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Why are Christians so scared of gay marriage?


If marraiage is so holy to them, why aren't they trying to do something about the tremendous divorce rate?

Update 2:

<<Romans 10:13 For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.>>

Does NOT say anything about being gay or straight . . .

35 Answers

  • 2 decades ago
    Favorite Answer

    Hello neo_maxi_zoo... :)

    We are not, because perfect LOVE casteth out all fear.. :)

    In Jesus Most Precious Name..

    With Love..In Christ..

  • 2 decades ago

    Christians are not scared of gay marriage. There is no such thing. Marriage has always been known by definition as the sacred union between man and woman ( Husband and Wife ).

    Christians take a stance against gay marriage because their point of reference is the Bible. And the Bible condemns homosexual behavior , NOT HOMOSEXUALS AS PEOPLE. It is practicing homosexuality that is a sin according to the christians . Plus practicing heterosexual sex is wrong to outside of marriage.

    So today marriage has been redefined. A rose is a rose is a rose. So my question is why can't I marry my pet dog then ? Or why can't a man be married to his brother, or pet goldfish ? Why limit marriage to 2 . Why not group

    marriages ?You see if the there is no God to determine what's wrong or right, then man determines the rules. He becomes the reference point. Then on that basis in a world without God, why is it wrong for a man to marry his sister or dog etc ? Man at one time thought that slavery in the south was okay. Is slavery okay ? If not why ?

    Your second question is why aren't christians doing something about the divorce rate. What do you want them to do ? All divorces aren't sinful. And christians aren't perfect, are you ? So if people lived according to God's rules - there wouldn't be divorce. If men would love their wives and put them first and vice versa, then it would be great. But we all christians or not have sinned ( done wrong).

    If everyone practiced homosexuality- then mankind would be extinct -in a generation.

    We are called to love everyone even our enemies. But we don't have to love what people do. There is a difference.

  • 2 decades ago

    Good point. Christians follow the bible, and have interpreted the bible as homosexuality is wrong, and marriage is between a woman and a man only. I honestly don't know how God feels about it, I cannot believe my God is anti-love, and I don't believe he judges people for being themselves.

    Gay marriage will become legal one day, and everyone will have to accept it. Remember when you could not come out of the closet, and today it is more acceptable to be gay? Being gay will be just another accepted lifestyle choice one day.

  • 2 decades ago

    It isn't up to the christians to try and fix the divorce rate. The only thing they can do is keep it right within themselves. Also, a lot of christians don't believe in gay marraige, as the bible states that homosexuality is an abomination.

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  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    Well here it is: Christians SHOULD love everybody. it is against the GODS WORD to engage in unnatural marrage (homosexuality). True faithful christians SHOULD (but often dont - Hey, were only human) look on with a face of sadness, not disgust, to the gay community. If YOU or some one you is gay, seek Guidence at your local Christian Church or the HOLY BIBLE

  • 2 decades ago

    Well it goes against their whole religion basically. Reproducing is their way and gays...well they are the exact opposite of the 'christian ideal'. you know it... the perfect little couple that goes to church on sundays with two kids. Think Pleasantville before everything is all colorful and everything.

    *edit* didnt see your other question

    It isnt possible for them to do anything about divorces because... its impossible to make two people stay together if they dont want to be together unless you hold a gun to their heads.

  • 2 decades ago

    People who are scared of gay marriage in general, probably simply don't understand gay relationships. Usually, people are scared of what they don't understand. It's that and ignorance, and maybe a little subconscious jealousy simply because gay people fighting for their rights are daring to stand up for themselves. A lot of people nowadays don't really have the courage to do that and go against society for the sake of happiness.

  • 2 decades ago

    We're not "scared", we just believe its wrong because the Bible says homosexuality is wrong. The divorce rate is a concern; if you think Christians aren't concerned about this as well, then you must be ignorant of our beliefs.

  • 2 decades ago

    Christians aren't "scared" of gay marriage.

    They don't condone it, that's all.

    Homosexuality is an abomination against God. It isn't what he intended as natural relationships. It is sin.

    And considering that they call themselves "Christians" (which means "followers of Christ" - than they ought to go by His teachings)

    Romans 1:21 -28 *Hey, I figured I'd quote something from the New Testament...because 'Sodom & Gommorrah' would be what everyone was expecting me to reference! lol

  • ?
    Lv 7
    2 decades ago

    God instituted marriage and He makes the rules He wants us to go by. The bible does not mention gay marriage as being Gods plan for mankind, but He does for a man and a woman.

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    See this, Christian? Here is a swine wondering why you wallow with them!

    When I call;"Christian" The swine, the dog and the Christian all answer. Can't tell them apart!

    I do hope you note this, Christian!

    The scriptures are not for the swine or the dogs!

    Pick yourself up and get out of that sty!! NO! do not dare preach to them. Messiah does not love them. Why do you tell them he does? Why do you marry pigs and dogs?

    Source(s): The Truth needs no Law to protect it
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