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one million immigrants stopped work and demonstrated may 1st what if anything did they accomplish?

do you think they made a point and was the point received here in america?

16 Answers

  • 2 decades ago
    Favorite Answer

    It hurt them more than anything. I really don't think it had the impact they were looking for. It pist off a few congressman and also several business owners, not to mention the average American. Pretty much all it did was bring to light how big their balls are to pull this crap and how we need to get them out.

  • 2 decades ago

    I believe the point was to show how much work would not be accomplished with them not working thus demonstrating how much we rely on our immigrants legal or illegal.

    I can't say they made their point too well. Of course, I live in a rural area so there aren't many immigrants here--my life went as usual without any inconvenience due to their protest.

    I haven't heard anything about how things went for the South West (TX, CA...) Isn't that the region in our country with the biggest problem with immigrants?

    I don't know... not really my topic, but their protest/demonstration didn't teach me a lesson. Sorry to admit that, but it's probably just due to my region.

  • ab1609
    Lv 5
    2 decades ago

    hard to say at this point.

    They definitely made the head lines.

    They definitely showed that some companies rely heavily on immigrant labor.

    They got a reaction out of many people who were indifferent until then.

    They deepened the divide of opinion in the US how to treat illegal aliens.

    Big corporations will lobby strongly not to send all of them back, because they need the cheap labor. Paying below minimum wage is only possible with illegals or inmates.

  • 2 decades ago

    The only thing I noticed different was that traffic actually flowed pretty smoothly during rush hour! It may be purely coincidental but maybe not. Most illegals drive under the speed limit for fear of being pulled over and discovered. Other then the smooth traffic (which was great!!!), my day was the same as always!

    btw...I'm in Phoenix, AZ where we have A LOT of illegal immigrants.

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  • LUIS
    Lv 6
    2 decades ago

    Production stopped in many factories and produce, but one day wouldn't cause any effect on daily US life, stack in supermarkets is enough to last for almost a week. But if it had been more than a week, supplies would have gone short in many cities across the US, not only in states with immigration problems.

  • 2 decades ago

    they made everyone more mad at them thats all and did you know that thousands of mexicans in mexico

    marched the U.S. Embassy

    Chanting Gringos Out of Mexico!

    "Gringos out of Mexico," chanted the crowd of transportation workers that hoisted signs, balloons and included an effigy of America defecating on Mexican President Vicente Fox and another of a nude George Bush.

    The marchers also held a minute of silence for would-be undocumented immigrants who died while sneaking into the United States, and then broke into the Mexican national anthem

  • 2 decades ago

    In the grand state of Mississippi, it accomplished absolutely nothing. Life rolls on as usual.

  • Sufi
    Lv 7
    2 decades ago

    They certainly got you and yahoo answers discussing the topic. They brought it to the forefront of national attention. They demonstrated significant numbers and solidarity. They got on the evening news and in all the newspapers.

  • Ricky
    Lv 5
    2 decades ago

    They lost a days wages. They accomplished that much at least.

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    They did manage to anger the majority of US citizens. They did not sway many if any opinions about illegal immigration to their view.

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