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  • Can I pay someone to remove/desensitize the steering wheel lock on my car?

    I just got a 2003 Pontiac Sunfire. Neat car, only thing is the built in steering wheel lock locks every time you turn off the car, and it is extremely difficult for me to "unlock" it (timing the jigging of the steering wheel, etc.) Can I just pay a shop to remove it?

    1 AnswerMaintenance & Repairs6 years ago
  • Do you think a landlord/manager would tell the truth if I asked if there were roaches?

    May sound like a silly question, but has anyone ever straight up just asked management in the negotiating stage of getting an apartment if there is a problem with roaches or other pests in the apartment? I'm moving to another state on a short notice and wont have time to check it out, just have to trust other tenant's reviews. It seems they wouldn't tell me even if there were because they want me to rent there.

    3 AnswersRenting & Real Estate7 years ago
  • Adoption experiences (preferably Christian)/opinions on my situation?

    I am a 22 year old woman, graduating college in May, pregnant and due in mid-July. I am a Christian who made the mistake of having premarital sex with an unbeliever. He wants to be a part of the child's life, but has no intentions of being in a relationship with me (we never dated, were only "friends"). I have reasons to believe that he did this on purpose/wanted me to get pregnant. He has no job and no place to stay and is 28 years old. I work at my school and have a temporary apartment (just until I graduate, maybe a few more months). Due to the circumstances, I am considering adoption. I don't feel like either one of us are ready to raise a child. I want to give my child better than I had, not worse. And quite frankly, I want this guy out of my life. I know that if I kept the baby I would feel obligated to make sure they saw their father, as I grew up not knowing who my biological father was and know what its like to meet at 18. I know I made a mistake and it's 50% my fault, but I really don't want to give a child a mediocre life. I want to know anyone's experiences with adoption, positive and negative, adopters or adoptees. The more similar, the better (i.e. parents cared about you but couldn't do it, stayed in touch, etc.) If I did take this option, I would make myself available. At the same time I wouldn't want to get into a sticky situation of overstepping parental boundaries...I just need as much info as possible. This is just an idea at this time, I am 12 weeks pregnant.

    7 AnswersAdoption7 years ago
  • Guy: If a girl/woman you just met told you she was celibate, would you still continue to talk to her?

    She is someone you find attractive and struck up a conversation with for the purpose of trying to date/get to know. Answer honestly, and state your age if you don't mind. I want to see how many guys would really continue talking to a girl if she stated from the beginning that she does not have sex.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • On a scale of 1-10 how much do you enjoy life?

    Also, do you believe in God? Answer "yes" or "no". No personal comments if you can help it, just a number & yes or no.

    Best answer will be chosen randomly, maybe the person with the coolest username or something like that.

    15 AnswersPolls & Surveys9 years ago
  • For guys: What would your reaction be to a woman "catcalling" you?

    I was thinking, what do men think if a woman calls out comments like "Hey sexy!" or where to whistle at them, etc. Is it attractive? Unattractive? Weird? Give me input.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • No one else can ever compare to him?

    I met this guy in August who is absolutely perfect for me. I love him more than anything. He is one of my best friends and he does like me, but he doesn't want to be in a serious relationship (at all, not just with me) and on top of that he might be moving away soon. We are both only 20 now, so I believe that we could be together in the future when he has had his "freedom" & got that all out of his system (I'm not concerned with that, I have no problem settling down with someone right now). He said whenever he is in the area he will come see me.

    Since he will inevitably be with other girls, I don't want to cut myself off and just be "waiting for him" because that will make me depressed. The thing is, no other guy even comes close to making me feel the way he does, so I'm not even interested in anybody else. Is this bad?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • Strange dream--reincarnation, bears, wolves, speedboats?

    So I had this dream that my best friend's 4 year old brother (who is very smart in real life) was actually this 40 something year old man that was rich & had died and been reincarnated as the boy. At first I was talking to the boy & I asked him how old he remembers being (trying to see if he remembered being a baby) and he said only a year, then he started talking about being 35 and rich and whatnot, then I said that he must have died & been reincarnated. all of the sudden I could see what he looked like when he was a man! He was olive-skinned, had slicked black hair, a hard face, and a leather coat (classy, not biker). Everyone else, including his sister (my best friend) still saw him as a little boy, but I could see him as the man. I figured he must have been sent back to live a better life this time around, so we had an in-depth conversation about life and I told him "Do what is right, starting with the smallest decisions you make. Just do the right thing over the wrong thing and you'll be fine."

    Later we were all walking down a sidewalk. We saw two bears, a brown one and a black one in the distance, so we stopped to see what they were going to do. They were on the opposite side of the street, but then they crossed over to our side, so we started walking quickly in the opposite direction so they wouldn't notice us. We planned to detour back to where we were going when we where far enough away from them. So we kept walking, then there was a white wolf! We ran past it but it kept coming. We ended up at this old ship dock. For a minute or so the wolf was right behind me, just sniffing. I stood really still & let it, then it eventually ran in another direction. We knew it was bound to come back though, so we had to figure out how to get away. There was some water (maybe a river or lake?) & my friend noticed that there were security people in a big speed boat with little personal boats attached to it, and ironically there were 3 (enough for all 3 of us), so we swam across the water, and got in. We told the rescuers what happened, they said the bears had never harmed anybody. They didn't say anything about the wolf. They had an attitude as if things like this occurred everyday.

    2 AnswersDream Interpretation9 years ago
  • Has anyone ever married the man or woman "of their dreams" How did it turn out?

    Someone that had every trait you'd ever admired in a person, someone you considered perfect. Has anyone ever found & married this person? How did it go? I want to know if there is a such thing as a perfect marriage. (No pessimists, just people with experience)

    7 AnswersMarriage & Divorce10 years ago
  • Why do so many people say they don't like Lil Wayne...?

    Yet they know specific lines to his songs, and his album sales continuously break records. Just sayin, if I really think somebody's music sucks that bad, I don't know many of their songs, let alone the words to them.

    14 AnswersRap and Hip-Hop10 years ago
  • What condition(s) can cause a wound not to heal/clot?

    My grandmother has an open (small) wound on her thumb that has been bleeding for about 2 weeks now. She does not know how the skin opened. She went to the doctor & they used a cauterizer to close it, wrapped it with a bandage, & gave her antibiotics. It has been a week, & it reopened and started bleeding again. I feel like they should have done some blood tests it seems like it could be an indication of something serious. They offered no theories as to how it may have opened or why it isn't clotting & healing properly.

    2 AnswersOther - Health10 years ago
  • What condition(s) can cause a wound not to heal/clot?

    My grandmother has an open (small) wound on her thumb that has been bleeding for about 2 weeks now. She does not know how the skin opened. She went to the doctor & they used a cauterizer to close it, wrapped it with a bandage, & gave her antibiotics. It has been a week, & it reopened and started bleeding again. I feel like they should have done some blood tests it seems like it could be an indication of something serious. They offered no theories as to how it may have opened or why it isn't clotting & healing properly.

    3 AnswersInjuries10 years ago
  • Anyone live in Lafayette, Louisiana near the college?

    Is there bad flooding/evacuations/etc. going on? Is the water even there?

    I am from Pennsylvania and will be going to University of Louisiana at Lafayette this coming fall. My family is worried about my safety because of reports on the news about severe flooding in Louisiana. I do not want this to be a reason why I should not go. Is this area being affected or likely to be? I regularly check the weather for this area and I see no flood warnings.

  • Anyone live in Lafayette, Louisiana near the college?

    Is there bad flooding/evacuations/etc. going on? Is the water even there?

    I am from Pennsylvania and will be going to University of Louisiana at Lafayette this coming fall. My family is worried about my safety because of reports on the news about severe flooding in Louisiana. I do not want this to be a reason why I should not go. Is this area being affected or likely to be? I regularly check the weather for this area and I see no flood warnings.

    1 AnswerNew Orleans1 decade ago
  • Are there any restaurants that seat you with random people you don't know?

    I think I've heard of something like this but I can't think of a way to phrase it so that search engines understand, nor do I remember the name. Any of such plcaes would be good, whether it be a chain or a restaurant unique to one city/state/country. I would love to do something like this.

    3 AnswersOther - Destinations1 decade ago
  • Is Indiana University of Pennsylvania (IUP) an ok place for a black person to be?

    Seriously, is there a higher-than-average amount of racism there? I am thinking about going to this school, but I am concerned because I've never been to the west side of Pennsylvania. Anybody's input who went there, lives around the area, or knew someone that went, I would like your input.


    3 AnswersHigher Education (University +)1 decade ago
  • Is this a sign of childhood sexual abuse or some other mental affliction?

    What could be possible explanations/diagnosis for this?

    There is someone important to me, a woman of around 38-39 years old that displays promiscuous behavior, and has been for as long as I can remember (since at least 18 years old, but could be longer, don't know). She puts up suggestive pictures on the internet, sends dirty pics via e-mail & phone, and seems to be addicted to men's attention.

    I recently found out something that leads me to believe it is more complex than just simply being promiscuous. Once when her daughter was a baby, a man that was having intimate relations with her saw her writing in a notebook one night. He managed to get a hold of it, & discovered she was keeping a log of all the men she had sex with that week. When the man confronted her about a certain individual on the list (it was a friend of his) she denied it, and swore on her baby daughter's life that she did not. He then pulled out the notebook & she was speechless. Documenting things like this seems to indicate a mental problem.

    Also note, she is very secretive about these kinds of affairs, she puts off an image that she is a simple woman raising her kids that does not have a social life at all. She always says how she is "so nice". She would sware up and down (and on her children apparently) that she would never do such a thing.

    Another note, she is not unnattractive, at least with the general consensus. I've never heard/seen anyone who didn't think she was pretty/hot/sexy/etc.

    2 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • Did anyone else notice a theme of death in 90's children shows, movie, games, books, etc.?

    I thought I just had an irrational fear of death when I was little, but now that I look at all the stuff we had for entertainment, I realized they pretty much threw it in our faces! I have also noticed that they have tamed that a lot in recent children's entertainment. Yes there is a lot more stupidity now, but they tend to steer clear of making a point to mention people/things dying.

    3 AnswersOther - Entertainment1 decade ago
  • Pain on opposite side of injury?

    I'm currently in a college dorm, and I have a lofted bed that's way up in the air. Yesterday morning, I fell of it & landed on my right side. It hurt for a little while, but subsided. Today my neck, shoulder, & upper back hurt, but on the left side. Why is this and what does it mean?

    3 AnswersInjuries1 decade ago