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kittins are eaten to death by fleas, please help me!?

my kittins have a bunch of fleas on them, and one of the kittins is highly alergic to the chemicals we use, (even tho ment for kittins) he licks himself and starts to spit out foam and his eyes start to wonder in diffrent directoins, but there are literally HUNDREDS of fleas on them, and if we don't help them, off to the pound they go, and i really don't want that. so please help me before it gets worse than it already is!! i will read every single one, i don't want to many chemicals use on my kittins, i don't want to kill them , they r still only kittins for crying out loud!!


I used ADAMS shampooa and spray, the shampoo said to wash them every 2 weeks, WE CAN'T AFFORD TO MUCH CHEMICALS ON THEM!! they are not inside kittins, they live in the garage, when we first got them they had some fleas, but the kittins were about 3 weeks old. and chemicals would make them even worse, but after i posted this me and my parents started to pick them off, and my daddy would burn them(i set fleas on ground and with a lighter he would burn them) IT REALLY WORKED!! of course one cats eyes were still wondering in other dirrectoind, but we still gave them the masage they wanted.. they r better today, but i will try everything u guys told me in the, (i will still be picking fleas of them, just in case) and surprizingly they like the water, so taht wasn't much of a big deal. (just the soap, really got them MAD!!) thank you soo much and i hope everything here will work!! OH, and we did wash the garage before putting them back in there agian, and now i see dead fleas on the ground

Update 2:

everywere, before they were just JuMpInG

14 Answers

  • Orion
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Fill a bathtub full of warm water, get a comb that has small spaces or by a flea comb from the store. Soak the kitten in the water and use the come to extract the fleas from the fir. This can take some time but it's well worth it. If the fleas stay on the kittens it can kill them or make them severely anemic. After that purchase frontline or advantage for kittens. They will need to protection. The products are specifically designed for them. Try avoiding products from stores as they aren't very affective. If you decide you need to get rid of them call the vets not the pound. Many of them will take in orphans and provide care to them until they can find a home.

  • 1 decade ago

    OMGoodness!!! I feel for you! Been there! First of all.. Have you taken them to the vet or a clinic? I know it's costly, but if you don't it's only gonna get worse and let me tell you it can get MUCH worse! I had a very large Maine-Coone who was not only severly infested, but she infested my house, all because I was being a good sister and baby-sat her dog for a weekend. I know the fleas came from the dog cuz I NEVER let my cats outside (as it should be)! If your house is also infested you have to have the house sprayed by a pro. (store bought sprays and foggers don't kill the 3 stages of a flea). Then you need to take the cat to the vet so they can be treated not only topically , but orally as well as they can be allergic to the flea venom. I suggest you call around and tell vets your financial situation because there are a lot of caring vets out there and will help you out .Hopefully only the cat is infested and not your home as well. If you do decide to go thru all that and the infestation is under control PLEASE take precautions like I did and always keep your pets flea treated ie. flea collars, sprays, Frontline down the back of the neck (so they can't lick it off mainly kittens) and there are sprays for outdoors just in case they do get out ocassionally. Depending on the infestation it could take a week or a few treatments to get rid of not only the adult fleas, but the eggs and the larvae which can't be killed by OTC meds. I know it's a lot to take in, but once you get to a vet or even just call one you can get the ball rolling. Just remember... they are called "housecats" for a reason! :) Take Care and Good Luck! Let me know how it goes.

    One more thing... I don't know how many kittens you have, but you MUST treat them all even if you don't see fleas on them. And if you do try something over the counter, make sure it kills these 3 things or don't even bother getting it... 1)kills fleas, 2)eggs, and 3)the larvea. ok?

  • 1 decade ago

    Honey, the best and safest way I control fleas on my cats is with a good old fashioned flea comb. Everyday during flea season, I comb through my cat's fur with a fine flea comb. Next to me is a bucket of soapy water. When I pick up a flea from off the cat's coat, I dump it in the soapy water - it killes them dead. Just do it regularly and you'll notice that there will be less and less fleas to comb out as the days go by.

    I NEVER use chemicals on kittens becuase some cats get a very bad reaction to them. There have even been cases of cats havibg seizures and dying from a single application.

  • 1 decade ago

    Blue dawn the liquid dish soap, is one of the only safe products for kittens as frontline or advantage or the like can hurt them as a young age. You just give them a quick bath with it and pick the fleas off. Then do it again in a few days. I read you can put rock salt under your couch and bed, and places to help rid the house of fleas. You will have to de worm them as soon as their old enough because if they have fleas they are sure to have worms. good luck

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  • 1 decade ago

    Awwww.... don't give up on the kittens yet! I just adopted one yesterday and it was flea ridden, badly!!! I read some horror stories on line about not using anything on kittens, but called the local family owned pet store ( personally I trust the independent ones more, the tend to be pet lovers at heart) and the lady recommended "Natural Chemistry De Flea Shampoo," which costs about $8. It is safe for very young kittens and nursing mothers because it lacks most of the harsh chemicals and pesticides of other brands. My kitten wasn't real stoked about getting a bath, but she is small enough to handle well. Start at their heads (so the fleas trying to run away- run towards their tail and you get them next). If you start out on the body, the fleas will head to the face and they are next to impossible to get off from there. Anyway, wash them really, really well and let them sit, all lathered up for about 5 mins, if your little ones will stay still that long so that the shampoo soaks in and gets those dang fleas. Rinse them really well and be careful not to get water in their ears. Also, try to use warm water to keep their body temp regulated and towel dry immediately afterwards... you'll see those pesky little fleas rinsing off, and coming off on the towel. Although this works great, it isn't a magical cure, and you may miss a few of them, so be prepared to do it again in a couple days. Also, since eating fleas causes worms, you probably still have a vet visit in your near future to get them de-wormer meds. As far as the foaming at the mouth, although it looks horrible, it is normal for them to do that for about 30 mins because they are babies and it is a foreign substance to them. Hope this helps you out!!! All else fails, take them to the vet and get them to flea dip them- put the work on their shoulders, haha.

    Source(s): just bathed new kitten with flea shampoo
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    My advice would be go to a vet, failing that get the cone collars for your kittens which will stop them licking themselves. Don't worry about the chemicals it won't hurt them and it is the only way to get rid of fleas.

  • jay p
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    try natural defense all herbal fleaspray for kittens and buy a good flea comb.comb the fleas off every chance you get and drop them into a bowl of soapy water. good luck i'm just getting over the same problem with a indoor rabbit.

  • 1 decade ago

    umm bathe them with a shampoo for fleas make sure its for kittens, put a flea collar on them, fumigate outside that what we do with our dogs specially in the summer cuz down here in texas it gets super hot and the fleas will end up inside, if we dont fumigate outside, and thats cuz no pets are allowed inside our house. I have 3 cats too.

  • 1 decade ago

    Use frontline spray. I repeat spray, not the ampoules. It really works and it is not toxic to kittens. Careful, not in their face. And don't let them lick themselves while tehy are wet, for 15 minutes or so.

    I read somewhere that vaseline kills fleas too, and that is definitely not toxic, but I've never tried it.

    Regarding garlic, cats are not supposed to eat it, it's bad for them.

  • 1 decade ago

    Try a good flea shampoo on them, then call the vet and ask what he/she recommends. They really shouldn't be exposed to harsh chemicals at this young an age.

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