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why should anyone be banned from coming to america?

america is a country of immigrants. why should any country have the right to ban people from coming into it. I understand not wanting to be burdened with people who are ill equipped to be self supporting but, if an immigrant is able to prove that he/she can be self supporting there should be no barrier to them coming here

12 Answers

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago
    Favorite Answer

    They shouldn't.This country is not overcrowded.Even if the whole country of Mexico came over they would still be a minority.This country needs them.Ppl are scared because this country and countries all over the world are changing.There is nothing anyone can do about it.Sorry guys.

  • Akkita
    Lv 6
    2 decades ago

    The simple truth is America has laws for immigration as every other country does. We should have the right to refuse to let criminals or anyone else into the country. How are we to know a person's background? There are many self supporting people waiting in line to come into America.

    Are you worried about them being forgotten or put at the back of the line at Immigration due to so many people entering without waiting? Or don't the people following the rules count?

    Follow the laws and rules of immigration. Go through the process like every legal immigrant as done.

    My forefathers came to this country legally and were proud to earn citizenship.

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    The word is Illegal, most of America is made up of immigrants, they have waited in line and came here legally and have contributed greatly to the country, however ILLEGAL immigrants circumvent the law and just come here. There is a reason for quotas and that it to make sure that everyone fits and does become productive. There are to many now that are undocumented and really these people are being exploited by employers as the Americans who they take their jobs. I think the way to approach the problem is to arrest the people that employ them and put them in jail and make them pay a huge fine so that it is not worth it to hire them. NO JOBS = NO WORK = NO ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS

  • 2 decades ago

    NOBODY should be banned from coming here. However, if you want to live and work in this country, you need to do it legally. Coming here illegally means no taxes, so you're not actually contributing to the country. Also, if people came here legally they would be able to get higher-paying jobs, and would do what they came here to do (live a better life, I'd assume) even more easily.

    Illegal immigrants are lawbreakers, and should be treated as such. Legal immigrants are awesome.

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  • 2 decades ago

    When the country was young it needed the labor force to run the great economy, now that we have grown into a powerful and grate nation, there is no great need to let the flood of immigrants into the country, we have the labor force with our citizens, the biggest problem in business's want cheep labor, slave wages, our people don't like working for minimum wage because its not sufficient to pay bills, we need to help our country men, don't be fooled the only people to truly benefit is the businessman

  • 2 decades ago

    Because it is OUR country. The natural born citizens and those that honored our laws and went through our immigration process to better THEIR lives and enrich OURS with their presence. Every other country on this planet holds the "right" to dictate who can have access to the same things citizens of their countries do....but WE have to take EVERYONE? No! We have EVERY right to ban ANYONE we see FIT from entering the United States for ANY reason....even STUPID ones.

  • 2 decades ago

    We're not trying to ban people from coming here, we are trying to stop people from coming here illegally. You think our immigration laws are going to get tought? Look at Mexico's. They automatically throw you in jail then deport you if you cross illegally. Yet they tell us to allow their illegals into our country. We need to crack down and stop people from coming illegally.

  • 2 decades ago

    No one is talking about banning anyone. We just want people to take the legal route. If they enter by breaking the law, they will break other laws.

    Did you read about illegals stealing children's identity? I suggest that you read the article and view the video showing the victims. This is abhorrent.

  • 2 decades ago

    wow i never knew usa had room for half the world to move in or could afford to have most of them on medicaid. illegals are already causing schools to be in red zone and hospitals to be shut down in ca. but hey your right who needs hospitals or schools. here are some websites about illegals hurting schools and hospitals.

  • 2 decades ago

    because, if u let everyone into your house (working or not) you'll let the bad ones in too

    Source(s): Not a 911 spook, but a thoughtful smoker
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