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How many know marriage is for life?

22 Answers

  • Emanon
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    We always hope, but nothing in this life is guaranteed except death and taxes.

  • 1 decade ago

    marriage is for life but sadly the divorce rate is about at 53.3 percent which means that most marriages will end in divorce--both believers and nonbelievers are included. There are contributing factors that add to this decision--money, dislikes of certain behaviors, mannerisms, sexual behaviors or acts, etc.; when a couple marry they go into it with many hopes and dreams---"she is going to be a great wife", "he is my knight in shinning amour" but in time they start to see the other person for what he or she really is like---he likes to _______, she is very_______ and such things simply add up until either one just cannot deal with the "unknowns" and opt to divorce. Moreover, God has instructed His believers not to go into marriage with a person of a different idea/belief for this ends in problems. Still, some would say "the heart wants what the heart wants"-- desire is above all but it only leads to difficulties; sure even Christians end in divorce but it is due to not trusting in God with all their heart (marriage counseling tends to help but one or the other refuses) and simply seek to divorce--this will eventually create so many emotional issues for the children, I know I have seen it in therapy. Yet, there are believing and unbelieving couples that stay marriage for like. Seek God while He may be found...

    Source(s): me, your friendly Christian and future psychologist
  • 1 decade ago

    I do. I thought about leaving my husband about a month ago when I found out he cheated. But i thought about it and I promised 5 years ago to love him "for better or worse, until death do we part." Well, this is definately "for worse," but we do love each other, and he has promised that he will never let it happen again.

    Before we got married, we agreed that divorce was simply not an option. In a world where divorce is so quickly and easily obtained, it is difficult not to throw in the towel when times are hard. It seems so rediculous that vowels that are so clear, precise and binding are so easily broken.

    I am not saying that certain situations to not call for divorce. If someone is being abused, they should no longer be bound by marriage. And sometimes, though one partner believes in everlasting marriage, the other does not. And you cannot force someone to stay married.

  • 1 decade ago

    I know that my marriage is for life. We have known each other since October of 2006 and we got married September 2007. When we first started talking it was like we know each other back when we were kids. We both went through the same stuff growing up. He takes care of my two kids as if they were his own. He is the only man they know as Daddy. We still finish each others sentences and think of the same things at the same time. I never believed in soul mates until I met him.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I do!

    But DON'T know that marriage is for life and it's like that for a lot of things in life. If you enter into a marriage with that kind of a mind-set though, you've already doomed yourself.

  • TG
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Nobody KNOWS it is because you can't control the other person in a relationship. People change and you can only control yourself. I don't think many people get married thinking it won't be forever. They don't go into it saying, "God I hope this ends in a nasty divorce." But it happens. Even the happiest couples can end up divorced (I've seen it). All I can do is hope that I find the right person and forever means forever to them like it does to me.

  • KJ
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    about the only way i can see my marriage isn't for life is if i cheated on my wife. the minute she finds out, i'm a dead man and she'd make it look like an accident. so wait, i guess marriage is for life.

  • 1 decade ago

    you shouldn't have to ask this question--don't judge your potential future marriage based on what people on yahoo.answers say-- every single one of these people is biased a certain way, and you need to create your own biases by experiencing life! go out and find love, and if marriage seems to be the path to take, go for it! if not, it is apparent that plenty of people will agree with you (like eeperz, who is completely ridiculous and cynical, and would like to impress his/her bias upon you! don't let it happen. be your own person, with your own opinions)

    good luck!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    EVERYONE, if you have a traditional wedding, as i did they tell right in the vows. The problem isn't marriage the problem is people and their lack of responsibility today. DON'T SAY I DO IF YOU DON'T

  • 1 decade ago

    Marriage isn't for life. Divorce exists, and is easily obtainable (though expensive).

    Children are for life.

  • Bella
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    me.. but sometimes special circumstances prove otherwise.. like when ur partner doesnt realize that marriage is forever... and they cheat on you.. and sometimes, even if they dont cheat, they hurt you, physically and emotionally and really, life is just too short to spend it with people who treat other people that way

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