recieve Dutch Citizenship, but any new citizenships after and you Forfiet your Dutch Citizenship) (unless for marraige)?

    Oh yeah, I also have 3 D.U.I.'s (I don't drive anymore), 2 are Felonies, will that hurt my chances for either Ireland or Netherland Citizenship, The last was 10 years ago (I haven't driven in ten years, I would never sleep again if I ran over a kid or something) and the other felony was 13 years ago, and the misdemeanor was 17 years ago?

    On October 1, 2010, the Dutch did an ammendment to thier law allowing a decendant of a Dutch Mother, and non Dutch father, can opt for a Declaration of Citizenship to Holland if born Before, 1 January 1985. It used to be I would have had to live and work in Holland for 2 years before I turned 25, then I could apply for Dual Citizenship, and if I had done that I would lose my Dutch Citizenship I would have lost it when I applied for Citizenship to Ireland. I don't think this will affect my U.S. Citizenship, will it?

    I have a U.S. Passport. (i only mention because of the Felonies)

    3 AnswersOther - Ireland9 years ago
  • I have 3 Questions about Triple Citizenship, U.S., Ireland, and Netherlands?

    I was born in 1975, in California, U.S. My mother, and Grandparents were Dutch Citizens (Mother Born <1951> and raised in the Netherlands, and My Grandfather was in the Dutch resistance against the Nazi’s, my Grandmother Bornand raised in the Netherlands around 1915) at the time, my Father is U.S. (New York, 1938), and his parents are Irish (Born in the 1889 and 1899, He served in World War I with the Allies). He and I have both served in the U.S. Military (Him Marines, and me Army) and he just recieved Dual Citizenship to Ireland in (2004) through his Parents and I have applied for Dual Citizenship to Ireland as a Decendant of my Grandparents, through Naturalization, I am a U.S. Citizen. I have 2 Questions, one is if my mother naturalized in the 1980’s can I still opt for a declaration (via the Consulate, fees and all) Dutch Citizenship, and do I have to get my Irish Citizenship before Dutch Citizenship to ensure I keep all 3 Citizenships, so as not to cancel out Dutch Citizenship (I read you can keep any Citizenship you had before you recieve Dutch Citizenship, but any new citizenships after and you Forfiet your Dutch Citizenship) (unless for marraige)?

    Oh yeah, I also have 3 D.U.I.'s (I don't drive anymore), 2 are Felonies, will that hurt my chances for either Ireland or Netherland Citizenship, The last was 10 years ago (I haven't driven in ten years, I would never sleep again if I ran over a kid or something) and the other felony was 13 years ago, and the misdemeanor was 17 years ago?

    On October 1, 2010, the Dutch did an ammendment to thier law allowing a decendant of a Dutch Mother, and non Dutch father, can opt for a Declaration of Citizenship to Holland if born Before, 1 January 1985. It used to be I would have had to live and work in Holland for 2 years before I turned 25, then I could apply for Dual Citizenship, and if I had done that I would lose my Dutch Citizenship I would have lost it when I applied for Citizenship to Ireland. I don't think this will affect my U.S. Citizenship, will it?

    I have a U.S. Passport. (i only mention because of the Felonies)

    2 AnswersNetherlands9 years ago
  • I have 3 Questions about Triple Citizenship, U.S., Ireland, and Netherlands?

    I was born in 1975, in California, U.S. My mother, and Grandparents were Dutch Citizens (Mother Born <1951> and raised in the Netherlands, and My Grandfather was in the Dutch resistance against the Nazi’s, my Grandmother Bornand raised in the Netherlands around 1915) at the time, my Father is U.S. (New York, 1938), and his parents are Irish (Born in the 1889 and 1899, He served in World War I with the Allies). He and I have both served in the U.S. Military (Him Marines, and me Army) and he just recieved Dual Citizenship to Ireland in (2004) through his Parents and I have applied for Dual Citizenship to Ireland as a Decendant of my Grandparents, through Naturalization, I am a U.S. Citizen. I have 2 Questions, one is if my mother naturalized in the 1980’s can I still opt for a declaration (via the Consulate, fees and all) Dutch Citizenship, and do I have to get my Irish Citizenship before Dutch Citizenship to ensure I keep all 3 Citizenships, so as not to cancel out Dutch Citizenship (I read you can keep any Citizenship you had before you recieve Dutch Citizenship, but any new citizenships after and you Forfiet your Dutch Citizenship) (unless for marraige)?

    Oh yeah, I also have 3 D.U.I.'s (I don't drive anymore), 2 are Felonies, will that hurt my chances for either Ireland or Netherland Citizenship, The last was 10 years ago (I haven't driven in ten years, I would never sleep again if I ran over a kid or something) and the other felony was 13 years ago, and the misdemeanor was 17 years ago?

    2 AnswersEmbassies & Consulates9 years ago
  • I have 3 Questions about Triple Citizenship, U.S., Ireland, and Netherlands?

    I was born in 1975, in California, U.S. My mother, and Grandparents were Dutch Citizens (Mother Born <1951> and raised in the Netherlands, and My Grandfather was in the Dutch resistance against the Nazi’s, my Grandmother Bornand raised in the Netherlands around 1915) at the time, my Father is U.S. (New York, 1938), and his parents are Irish (Born in the 1889 and 1899, He served in World War I with the Allies). He and I have both served in the U.S. Military (Him Marines, and me Army) and he just recieved Dual Citizenship to Ireland in (2004) through his Parents and I have applied for Dual Citizenship to Ireland as a Decendant of my Grandparents, through Naturalization, I am a U.S. Citizen. I have 2 Questions, one is if my mother naturalized in the 1980’s can I still opt for a declaration (via the Consulate, fees and all) Dutch Citizenship, and do I have to get my Irish Citizenship before Dutch Citizenship to ensure I keep all 3 Citizenships, so as not to cancel out Dutch Citizenship (I read you can keep any Citizenship you had before you recieve Dutch Citizenship, but any new citizenships after and you Forfiet your Dutch Citizenship) (unless for marraige)?

    Oh yeah, I also have 3 D.U.I.'s (I don't drive anymore), 2 are Felonies, will that hurt my chances for either Ireland or Netherland Citizenship, The last was 10 years ago (I haven't driven in ten years, I would never sleep again if I ran over a kid or something) and the other felony was 13 years ago, and the misdemeanor was 17 years ago?

    2 AnswersImmigration9 years ago
  • Why do people ask questions about Creation Theory, when they obviosly have thier mind already made up?

    This is more a statement than a question, I have just answered a question, where the asker voted Best answer for an answer that stated, "There is extensive Data proving that Big Bang "THEORY' and Evolution are real", and not a Creator (God). When Evolution is a Fact, but limited to as to how far back it can be traced, there is a Missing link. Big Bang is just a Theory, and no more Far Fetched than Creationism, except for the Fact that the Law of averages, states that an accident, like Life among Chaos, can be reproduced, and would be much more abundant (especially since the earth is only 4 Billion years old, yet the Cosmos is 14 billion years old <ball park>, when I was growing up, Science Stated that the earth was 425 Billion years old and there was no telling how old the Cosmos was, or will be). Thus Creation (A sentient order to this Chaos is far more Viable than random life sprouting from no where), however, all are just Theories and require Faith (whether it be in Science, Creation, or both). If they were not only Hypothetical and Theory (If there is so much Data to support any one or more than one, they would not be Theories, they would be infoulable Scientific fact.

    Lastly, who's to say that Evolution didn't happen it what god calls days.

    Oh, and another question I answered must have shaken someone up so much, because they deleted thier Question.

    This reminds me of Albert Einstien's Definition of stupidity of doing something over and over again and expecting different results.

    Some peoples kids are just idiots, and want to justify it, or just justification that they will be O.K. and won't be left out, and will come up with anything to get it. Even if the only one who can ensure that is themselves, what thier doing is just empty Greediness. I could keep going on this, but why?

    Here's the question:;%E2%80%A6

    P.S. I am a Taoist.

    ****By the way the correct spelling for "Chi" is Qi, and Lao Zi is not the Father of Taoism, It's older than that, the Oldest "surviveing" Copy of some of his works are older than what has been found (and Translated over 200 times, most of which is opinionated by Western Translators (similar to the King James Version of the "Bible" <which is a compilation of works>), Confucious would be one of (and the most famous of) the Masters of Taoism, Sun Tzu is another, Buddha another, Shiva another, etc., Jesus').

    Sorry, I am just venting but I really like the answers/feedback

    I have 6 Doctorates in Divinity (2 Honorary <Ordained>, 1 not), Theology (1 Honorary <Ordained>), and Philosophy (1 Honorary, 1 not), none are recognized by the U.S. Department of Education. I am a Disabled Veteran, and Have been to 30+ Countries, 20+ states, was raised Catholic, Baptist, and Jewish. My First Language was Dutch, then Gaelic Irish (includes tons of folklore and superstitous conversation), and then English. I have studied with both Chinese (Taoist and Zen) Buddhist monks and some of Thailands Therravadda Buddhist monks. And have dove deep into the Mythological side of Theology, Philosophy, and Religion. Mostly Research, I am not into the preaching thing...

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Why do people ask questions about Creation Theory, when they obviosly have thier mind already made up?

    This is more a statement than a question, I have just answered a question, where the asker voted Best answer for an answer that stated, "There is extensive Data proving that Big Bang "THEORY' and Evolution are real", and not a Creator (God). When Evolution is a Fact, but limited to as to how far back it can be traced, there is a Missing link. Big Bang is just a Theory, and no more Far Fetched than Creationism, except for the Fact that the Law of averages, states that an accident, like Life among Chaos, can be reproduced, and would be much more abundant (especially since the earth is only 4 Billion years old, yet the Cosmos is 14 billion years old <ball park>, when I was growing up, Science Stated that the earth was 425 Billion years old and there was no telling how old the Cosmos was, or will be). Thus Creation (A sentient order to this Chaos is far more Viable than random life sprouting from no where), however, all are just Theories and require Faith (whether it be in Science, Creation, or both). If they were not only Hypothetical and Theory (If there is so much Data to support any one or more than one, they would not be Theories, they would be infoulable Scientific fact.

    Lastly, who's to say that Evolution didn't happen it what god calls days.

    Oh, and another question I answered must have shaken someone up so much, because they deleted thier Question.

    This reminds me of Albert Einstien's Definition of stupidity of doing something over and over again and expecting different results.

    Some peoples kids are just idiots, and want to justify it, or just justification that they will be O.K. and won't be left out, and will come up with anything to get it. Even if the only one who can ensure that is themselves, what thier doing is just empty Greediness. I could keep going on this, but why?

    Here's the question:;_ylt=Aq6fe...

    P.S. I am a Taoist.

    ****By the way the correct spelling for "Chi" is Qi, and Lao Zi is not the Father of Taoism, It's older than that, the Oldest "surviveing" Copy of some of his works are older than what has been found (and Translated over 200 times, most of which is opinionated by Western Translators (similar to the King James Version of the "Bible" <which is a compilation of works>), Confucious would be one of (and the most famous of) the Masters of Taoism, Sun Tzu is another, Buddha another, Shiva another, etc., Jesus').

    Sorry, I am just venting but I really like the answers/feedback

    I have 6 Doctorates in Divinity (2 Honorary <Ordained>, 1 not), Theology (1 Honorary <Ordained>), and Philosophy (1 Honorary, 1 not), none are recognized by the U.S. Department of Education. I am a Disabled Veteran, and Have been to 30+ Countries, 20+ states, was raised Catholic, Baptist, and Jewish. My First Language was Dutch, then Gaelic Irish (includes tons of folklore and superstitous conversation), and then English. I have studied with both Chinese (Taoist and Zen) Buddhist monks and some of Thailands Therravadda Buddhist monks. And have dove deep into the Mythological side of Theology, Philosophy, and Religion. Mostly Research, I am not into the preaching thing...

    6 AnswersPhilosophy9 years ago
  • Would a Toshiba Satellite L series parts be compatible with a Dell Inspirion 9300 Mother Board and Chipset?

    I had a Toshiba Sattelite L Series Laptop, and I broke the screen, like the 5th Computer in 3 years. So I started buying used computers (I am a Disabled ex-Paratrooper andhave Nerve Damage on my left, with a fixed income, and I accidently do things to break the screens), used seems to save me a couple Hundred Dollars each time. I had a HP I bought used, and after a year it just stopped working, and I am now using a Dell Inspirion 9300, except it's been about a year and is starting to act up (but it's a tank with a 22" Screen, 6 USB, and your average 32-bit CPU. I upgraded to windows 7, about 5 months ago, and love this computer. Can I pay someone to take these parts and swap them out with the Dell from the Toshiba (or do it myself, and which ones can I do myself):

    1) Sound&Video card

    2) Hard Drive (the Toshiba had a larger Hard Drive)

    3) SD card reader (never worked on the Dell, since I've had it)

    4) DVD RW drive (the Toshiba had a faster recording speed)

    5) Head Phone Jack (Dells Broke when I dropped it about a month after I purchased it)

    is there anything else I may be able to swap out, the Toshiba is about 2 years old, and the Dell was manufactured in 2006?

    Thanks, for info...

    1 AnswerLaptops & Notebooks9 years ago
  • What happened to my Answer, that I gave on Yahoo! Answers?

    I answered a question, and it posted, edited it a few times after I submit my answer. This is to check and/verify my answer online (as I almost always do, depending on the question, and Yahoo! encourages this, and so do I so you don't cause someone Harm or Damage <Next time you give an answer, scroll down the page, and there is a search bar so you can research your answers on the right, sometimes isn't there until after you submit the question, so you can Edit). Anyway, the question went to Voting and my answer disappeared. Why?

    3 AnswersYahoo Answers9 years ago