My husband surprise me after marriage with two months that he wants his 18 year old son to leave with us?

from the way he talk about his son he seems spoiled no one say no to his son was upset when his father married me.also i don't like children & he is priority no.1 on my husband's life so i'm afraid if i said to him i don't like this idea he'll just leave me.also my husband lie about the amount of money he sends to him.i figured out it's five times more than he said.He lie about this amount of money & he said he has debits for five months i dont know he is going to say after this period


Favorite Answer

You will never separate him from his son. You need to either accept him or start planning your life without him and his son. If you ask him to give up his son he may do it temporarily but eventually he will hate you for it.

l8tr g8tr2012-07-17T15:33:31Z

His son will always be a priority in his life. If you didn't like shouldn't have married a man with a child.

The money he pays to support his son is none of your business.

You should have considered all of this PRIOR to marriage. Now you can either live with it or leave it.


I know your plight. But the problem is this. Man with child....child number one. this is a no brainer and you can't expect anything different. You could have taken all this into consideration if you don't like children as much as you say. This family includes him, his son and you in that order. Grin and bare it or you be the one to leave.


You posted about this issue a bit reply is the same (and I still don't see a question in there)...

You are free to tell your husband if his adult child will be living with you two, then he has to earn his keep or he cannot stay...that means paying some rent, doing some chores, and overall being a contributing member of the household...

If he wants to let the kid sponge off of y'all and rule the roost, then you can tell him you won't live there as long as his leech of a child does...make it clear he needs to require the kid to behave like a responsible adult, or he can deal with the kid on his own...

No More Abuse2012-07-17T15:52:52Z

Children are a part of any parent's life..sounds like you need to address many issues with your new husband..

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