Is it legal for a business owner to do after Obama wins?

Dear Fellow Business Owners

As a Business owner who employs 30 people, I have resigned myself to the fact that Barack Obama, will be our next President, and that my Taxes and Fees, will go up in a BIG way.

To compensate for these increases, I figure that the customer will have to see an increase in my fees to them of about 8%. I will also have to lay off 6 of my employees. This really bothered me as I believe we are family here and didn't know how to choose who will have to go.

So, this is what I did. I strolled thru the parking lot and found 8 Obama
bumper stickers on my employee's cars. I have decided these folks will be the first to be laid off.

I can't think of another fair way to approach this problem. If you have a
better idea, let me know. Their all good people.

I am sending this letter to all business owners that I know.


They are not going to be fired, just laid off. If things pick up they will be brought back.


It is fair, they are the reason for the new taxes



I do not own a business or even work at a place that has thirty employees. I just wanted to get people fired up on election day. Go out and vote for whoever you want, just vote.


Favorite Answer

God bless America.... Land of Liberty and Free Speech

as long as you agree with the boss, apparently.

I thought Americans prized democracy and freedom of speech above all..... obviously I was wrong.


I think that is a very bad business decision.

First primarily, why do you react to something that isn't happening yet?

Secondly, for a person who only employs 30 people, and you are earning +$250,000 a year with expenses already counted out, you must be a very successful man, which is bizarre because I think you are making a very elementary business mistake.

In my opinion, it all balances out, according to basic economics, a country in which it's citizens have more money to spend will spend it. While a business in which there will be buyers (Due to them having more money.) will get more profits, which in case has the possibility of improving the company more even with higher taxes.

If the normal citizen does not have enough money, their spending will be lessened as well, which can indirectly affect the business profits as well, because less people are buying too.

It's kinda bizarre why does your business will go out, as economics is all about balancing, favoring one side does not mean the other will have problems, it will adjust automatically.


I don't believe that Obama's policies will have the impact that you claim.
To answer your question, you can expect wrongfull dismissal suits against you should you proceed in the manner that you've outlined.
If you do actually have to lay some people off, the usual manner is that the person with the least amount of senority is the first to go.


I am also a business owner, and I share your concerns. But, I don't think laying people off due to their political decisions should be how you choose. I don't have to lay anyone off, but if I were in your shoes, I would go with the workers with the least potential or workers who have not went the extra mile as others.

Thats a really hard decision though. But, if all of them are good workers, then to be 100% fair, I'd 'pull names from a hat.'

Please don't discriminate these people for what they believe.

"Miss IQ"2008-11-04T03:47:55Z

It's apparently obvious that you are not voting for Obama. But on the other hand, why would you try to involve others in what you are feeling you should do? I don't think it wise to send a letter of such to another business owner or anyone for that matter! I hope none of employees see what you posted here and sue you! Although it would be a little funny...LOL!!! :O

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