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beancroc asked in PetsCats · 1 decade ago

Is my cat sick?

He has recently started sitting under one of the lamps in my house. He will sit there for a little while, and then leaves, but he has been doing this everyday. I've had him for 3 years, but he has only started doing it in the last few weeks. Is this cause for concern?


I have noticed some gunk or tears on his eyes. I'm not sure what the cause is. But he is eating and deficating normally.

16 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    cats like warmth so especially if it is cold over there where you are the heat of the lamp may make him feel good...mine like to sit in the sun for hours on end, and as far as the gunk in his eyes just wipe them with a clean paper towel with some warm water on it and use a different cloth for each eye if you keep noticing it re-occuring you may want to take him in to the vet for some drops, as long as he is eating and going potty normal then everything should be fine....good luck

  • 1 decade ago

    Cats tell you when they're sick. they don't eat, or they want more water. Or, they throw up and/or have wet or non-existant poo.

    They can do some pretty odd things. Cat may want attension, or Cat has just discovered a nice place to sleep. It it's a lit lamp, Cat may like the warmth. Also, 3 year old cats are really just becoming adults. I've raised A LOT of cats, and their personalities aren't really cemented until they're 3-ish.

    But, cats are very interesting. Like the chasing invisible bugs thing.

  • 1 decade ago

    Has the weather been colder lately? He's probably laying there cuz of the heat from the lamp. One of my cats lays right next to my radiators (I have radiator heat in my house) ALL the time. When it's sunny, she finds a spot where the sun is shining in the house. Sometimes I'll even find her burrowed under the blankets on my bed in a little self-made cave. Cats just like to be warm & cozy.

  • 1 decade ago

    I've noticed my cats spend more time on my lap and closer to me in bed when the weather is colder outside, even though the house is comfortable. It could just be that he's a little older now and that warm lamp feels good on a cool day. I wouldn't be concerned unless he shows other signs of possible illness or not acting like himself.

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  • 1 decade ago

    awww... as long as kitty is eating, drinking and eliminating properly, and there is no obvious signs of distress, I think kitty is fine. Sitting by a lamp or some other heat source is very common among cats (and dogs) when the weather is cold. If kitty sits by the lamp when it is on, then I think it may be becuase the spot is warm If not - then I think kitty just likes the spot. My cats will sit or hide in odd places from time to time.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    He might have been in a cat fight and have an abcess. My cat once came inside and hid under a chair and also wasn't interested in food. He would growl when I went to pick him up. I took him to the vet who discovered an abcess and needed antibiotics which is the only cure otherwise it could become infected resulting in death due to blood poisoning. Try and feel his body and if you come across a lump or he is in pain when you touch him get him straight to the vet. Is he eating? This could be another sign that something is wrong. If he is eating and he is not in pain when you pick him up then he's probably just found another"spot" to lay in.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I wouldn't be too concerned. Cats are weird and sometimes do strange things. Unless there is anything else unusual about her, don't freak out. If there are any changes in her appetite, water consumption, overall look of the cat--coat and skin arent dry or flaky, eyes clear and bright, shes probably ok. Every now and then my cats will do something odd, we just laugh, its just part of the joy of having cats, waiting to see what they will do next.

    Source(s): Have 5 feline roommates
  • 1 decade ago

    Maybe he likes the heat from the lamp? Mine sit on the ledge above the radiator till they get so hot and heat-drugged that one of them rolled over and fell off which was really funny!

  • 1 decade ago

    I'm surprised the kitty wasn't doing this already. Cats love to lie in sunbeams, next to heaters, and under lamps.

  • 1 decade ago kitten did that everytime he had a bath...the heat I guess?! not but he is a perfectly healthy 10 year old so I wouldn't worry...check the litter for anything unusual for a few weeks

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