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I sold my baby gear and my MIL is MAD!?

Hi, I'm a SAHM of 2 toddler boys and we're not planning on having any more... So, I sold most of my outgrown baby gear to a co-worker/friend for $225. My MIL insisted that I SAVE everything for her daughter my SIL who's NOT even pregnant!

The friend I sold my items to has two jobs and she works very hard I thought that she could use the items considering that she is pregnant and expecting this yr. While my SIL and her husband make a very comfortable living and can afford to buy new and she'll have a couple BIG showers from her co-workers, husbands family and her own.... Also, NONE of the items given were items from my MIL or people that she knows they were items I received from friends. I still have the crib, glider/ottoman as well as a pack n play that if she wants them she can have but, the other items were just taking up too much space... Do you think I'm in the WRONG?

21 Answers

  • KdC
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    No, you did what was right for you! Parents (actual and in-laws), just need to mind their own business most of the time.

    Best of luck (with the in-laws)

  • 1 decade ago

    No it was your stuff and you had the right to do what you wanted with it. Even if it would have been gifts from your MIL it was your gift and yours to do away with, the only exception would be a family heirloom and this isnt the case. Your MIL is just looking at it you had nice stuff and if she could get it from you for free then she wouldnt have to pay out for it when and if her daughter needed it. Just tell her that you are sorry she is offended but your friend needed it, she couldn't afford to buy new and you helped her out and you are not going to feel guilty for helping someone in need.

  • 1 decade ago

    Not at all. I think mother in laws get reallly bent out of shape sometimes over silly things, and you just have to get used to it. Even the most easy going mother in laws are going to clash with you over something at some point. I would avoid the conversation altogether, but if it arises again, I would plainly tell her that those items belonged to you, not her, and you were trying to help a friend. Also point out that your sister in law will have plenty of things for her baby, should she decide to have one, because of the things you mentioned. Make sure she's aware that it isn't up for discussion again. And then also let her know that you have other, much more expensive things that you had planned on giving your sister in law, so there really isn't an issue here. I mean, really. It's silly the things they find to be upset about.

  • 1 decade ago

    I agree with the others.

    Besides all that clutter is bad for your house. Does she want to store it?

    If your SIL is comfortable she will probaly want new anyway. My SIL is like that. I had some great things I thought she might want but she like NEW. :) I love handme downs myself.

    Your friend really needs it too. Your MIL is way too controlling.

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  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Doesn't matter even you were right or wrong, she thinks you should have kept them for her daughter and she'll just have to get over it. In all honesty your SIL is probably happy because she wants new stuff for her baby not hand-me-downs anyway! MIL will get over it, just let her cool off.

  • 1 decade ago

    No...your MIL is wrong for getting into your personal business. If your SIL ends up having children someday, she will have a baby shower and get the things she needs.

  • 1 decade ago

    It's none of your MIL's business what you do with the stuff. If your SIL wanted those items she would have mentioned it to you. Your MIL should stay out of it - she's causing a rift when your SIL probably doesn't even share her feelings on the matter.

  • Oat
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Your stuff. Your decision. It is ridiculous to expect you to house stuff you don't have room to store on the off chance your sil will get pregg in a couple years. You did the right thing.

  • 1 decade ago

    No you aren't wrong! They were your things so you determine what happens to them. As for her wanting you to save them for your sister in law, she's not even pregnant as you said! There's no reason to save them for her. Your friend on the other hand could use them and you saw that. Don't listen to your MIL. She'll get over it.

  • Lyn
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    No you weren't wrong to sell it to someone who wanted and actually needed it - and even if they were gifts it would have been wrong for your MIL to ask for them back.

    Does your SIL even care? Doubtful.

    Source(s): Experience with a sometimes irrational MIL (but I still adore her).
  • 1 decade ago

    No. Your stuff, your right to sell it if you wish. Most baby items will be outdated in a couple years time anyway...sounds like she just needs something to crab about.....

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