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Lv 42,615 points

Captain Catcher

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I play softball, I am the drum section leader in my school band. I own two American Pit Bull Terriers, they are the love of my life. Right now my goals in life are to graduate high school and get into college.

  • How to stop a cat from bringing home prey.?

    I am house sitting for family and they have a dog and two cats. One of the cats is 8 months old and, unfortunatley, is an outdoot cat. They have a cat door so the cats have free rein to go in and out as they please. I can't lock them in, I would if I could.

    My question is, how do I stop the cat from bringing home dead prey, or partially dead prey? She has brought me home something at least twice a day since I've been here. Her owners say she has never done it for them, to be fair they aren't the best owners though. I appreciate the thought and it doesnt bother me, but it scares my cousin who is also staying with me. I get texts everytime she comes home with something.

    4 AnswersCats7 years ago
  • Attachment image

    What is this part called?

    2001 Hyundai Accent, I know this is part of the control arm, but I need to know exactly what it is called so I can order the correct part. It is attached to the drivers rear wheel and it is the bar closest to the back of the car. The one in front of it is fine. I only need the bar. Is it the control arm rear left lower rearward? I'm pretty sure that is what it is, but just want clarification before ordering. Thank you.

    1 AnswerMaintenance & Repairs7 years ago
  • Kittens not taking to bottle?

    Alright, on Monday I took home a mother cat and her 3, four day old kittens to foster. The mother is very young, we think about 8 months and she lost 2 kittens during birth.

    When I got her home I noticed she seemed off, but thought that was from the move. The next day she wasn't eating and by 8pm tuesday she started vomiting. She went to the vet this morning and is having surgery to remove her uterus that they think is infected.

    Okay so now to my question. Because the mother is at the vet the kittens need to be bottle fed. I've bottle fed kittens before and never really had any issues especially when the kittenz were healthy. One of the kittens, the boy, is doing great eating like a champ. His tortie sister is doing okay but only taking in about 1-1.5ml a feeding if that. The tabby sister fights me the whole time. I have been able to at least get .5ml in each feeding.

    Now I know they won't be getting a full 4ish ml per feeding (what they should get accourding to weight), because they weren't getting that much from mom. The two girls had lost weight, about .2-.3oz each and the boy stayed at 5.4. So I know they need to get used to being able to eat more which is fine, but how can I get the tabby to accept the bottle.

    Now I know she is hungry because when I pit her back in the nest she goes up to the stuffed animal and tries to nurse. I've tried feeding her that way to vut she won't take it . Any suggestions would be great.


    4 AnswersCats7 years ago
  • Mother Cat Growling at Newborn?

    Hello, my cat had her kitten today, just one little gray kitty. What we noticed though, is when the kitten cries Willow, the mother, growls at the kitten and will not really bite the neck, but she grabs her with her mouth. Now, I know she isn't growling at us because she wants us there, seriously. When she was nesting she would cry and cry until someone came and sat with her, and she is still doing that now that she has the baby. She has even taken the baby and moved it to my lap while she went downstairs to go potty.

    Anyway, do you have any idea why she may be growling at the kitten when it cries? My mother suggested that she does it because she doesn't want the babies cries to call the other cats up. However, when her sister came in the room to check things out they curled up together and were licking each other and the sister was caring for the kitten without any trouble.

    *** Please no comments saying that we shouldn't be having kittens. I agree, the two girls, Willow and her sister Izzy, are my parents cats and they waited to long to get them fixed and my male got them pregnant. My male cannot be fixed due to a reaction to anesthesia, they went to fix him and weren't able to because he was allergic to the medicine. Both girls will be fixed as soon as their kittens are weened.

    2 AnswersCats8 years ago
  • Irregular period after ovarian cyst removal?

    I had a 12cm ovarian cyst removed on December 21st and for date purposes my period had started on December 20th. The surgery went well, they got the cyst out without having to take the ovary, but while they were in there they found out I have really bad endometriosis. I had always had fairly heavy cycles and had mild cramps ever since I started when I was 10, I'm 20 now btw.

    My question is, is the first period after the removal usually heavier/ more painful. Mine started on the 15th this month and it has been wicked heavy and I've had wicked bad cramps, like bad enough to wake me up at night. (To put this in perspective I'm on a 50mcg fentynal patch for other medical issues, and I have dilaudid for break through pain.) Now my periods usually are fairly heavy, like a super tampon every 3-4 hours. This period has been a super plus tampon barely making it to 2 hours without leaking. Is this normal for after the surgery? I go back to the OBGYN on Tuesday to begin hormone injections for the endometriosis and I will ask her then, but until then I would like an answer. Thank you for any input you can give.

    1 AnswerWomen's Health8 years ago
  • What should I name my kitten?

    My cat had two kittens, first before you say you shouldn't be breeding cats we weren't. I have a male who cannot be fixed due to surgery complications he had as a kitten, and second we found out the cat was pregnant when we brought her in to get fixed. We missed her by like two days.

    Alright, now, what should we name the kittens. There is an all black one that looks exactly like the mother (all black) and his name is Bruin. The one we cannot come up or agree on a name for is a grey and white one, who has the exact same markings of his father. Here is his picture:

    I gave pictures of the mother and father as well just so you can see them.

    Alright so the mothers name is Izzy, the father is Oliver, and they have an aunt Willow in the house as well. What should we name the little guy?

    10 AnswersAdolescent8 years ago
  • What to name my kitten?

    My cat had two kittens, first before you say you shouldn't be breeding cats we weren't. I have a male who cannot be fixed due to surgery complications he had as a kitten, and second we found out the cat was pregnant when we brought her in to get fixed. We missed her by like two days.

    Alright, now, what should we name the kittens. There is an all black one that looks exactly like the mother (all black) and his name is Bruin. The one we cannot come up or agree on a name for is a grey and white one, who has the exact same markings of his father. Here is his picture:

    I gave pictures of the mother and father as well just so you can see them.

    Alright so the mothers name is Izzy, the father is Oliver, and they have an aunt Willow in the house as well. What should we name the little guy?

    6 AnswersCats8 years ago
  • Surviving spring break?

    I'm in college and am going to Myrtle Beach with my softball team mates for spring break. There will be a total of around 15 women sharing two ajoined hotel suits for a week. It will be a Friday to Friday trip and our lugage and equipment will be driving down in a van but we are flying and are allowed to take a backpack on the plan. Anyway, I was asking for any suggestions on how to survive this week with 15 women in a rather small space. How to keep my stuff organized, if you have any packing tips or tricks. I've never flown or been away other than summer camp. I don't know, I just feel lost on what to pack, what to do what NOT to do. Let me know please and thank you.

    I realize this really isn't a question, I would just like any comments, tips, tricks, or advice, than you!

    2 AnswersEtiquette9 years ago
  • Surviving spring break?

    I'm in college and am going to Myrtle Beach with my softball team mates for spring break. There will be a total of around 15 women sharing two ajoined hotel suits for a week. It will be a Friday to Friday trip and our lugage and equipment will be driving down in a van but we are flying and are allowed to take a backpack on the plan. Anyway, I was asking for any suggestions on how to survive this week with 15 women in a rather small space. How to keep my stuff organized, if you have any packing tips or tricks. I've never flown or been away other than summer camp. I don't know, I just feel lost on what to pack, what to do what NOT to do. Let me know please and thank you.

    I realize this really isn't a question, I would just like any comments, tips, tricks, or advice, than you!

    2 AnswersAdolescent9 years ago
  • Surviving spring break?

    I'm in college and am going to Myrtle Beach with my softball team mates for spring break. There will be a total of around 15 women sharing two ajoined hotel suits for a week. It will be a Friday to Friday trip and our lugage and equipment will be driving down in a van but we are flying and are allowed to take a backpack on the plan. Anyway, I was asking for any suggestions on how to survive this week with 15 women in a rather small space. How to keep my stuff organized, if you have any packing tips or tricks. I've never flown or been away other than summer camp. I don't know, I just feel lost on what to pack, what to do what NOT to do. Let me know please and thank you.

    I realize this really isn't a question, I would just like any comments, tips, tricks, or advice, than you!

    3 AnswersHealth & Safety9 years ago
  • Surviving spring break?

    I'm in college and am going to Myrtle Beach with my softball team mates for spring break. There will be a total of around 15 women sharing two ajoined hotel suits for a week. It will be a Friday to Friday trip and our luggage and equipment will be driving down in a van but we are flying and are allowed to take a backpack on the plan. Anyway, I was asking for any suggestions on how to survive this week with 15 women in a rather small space. How to keep my stuff organized, if you have any packing tips or tricks. I've never flown or been away other than summer camp. I don't know, I just feel lost on what to pack, what to do what NOT to do. Let me know please and thank you.

    I realize this really isn't a question, I would just like any comments, tips, tricks, or advice, than you!

    2 AnswersPacking & Preparation9 years ago
  • Girls T-Ball Team Names?

    Hi, I am the New T-Ball Commissioner for my towns rec league. There are four T-Ball teams and they are currently called, Pirates, Giants, Twins, and Cardinals. I think these team names are sending the wrong message to the players. They are softball players not baseball players, there fore I want to rename then after some softball teams, or at least just not after baseball teams, especially ones that suck. Do you have any suggestions. Nothing to wimpy like "The Bumble Bees", I want something that is strong but Fem. Thank you for your input.

    4 AnswersBaby Names9 years ago
  • Girls T-Ball Team Names?

    Hi, I am the New T-Ball Commissioner for my towns rec league. There are four T-Ball teams and they are currently called, Pirates, Giants, Twins, and Cardinals. I think these team names are sending the wrong message to the players. They are softball players not baseball players, there fore I want to rename then after some softball teams, or at least just not after baseball teams, especially ones that suck. Do you have any suggestions. Nothing to wimpy like "The Bumble Bees", I want something that is strong but Fem. Thank you for your input.

    4 AnswersOther - Sports9 years ago
  • Girls T-Ball Team Names?

    Hi, I am the New T-Ball Commissioner for my towns rec league. There are four T-Ball teams and they are currently called, Pirates, Giants, Twins, and Cardinals. I think these team names are sending the wrong message to the players. They are softball players not baseball players, there fore I want to rename then after some softball teams, or at least just not after baseball teams, especially ones that suck. Do you have any suggestions. Nothing to wimpy like "The Bumble Bees", I want something that is strong but Fem. Thank you for your input.

    1 AnswerAdolescent9 years ago
  • How to make T-Ball more fun?!?

    I am 18 years old and have taken on a big responsibility of running my towns T-Ball league. I have looked over some suggestions from previous parents and they say that the game needs to be more fun, or "less boring" as they put it, for both them and the players. The current roster size is 15 girls per team and everyone must be put on the field every inning and everyone must bat every inning. I have already come up with reducing roster size to 11 girls per team. But do any of you have any other suggestions on how to make the game more fun?

    I am open to any suggestions. It is T-Ball, so all the rules of ASA softball do not have to be followed. We can change pretty much anything as long as it befits the girls. The idea of T-Ball is to start them out, teach them the fundamentals, and basically make them want to come back and continue onto softball.

    I appreciate any suggestions, thank you in advance.

    2 AnswersOther - Games & Recreation10 years ago
  • How to make my room feel like?

    an apartment? I am a sophomore in college and I still have to live at home. I would like to make my fairly small room feel somewhat adult and like I have my own space. The furniture I have is a futon bed, a toybox, nightstand, dresser, bookshelf, fish tank, and large dog crate. Everything must stay. Any tips.

    7 AnswersAdolescent10 years ago
  • How to make my room feel like?

    an apartment? I am a sophomore in college and I still have to live at home. I would like to make my fairly small room feel somewhat adult and like I have my own space. The furniture I have is a futon bed, a toybox, nightstand, dresser, bookshelf, fish tank, and large dog crate. Everything must stay. Any tips.

    1 AnswerDo It Yourself (DIY)10 years ago
  • How to make my room feel like?

    an apartment? I am a sophomore in college and I still have to live at home. I would like to make my fairly small room feel somewhat adult and like I have my own space. The furniture I have is a futon bed, a toybox, nightstand, dresser, bookshelf, fish tank, and large dog crate. Everything must stay. Any tips.

    3 AnswersDecorating & Remodeling10 years ago
  • Which laptop is best for Nana?

    My Nana is in her 60's and is getting rid of her desktop and wants a laptop. I'm not sure what kind of laptop to get her. She said that something the size of mine (Toshiba L505) would be good, but she bought this for me a year ago, and I don't think it is sold anymore. I like Toshiba's, personally, and I know how to work them. The only things she is going to use it for is email, banking, and playing spider solitaire. Any recommendations?

    4 AnswersAdolescent10 years ago
  • Which laptop is best for Nana?

    My Nana is in her 60's and is getting rid of her desktop and wants a laptop. I'm not sure what kind of laptop to get her. She said that something the size of mine (Toshiba L505) would be good, but she bought this for me a year ago, and I don't think it is sold anymore. I like Toshiba's, personally, and I know how to work them. The only things she is going to use it for is email, banking, and playing spider solitaire. Any recommendations?

    4 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks10 years ago