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  • Pregnant stray cat we've been feeding?

    Hi there :) my mom and I have been feeding this stray cat for several months now and the past few weeks we've noticed her belly has gotten huge. We put a basket outside for her to have the kittens in if she chooses, and we figure we will find homes for all of them when they're ready (if she even has them on our property, but we think there's a good chance she will since we feed her). We'd also like to bring her to the vet afterwards to get her spayed and get her shots. The only problem is she won't let us touch her at ALL. She will even come inside sometimes but always runs away if we get too close or try to reach out our hand to her. We'd really like to help her but we just don't know how. We've tried holding out our hands with treats and food in them but nothing's worked. Does anyone have any tips or ideas on getting her to trust us?

    3 AnswersCats7 years ago
  • What do you think of this girl name?

    The name is Chapin, pronounced chape-in, rhymes with "shapen." I heard of a girl named this and thought it was interesting. I kind of like it

    It's traditionally a boy's name meaning "clergymen" in French.

    What do you think?

    5 AnswersBaby Names8 years ago
  • How to deal with a consistent liar?

    I've been friends with this girl for about six months now, and before we became friends I knew she lied a lot out of habit, usually to make herself seem more important. I started hanging out with her anyway, but now I think it's gotten out of hand. She brags about fighting a lot and always winning, although I have never seen her fight nor have I ever known any of the girls she claims to have fought. She has a temper (she fought a girl for liking her boyfriend apparently). It seems I can never get the truth out of her, and right now it's crucial because I think she has something against me (I don't know what it is) and we're going to meet to talk about things. But my question is, what should I do? I'm sick of going along with her lies and recently I just haven't said anything when she lies about things. Every time I try to confront her she gets defensive and I'm worried she'll try to fight me. I refuse to fight back because I don't believe in violence. Should I avoid her completely and cut off any ties or should I try to work it out?

    5 AnswersPsychology8 years ago
  • What are some of your favourite names?

    Boys and girls! Just trying to add to my list :)

    10 AnswersBaby Names8 years ago
  • Eliminate 3 of these names?















    10 AnswersBaby Names8 years ago
  • This or That (ABC Girls)?

    1. Abigail or Adeline

    2. Beatrix or Belle

    3. Celeste or Cecelia

    4. Delilah or Dahlia

    5. Elisabeth or Emilie

    6. Farrah or Felicity

    7. Genevieve or Gwen

    8. Helen or Harriet

    9. Isadora or Isobel

    10. Jesabel or Jacqueline

    11. Katrina or Katherine

    12. Louise or Lenora

    13. Marie or Mary

    14. Natalie or Natasha

    15. Olive or Orelia

    16. Penelope or Presley

    17. Quinntessa or Quinnley

    18. Rosette or Roxanne

    19. Susan or Saoirse (Seer-sha)

    20. Tara or Tatianna

    21. Ursula or Uma

    22. Valentina or Vivica

    23. Winter or Willow

    24. Xanthe or Xena

    25. Yvette or Yvonne

    26. Zelda or Ziva

    23 AnswersBaby Names8 years ago
  • Opinions on these sibling names?

    James Liam & Helen Louise. What do you guys think?

    1 AnswerBaby Names8 years ago
  • Is it inhumane to lock six cats up in a bathroom?

    My roommates took in a stray a couple months ago and she had kittens and they refuse to get rid of them. They are about four months old and when my roommates leave the house they lock all of them up in a tiny half bathroom (no tub or shower). I find it extremely inhumane and always let them out but they seem to think there's nothing wrong with that. I'm wondering, would it be better to put them outside if they get too rowdy, or are they too young? It's still winter here if it might be too cold for them, but I've put a couple on the deck (which is buried in snow) and they didn't shiver or anything. Would that be better than locking them in the bathroom?

    8 AnswersCats8 years ago
  • Does an employer legally have to send you your final cheque if you don't pick it up within a week?

    I quit my job over a month ago now and I had been unable to come in to pick up my cheque as well within a week and because there was only six hours on it I ended up forgetting and getting distracted with school. I assumed I would get it in the mail as I heard somewhere they legally have to send it to you if you don't pick it up within a week. I emailed my ex boss and she refuses to mail it to me told me I was supposed to pick it up while also saying it's not her responsibility to "babysit" her ex staff. I'm wondering if this is legal for her to do this or does she legally have to send the cheque and paystub to me?

    3 AnswersLaw & Legal9 years ago
  • Can non-surface piercings reject?

    I was informed by two people I know that all piercings can reject, but I'm awfully confused, as I've never heard of this before. So can non-surface piercings reject? Like lip piercings, nostril, septum, etc. I'm kind of thinking if they can reject, they reject much like dermal anchors (pimple like bump, puss, etc)? But maybe I'm wrong? So can anyone tell me if and how non-surface piercings reject?

    5 AnswersTattoos9 years ago
  • Redness around navel piercing still after 8 months? Is this normal? (Pics)?

    I've had my navel pierced for about 8 months now, and I'm a little worried it's migrating/rejecting. There's been redness around it since maybe a week after I first got it, and sometimes some white or clear crusties which I know are supposed to be normal. Another concern of mine is that it's not deep enough? I'm not sure if it's normal, but it looks pretty shallow, but that could just be because I'm small. It was pierced with PTFE and I've never taken it out, I've only changed one of the balls at one point, but that caused no stress or irritation to the piercing. Also, I was wondering if this was because the bar I have is so long? Should I cut it down shorter so it fits better, and will that help the redness in any way? Here's some pictures: (please note I'm very pale so the redness stands out on me more, so it's not as red as it looks in the pic, just the contrast of my camera :S, but it is still quite red)

    2 AnswersOther - Skin & Body9 years ago
  • What would this job title be?

    I know the description but just unsure of the title:

    It's basically when looking after senior citizens in their own home, for a couple hours everyday or whatnot. You assist them, and keep them company. I think the title might be home care? In that case, would that make you a home care worker, or is there a different title? I'm also pretty sure that you work for the government, like a health clinic or something like that. I'm curious as my mom was interested in something like this but not sure of the title.

    2 AnswersHealth Care9 years ago
  • My eyebrow piercing rejected PTFE?

    I've had my eyebrow piercing since November, and this morning it completely rejected. It was pierced with PTFE jewelry (anti-reject material) and was never changed, except for the balls but that wouldn't affect the piercing itself surely. It was 16ga, and I was pretty shocked it rejected... I had put a lot of stress on it when trying to change the balls to clear ones for work, could that be a cause of it? Or could there be another reason? I just want some professional advice, and possible other answers as to why it rejected... I have a 14ga navel piercing that I've had since last August and it's fine, and it was pierced with PTFE as well. And also, if it matters, the barbell that was in my eyebrow was also mostly straight, with only a very small curve to it, that was barely noticeable. And also, if it matters as well, I took out my eyebrow piercing for a couple minutes to change the balls on it about a week ago. So would it have rejected because of those things, or would it have rejected anyway? I'm just pretty confused as to how it rejected, as it's anti-reject material. Has anyone else experienced a piercing rejecting with PTFE?

    1 AnswerOther - Skin & Body9 years ago
  • Recommended body piercers in Edmonton, AB? (Reposted)?

    I'm going to be in Edmonton for a week, and I was thinking of getting a piercing while there, and since I don't live there and don't no anybody there, I was wondering if there are any body piercers that anyone recommends? And also any piercers to stay clear from? I'd preferably like advice from someone who knows what they're talking about, and maybe a reason as well. Thanks in advance.

    1 AnswerEdmonton9 years ago
  • Some questions about septum piercings?

    I'm thinking about getting my septum pierced, as I *might* be getting a job at a place where they don't like piercings, and I know septum piercings are easy to hide (just flipping it up into your nose) but I would need to hide it for work maybe a week after I get it, but I'm wondering if it would be too sore to flip up only a week after getting it done? Anyone have experience in this? And also, would anyone have any other ideas how to hide a different piercing? (eyebrow, lip, nostril) Thanks in advance :)

    1 AnswerTattoos9 years ago
  • Should I take legal action? My boss isn't paying me what he said he would?

    I'v had a newspaper route since the beginning of February. I deliver 175 papers twice a week (350 papers). I'm supposed to get paid 15 cents per paper. My first cheque was $45 and my second cheque was $52.50. I was supposed to get my pay stub this week, and it was supposed to be $195 since my boss has underpaid me twice already. If he underpays me again, should I take legal action? I should also mention that I am 14 and live in Canada. I know that if it was more money that he owed me, it would definitely be cause for legal action, but since it's so little, would it be necessary? What are your opinions? As of right now, he owes me $221 including today (I wouldn't get today's pay until the cheque after, because it's after the 15th).

    5 AnswersLaw & Legal9 years ago
  • Would this be considered light or moderate exercise?

    I've recently started taking a 60 minute walk everyday, plus the ten minutes to and from school, for a total of 80 minutes per day walking. I don't take PE in school, so during school the only exercise I get is walking to and from classes, which takes about 3-7 minutes depending which classes. At home, I usually just sit and relax, other than a couple different exercises I do to warm down from my walk, and stretches before and after as well. I'm trying to count my calories, as to get and stay healthy, and lose a little bit of weight. I need to know if this would be considered light or moderate exercise, to determine how many calories I should be getting. Thanks in advance!

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness9 years ago
  • Is pneumonia contagious?

    My brother's girlfriend has pneumonia and she came over to our house today, which instantly worried me as I don't want to get sick. I've Googled this already but I wanted to get a personal medical opinion. I know that if you have a healthy immune system, you should be okay, but it is winter here which could stress our immune systems, and to be honest, I'm not even sure if anyone in my family has a cold etc right now. Basically what I'm asking is, is it SAFE to have someone sick with pneumonia in my house? Oh, and also, a couple of people in my household smoke marijuana which I know weakens the immune system.

    2 AnswersRespiratory Diseases9 years ago
  • GUYS: Have you ever cheated on your long-term girlfriend or wife?

    And how did you feel after? Do you think you would do it again?

    4 AnswersPolls & Surveys9 years ago
  • Is 1.3 megapixels good for making videos on a laptop?

    I'm looking into getting a webcam or camcorder to make youtube videos with, and I found one that said "1.3 megapixel hardware sensor and 5.0 megapixel via software interpolation" so what exactly does that mean, and would it be good for making videos with? I just want a clear image, and good sound, and I'm just not that good with technology...

    4 AnswersCameras9 years ago