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Lv 619,878 points

Brutally Honest Mom

Favorite Answers9%

I'm a mom of 2 from the US. I have a passion for weddings. I love browsing the parenting board, and helping moms with advice. As my name says I am brutally honest. I will not sugar coat anything, especially if i feel the person really needs to hear it. Take me or leave me.

  • What is your opinion on 'community school supplies'?

    Community school supplies is when you send you child to school with supplies YOU bought and they are for everyone in the classroom to use. I've read it about this last night, and the more I read about it the more I'm against it. I have no problem sharing hand sanitizer or tissues, but if I go out and spend money on my child's school needs no one else should be using them except her without her permission. I know some families are struggling, but school starts the same time of year every year, and they have had 3 months of summer vacation to buy stuff. There are back to school giveaways, and I've even donated to some. I should not support every child in the class room because he has lazy parents. my mom was a single mom and always manged to send me to school with what I needed in the days before school giveaways. I see this as Socialism 101. Don't don't get me started with all the germs that will be shared.

    7 AnswersGrade-Schooler8 years ago
  • How to get rid of hives/contact dermaitis in a 3 year old?

    A couple weeks ago we bought an off brand laundry soap because we needed some, and we're a little low on cash that week. My son was allergic so we stopped using it, and went back to our old brand. He still has hives two weeks later, after rewashing his clothing. I have been bathing him daily, and putting some mosturizing lotion with no perfumes on him every night after bath, and during the day. The hives are still there. Is there anything else I can use? I heard Bendryl might help, but it is not safe for kids under 4. I cannot take him to the doctor. I no longer have Medicaid, and he doesn't go on my husband's insurance until March 1st.

    1 AnswerSkin Conditions8 years ago
  • Lost 25lbs, and have severeve back pain on the right side?

    I saw my family doctor today and she ruled out UTI and kidney infection, and even ran a pregnancy test based on other sypthoms, and that was negative. she sent my urine out for further testing. She thinks it might be a herniated disk, but did no further testing. My back has been hurting for 2 weeks now, and exercises, stretching, and OTC pain meds do not help. The only thing that helps is hot showers, but 20 minutes later it hurts again. What could this be?

    2 AnswersPain & Pain Management9 years ago
  • Baby naming trends you hate?

    I'm bored, so I decided to do a little opinion poll here to see what people think. It's meant to be fun, so do not get offensive. What baby naming trends do you hate the most and why? I'll start

    1. Unisex names, because I have one, and growing up with it sucked.

    2. Parents who name their girls spices (Sage, Clover, Cinnamon) only because it's something you cook with. I love spices too, but it is just too weird.

    11 AnswersBaby Names9 years ago
  • Should I invite my daughter's preschool class to her birthday party?

    My daughter is going to be 4 on October 6, and I'm in the process of planning her party. She attends a preschool program, and there is roughly 8 students in her class about the same age. My daughter was shy wen she first started going, but the last few months has been making great strides and playing more with the others. I asked if she wants any of her friends from school to come to her party, and she rattled off this list of most of the students in her class.

    Her party will be at an apple orchard, costs $4 per person and includes, unlimited play area, petting zoo, tour, seeing cider being made, hay ride, one donut and cider per child. If i invited the class and parents would it be unreasonable for them to pay if I put on the invite "no gifts required". I still have to buy the cake, pay for my family, and buy real food to serve?

    Another idea would be to bring in cupcakes the day before and possibly a goodie bag for each student. I just want her to have a good birthday. There will be kids there, but I would like her to have someone her own age there too.

    6 AnswersToddler & Preschooler9 years ago
  • Is my husband an alcoholic?

    my husband and I have been married almost 4 years now. I love him and he is a great father to the kids. However, lately I've been concerned about his drinking. Before I meant him he was addicted to Rx pain meds, and had a doctor who would hand them out like Halloween candy. One day he deiced to quit, and with some help, he did. However he still suffers from pain. He got shot with a BB gun as a child, and the bullet lodged there, and was never removed because it was too close to a growth plate. So he self medicates with alchol. He also "emtional drinks". Him and his dad have a bad relationship, and his dad uses a lot of back handed comiplments, or insults us out right. My husband than goes on a binge, and often these are when things get really bad, and he takes out his anger out on me (not physically, just shouting). When he is sober he is the nicest guy in the world, but I cannot take this much longer.

    What can I do? Drag him to AA? This is starting to have a negative impact on my family. I wish I could make him understand.

    3 AnswersMental Health9 years ago
  • I paid off my student oan completly, overpaid, have a refund check, but...?

    but the check is in my maiden name, even though I sent them numerous copies of my marriage license. I cannot find my license anywhere in the house. Would the band need a copy of it to cash my check. I have a joint account with my husband that we got after we got married. I can go to to the courthouse in the morning and get a copy, but I don't want to pay the $15 if I don't have too.

    BTW, this check was issued by the U.S Treasury, not my university.

    4 AnswersUnited States9 years ago
  • How do kids get Pink Eye?

    My daughter was sent home from daycare today because they think she has Pink Eye. She has an appointment today at 1pm, but I am wondering where this came from. Tuesday night we went swimming at the community college pool, and then when I noticed it. it looked worse yesterday. Today she only had it in the corner of her right eye, with some crusty stuff. My husband, mother, and i thought it looked fine enough to go to school, but I was wrong (I feel dumb about sending her because I am a future nurse). Could she have caught pink eye from the pool, or is it more likely she caught from the daycare center?

    3 AnswersOptical9 years ago
  • How can I get my 3 year old to take her medicine?

    I tried mixing it with juice, giving it to her slowly, mixing with food, and nothing helps. She is on an antibiotic for a skin infection and she has to take it. If she doesn't, the Doctor is going to her scrap off the dead skin at her next appointment. She is on liquid antibiotic. I asked her doctor for a low dosage pill so i can mix it in with applesauce after I grind it up or something, but she refused. The problem is she can smell the medicine.

    3 AnswersToddler & Preschooler9 years ago
  • Where can i find some cute workout clothes in plus size?

    I'm taking a Bosu Ball class in May, and I'm looking for suit cute workout clothes. I bought a top at Wal-Mart that i thought would look good, but I ended up looking 8 months pregnant in it. I want something stylish. i don't want to show up in a plain t-shirt and fat guy sweats. Websites would be helpful.

    3 AnswersFashion & Accessories9 years ago
  • Does Washington DC have a restaurant tax on fast food places, or street vendors?

    I am going to DC next week,and staying in Alexandria. We plan to sight see during the days in DC. I've read from several sources that the restaurants have a 10% restaurant tax on tp of the sales tax. This would cut into a budget big time. if we ate at fast food places, or got stuff from the street vendors does this tax still apply?

    5 AnswersWashington, D.C.9 years ago
  • Home treatment for a plantar wart in a 3 year old?

    My daughter has what looks like a plantar wart on the bottom of her foot. it doesn't hurt when she walks, but at night she keeps rubbing the wart and saying that it hurts, and I cannot get her to stop touching it. Also she has an ingrown toenail of her big toe of the same foot. Does anyone know any treatments for that. I cannot stand our doctor, and only want to see her if I have no other options. We're switching insurance companies, but I havn't found a new ped yet.

    4 AnswersSkin Conditions9 years ago
  • Should I have my 3 year old nose looked at?

    My daughter was climbing off the coffee table earlier today, and slipped. She cut her lip and her nose look swollen and has some bruising to it. However it doesn't have all the signs of a broken nose, and now she is playing and finally calmed down after an hour. Her nose hurts only if you touch it, and she is breathing fine. The nose is just swollen and bruised.

    5 AnswersInjuries9 years ago
  • Does your 3 year old spell their names?

    Today my daughter, Emilee, spelled her first name. I used to work in for a daycare, and never seen a 3 year old spell anything. Does anyone else have a child that spelled at such a young age?

    9 AnswersToddler & Preschooler9 years ago
  • What are the best kid friendly restaurants in Washington/Alexandria, VA?

    I am going there next month with my 2 and 3 year old. We need to know some kid friendly places that are reasonably priced. my kids will eat anything.

    4 AnswersWashington, D.C.9 years ago
  • I'm am traveling in Washing DC/Alexandria, VA next month. What are some interesting things to do with toddler?

    My kids are 2 and 3 years old. What are some interesting things we can do there that their age would enjoy? What are some good "kid friendly" resturants? Also, where are some unique places to shop?

    We already have the National Aquarium planned.

    1 AnswerWashington, D.C.9 years ago