What should my workout routine be?

So I'm 150 lbs, I would like to be 110 lbs, 5'0
And I'm a girl I want to loose 40lbs before its December.
I walk/ jog for 15minutes and I do different workouts for 25 minutes.
I do this 3 days a week, and only 1 time a day.

I feel like its not enough though, if it was upto me I would like to 40lbs in 1 1/2.
The thing is that I go to high school, and I feel like I'm going to get stressed which will make me want to eat more.

I need your help! I need a good work out routine to loose weight, in which I could follow even when I go back to school. Btw sorry for my horrible grammar ....


Start small and then progress - it will be less of a strain. After a few weeks take longer walks and extend the time of your workouts, but not substantially, do it gradually - you will feel better without all those pulled muscles. Diet is also key; make sure that you follow a great diet and consistency with a diet is also key - don't binge. Don't go as far as going on a crash diet - they are dangerous, plus it's so easy to put the weight back on. Good luck