I need some good low calorie sweet recipes, I'm hosting a ladies party soon and...?

I want to make a platter table, full of sweet choices for everyone to nibble on and not feel guilty. I have it on good authority that the ladies have hardcore sweet tooths. I would appreciate any low cal small meal ideas also.


Favorite Answer

Praline Cookie Cups
Low Calorie Recipe
1/4 cup unbleached flour
1/4 cup packed brown sugar
2 tablespoons unsalted butter, softened
2 tablespoons light corn syrup
2 tablespoons chopped toasted hazelnuts

In a medium bowl, combine the flour,brown sugar, butter, corn syrup and nuts. Mix until well blended. Divide the dough into eight pieces and form into balls.

Cover a large baking sheet with parchment paper or coat with nonstick spray. Place the dough 3-inches apart on the prepared baking sheet and press lightly to flatten. Bake at 375-degrees for five to seven minutes, or until lightly browned. The cookies will spread out and be very thin.

Cool on the baking sheet for two minutes. Loosen gently from the pan and drape the cookies, while still warm over the bottom of an eight (4-ounce) custard cups. The cookies will cool quickly and set in a bowl shape. Recipe makes eight servings.

Nutrition information per serving:
Calories: 93
Fat: 4.2g
Cholesterol: 8mg
Sodium: 6mg

Chocolate Pretzels
Low Calorie Recipe
24 circular pretzels
24 milk chocolate candy kisses
One (1.69 ounce) package mini candy-coated chocolates

Preheat oven to 350-degrees.

Place pretzels on baking sheets. Unwrap candy kisses and place one in the center of each pretzel. Place in preheated oven one to two minutes, until kisses melt.

Remove from oven and place one candy-coated chocolate in the center of each pretzel. Chill in refrigerator until set.

Recipe makes 24 pretzels.

Nutrition information per pretzel:
Calories: 62
Fat: 2g
Cholesterol: 1mg
Sodium: 70mg

No-Fry Spicy Potato Skins
Low Calorie Recipe
4 large russet potatoes
1/4 cup olive oil
1 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon ground black pepper
1-1/2 teaspoons chili powder
1-1/2 teaspoons curry powder
1-1/2 teaspoons ground coriander seed

Preheat the oven to 400 degrees.

Bake the potatoes for 1 hour. Remove the potatoes from the oven, but keep the oven on. Slice the potatoes in half lengthwise, and let them cool for 10 minutes. Scoop out most of the potato flesh, leaving about 1/4 inch of flesh against the potato skin (you can save the potato flesh for another use, like mashed potatoes) . Cut each potato half crosswise into three pieces. Place the olive oil in a small cup. Dip each potato piece into the olive oil and place it on a baking sheet. Repeat this with the remaining potato pieces.

Combine the salt and the spices and sprinkle the mixture over the potatoes. Bake the potato skins for 15 minutes or until they are crispy and brown. Serve them immediately. Makes 24 servings

Nutrition information per serving:
Calories: 46
Total Fat: 2.3g
Cholesterol 0mg
Sodium: 101mg
Total Carbohydrates: 5.8g
Fiber: 0.9g
Protein: 0.7g

Cheese Puffs
Low Calorie Recipe
3/4 cup Asiago cheese, or Parmesan, grated, plus extra for sprinkling
1 cup all-purpose white flour
1 tablespoon butter
1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper
Two large egg
Four large egg whites
1 tablespoon olive oil
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 cup water

Lightly coat two baking sheets with nonstick cooking spray or line with parchment paper. Preheat oven to 425-degrees.

In a medium-sized saucepan, combine water, butter, oil, salt and cayenne; bring to a boil over medium heat. Remove from heat and add flour all at once. Stir with a wooden spoon until it forms a smooth paste. Return the mixture to low heat and cook, stirring, for about three minutes, to dry the paste slightly. Remove from heat and cool for two minutes.

Lightly whisk together eggs and three-fourths of the whites. With a wooden spoon, beat one-fourth of the egg mixture into the flour paste until absorbed. Repeat with three more additions of the egg mixture, until the paste is smoother and glossy. Stir in the cheese.

Using a pastry bag or spoon, drop 1-inch mounds 1-1/2 inches apart on the prepared baking sheets. Lightly beat the remaining egg white and brush it over each puff. Sprinkle with cheese. Bake, one sheet at a time, for 20 to 25 minutes, or until the puffs are firm and well browned. Serve warm. Recipe makes four servings.

Nutrition information per serving:
Calories: 23
Fat: 1g
Cholesterol: 10mg
Sodium: 37mg


A hugh fruit platter with a few dips and some kebab sticks so they can poke the fruit on or make kebabs.
Greek Yogurt Dip - 1 pot Greek yogurt, 1 tablespoon honey, 1 lemon juice and a touch of grated zest.
Peach and Banana Smoothie Dip - 1 tin peaches with juice, 2 bananas, 1/3 glass O'J - whizz
Plus add some nuts and seeds - perfect for guilt free picking.


Angel food cake. very low fat.
carton strawberries
1/4 cup fruity wine
1/3 cup splenda
1/4 cup orange juice

quater strawberries add all other ingredients to them put on a high heat just untill you get a small boil on them. Let them cool then put them in a ziploc bag. put the bag in the freezer for for 1 day then take out to let thaw whenever you wan t to use them. the mixture becomes thick sweet and so yummy. spoon over the angel food cake. top with non dairy whipped topping a good dark choclate shaving and a sprig of mint. it's always a smash at my house hope you enjoy!!!


Make sure you provide large fruit and veggie trays for the ladies to snack on. Maybe make smoothies using all fresh fruits. Have light snacks like cheese on crackers and wine goes well with all of these so that would be the perfect beverage.

My mom and aunt are raw food eaters and they LOVE this raw food dessert. It is very healthy and everytime they bring it somewhere, people go crazy over it.

Date Nut Torte

1 cup pitted dates
2 C raisins & 2 C currants
2 Cups Pecans
1 Lemon
2 Cups Filberts (hazel nuts)
2 T. lemon juice
1 tsp. lemon rind

1. Bottom layer: in food processor (with "S" blade): Blend into a fine meal hazel nuts and raisins, and press mixture into round shape about 1/2" thick and 8" in diameter

2. Lemon Date frosting: in blender: blend until smooth dates and lemon juice using water if needed to thin, stirring lemon rind into sauce at the end.

3. Frost top side of first layer of the torte with 1/2 sauce, save the rest for frosting the top

4. Top layer: in food processor: blend into a fine meal pecans and currants, place on wax paper, make into another layer to fit on top of the first, and carefully place on top of the frosted layer.

5. Frost the entire outside, and decorate with lemon wedges around the rim, serve or chill and serve.

15 minutes to prepare; 12-14 servings


Mix a chocolate cake mix, 15oz. can of pumpkin, and 1 cup water. Put either in muffin tins or 9X13 cake pan sprayed with Pam. Bake at 350 for 30-40 mins. Serve with Redi-Whip and chocolate syrup drizzed over. Your ladies will love this. They taste almost like a rich brownie. This is a
Weight Watchers dessert. I think apx. 4 points for a muffin. For something different (not as sweet, but great for the fall) use vanilla cake mix and pumpkin spices along with the pumpkin and water.