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Favorite Answers10%
  • Which cell phone should I get?

    I have Verizon (otherwise I'd be all over the iPhone) so my options (or the ones I'm looking at) are: LG Dare, LG Voyager in Titanium, Blackberry Storm, and Samsung Saga, or Samsung Omnia. The main things I want are a qwerty keyboard and camera. My current phone is three years old so I'm not sure what the new wiz-bang technologies are. Any techies that can steer me in the right direction?

    5 AnswersCell Phones & Plans1 decade ago
  • Is it considered poor taste to give wedding registry gifts for Christmas?

    Two of my husband's cousins (siblings) are getting married next year (in June and September). I'm trying to decide if it's in poor taste to get the couples Christmas gifts off their wedding registries. Is this taboo? Should I be getting them something more personal and individual for Christmas? What would Emily Post say?

    12 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • Can I transfer Wii info from 1 GB memory card to 2 GB memory card?

    I have a 1 GB memory card in my Wii. It's getting low on space so I got a 2 GB card. Can I transfer everything on the 1GB to the 2GB to make things simple? I was thinking of just popping them in the computer and transferring. Can I than use the 1 GB for something else like my camera or PS2? It's an SD card. Thanks for your help.

    3 AnswersNintendo Wii1 decade ago
  • Is there a way to transfer my Outlook between computers?

    I have a new laptop and I installed Outlook (the whole MS Office Suite) on it but I want the version that is on my old laptop because it has saved emails on there, etc. Is there an easy way to take the copy from my old laptop and put it on my new laptop? Also, can I only open the email on the first laptop it routes to or is there a way to get emails to route to both laptops? Not sure why I'd need that but seems like it would be convenient.

    1 AnswerSoftware1 decade ago
  • I asked this question about 4 months ago and it was removed: ?

    Is there a way to find when and where movies are being filmed in your state or city? Any thoughts on why they removed it? I just searched for similar questions and found some with several answers. Is that why they removed it?

    3 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • I have a new laptop with Vista and Microsoft 2007 preinstalled on it...?

    Can I install XP and Microsoft 2003 on it? I already have the disks from updating an older laptop and I really prefer them. I haven't heard anything good about Vista and I'm not liking MS2007.

    1 AnswerLaptops & Notebooks1 decade ago
  • Infection from acupuncture needles?

    Can you get an infection from acupuncture needles? I saw the acupuncturist several times about a year ago. I noticed since then that I have bumps inside my ear from where needles were. They are sore to the touch. They aren't pimples which makes me think they are due to acupuncture. Has anyone heard of anything like this or had similar trouble?

    4 AnswersAlternative Medicine1 decade ago
  • Hotels in Milwaukee?

    Where are some good places to stay in Milwaukee that are located near Miller Park? I'm looking for something convenient but also a nice hotel. Any tips about getting to Miller Park would be great, too.

    2 AnswersOther - United States1 decade ago
  • Does everything that works on XP work on Vista or do I need some kind of patch?

    OK, so I'm still fighting this whole Vista thing. But I figure I have to embrace it sooner or later since it came installed on the new laptop and XP is being phased out. I haven't taken time to learn about Vista yet but I know some really love and some really hate it. I haven't found anyone in the middle.

    I'm just wondering if I need to get a patch to use things like my MP3 manager on my Vista computer? Anything I need to know about switching programs from an XP to a Vista laptop? Thanks in advance for your expertise.

    6 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • Is there an easy way to transfer my Favorites between laptops?

    My current laptop is XP and my new one is Vista. I need to transfer a lot of Favorites to my new laptop because I use them for work. Is there a way to do this quickly and easily? I'd prefer not to do each on individually since there are lots of them.

    4 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks1 decade ago
  • If a chandelier isn't specifically included in purchase agreement can seller keep it?

    The buyers wanted all the major appliances which is fine. However, the chandelier is a family heirloomn (and realtor should know this as he's part of the family). Its been replaced but now the realtor is saying the sale might not go through because you can't just replace it without telling the buyers. I was told that if its not specifically listed in purchase agreement as staying you can take it as long as it is replaced. This is in MN, if that makes a difference as far as real estate practices go.

    9 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • I need to find the following information:?

    average number of sunny days in Baghdad, Iraq; average number of sunny days in Minnesota; and average gas price in Baghdad. Anyone know some good websites to check out? I've found ones that talk about climate but they don't tell me specifically the number of sunny days they just mention cloud cover, etc. And I've found articles about the gas prices in Baghdad but haven't seen anything with prices.

    1 AnswerWeather1 decade ago
  • Does anyone know what Oprah's reilgious beliefs are?

    I'm in a study right now and there is a lot of controversy over what Oprah believes. I'd like to find something that shows what she believes, coming from Oprah not from writers who are intepretting what Oprah says to determine her religious beliefs. I've searched her website and the internet and I'm not finding a definitive answer. Thanks in advance for your help.

    3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Has anyone had hack attempts after downloading Trillian?

    I've had Trillian on my work computer for a while with no problems. I just downloaded it at home and I notice all these attempted hack alerts. Is it related to Trillian or just a coincidence that I started getting them after I downloaded it? My employer requires us to use it but I can uninstall it from my home computer if its going to be a problem. Any thoughts? Thanks in advance.

    2 AnswersSecurity1 decade ago
  • What do you call a landlord who rents to anyone just to make a buck? Is it greed lord?

    I don't think its slum lord - I think those are crappy landlords who don't maintain their properties. But what is the deal with landlords who rent to anyone/don't evict when tenants are a nuisance. Why should tenants who pay on time suffer because there is one or two tenants who can't live like normal human beings. And it happens everywhere - inner city to affluent suburbs. So why do landlords of apartment, condo, and townhouse communities rent to people who are constantly disturbing their neighbors? Police get called over and over and still the landlords refuse to take action. They have better things to do then babysit rental units for landlords. I know that many landlords (especially with multiple properties) make a ton of cash so are they just greedy? I'm all for helping those less fortunate who need a place to stay, but not at the expense of hardworking people.

    7 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • How much time do you think people average on Yahoo Answers a week?

    I see some people who have earned 900+ points plus a week. Seems like people should have more to do. Are they doing it during work time? Do they not have any hobbies or volunteer commitments? I like earning points and advancing up in levels but not at the sake of spending hours a day answering questions. Does being a Top Contributor just mean you have more free time than the rest?

    1 AnswerYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • Transferring house title to protect assets in case of nursing home care?

    If an attorney advises you to sell your house instead of transfering it into a child's name to protect the asset in case you go into a nursing home - can you sue them if the state is now making you sell it? We were told not to transfer it into our names because we'd get a capital gain when we sold. We explained to the lawyer that we didn't care about that but that we wanted to retain the house as long as possible. Out of ignorance we did neither and now are being told we have to sell because we got "bad advice" (quote from the county case worker) from the lawyer. I'm not a big fan of suing but I think the attorney has an obligation to do what is right for the client and their individual situations. Are we just out of luck or is there somewhere we can turn for a Christmas miracle on putting it in our names now - at least for a while until we know that she will never be able to live there again? Thanks in advance for pointing me in the right direction.

    2 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago