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Adam/Eve were Muslim?

mm so as Quran says that Allah sent Adam (pbuh) and Eve (pbuh) to this world and so I assume there were monotheist? than how come we don't find any evidence of monotheism till Judaism? Why is Abraham (pbuh) labeled father of monotheist religion rather than Adam (pbuh)? Did Adam (pbuh) had many children according to the holly book than why is is that primal people worshiped nature instead of Allah?

Same question to Christians- what happens to people before Jesus? are there souls saved or are they going to hell or are they just lost and not accounted for at all?

** this is of course if you take Quran literally and take the stories like it really happened and not believe in natural selection**


*** this question is directly based off of quran and what quran says and not my believes or anything***

24 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    ''so as Quran says that Allah sent Adam (pbuh) and Eve (pbuh) to this world and so I assume there were monotheist?''

    my comment

    you are right

    'than how come we don't find any evidence of monotheism till Judaism? '

    my comment

    it didnt survive .i ask why there should be in the first place if we will get preserved complete message (quran)

    'Why is Abraham (pbuh) labeled father of monotheist religion rather than Adam (pbuh)? '

    my comment

    general misconception between nonmuslims

    'Did Adam (pbuh) had many children according to the holly book than why is is that primal people worshiped nature instead of Allah?'

    my comment

    who said so?? many worshiped GOD but later they go astray generally to paganismby going extreme and praising religious people.thats why there was always prophets and messengers sent to guide people to the path of GOD(prophet mohamed told us that 125,000 messenger was sent to earth)

    'Same question to Christians- what happens to people before Jesus? are there souls saved or are they going to hell or are they just lost and not accounted for at all?'

    my comment

    Quran 017.015

    Whoever is guided is only guided for [the benefit of] his soul. And whoever errs only errs against it. And no bearer of burdens will bear the burden of another. And never would We punish until We sent a messenger.

    'this is of course if you take Quran literally and take the stories like it really happened and not believe in natural selection'

    the below points cant be all found except in islam (this include ur belief system)

    1- the confirmation of all fields of science

    2- simple belief (just one GOD sent different prophets for one message)

    3-challenges for doubters

    4-logic answers for deniers and believers

    5-sources preserved in the original language without word change

    6-others (secrets of Quran ,moralities,spirituals,..ect)

    check out this



    Source(s): muslim
  • 1 decade ago

    Yes, Adam and Eve were monotheists. They knew one else other than God since He created them on the earth.

    According to the Bible, which seems to coincide with a lot of what's in the Quran, God worked with people who worshipped Him.

    It was through Abraham, that God said He would make a great nation.

    Well, actually God made two great nations of Abraham: Israel and Ishmail.

    He blessed the Children of Israel just as he blessed the children of Ishmail.

    If you look in today's world, you will notice that the Arabs, sons of Ishmail, are doing very well for themselves. Sons of Israel, the western nations, are also doing very well for themselves.

    However, God specifically chose Israel as a model to be shaped under God's rules for the rest of the world to follow. Israel, as a nation, constantly disobeyed God and then reobeyed Him to the point where God finally gave them a prophecy through the prophet Isaiah.

    He told Israel if they muck up again, they will suffer for it in the Last Days, and drive the enemy into their homes. the truth is that Jesus will come a second time to give everyone a major spanking for disobedience, then He will rule the earth properly by locking up the devil for 1000 years. And making sure everyone gets it right.

    Muslims believe the Imam Mahdi is coming in the end of days. Some believe that Jesus comes with the Imam Mahdi. We Christians believe it's Jesus coming back. I'm not sure what Jews believe is coming in the final days. So at least at his point in time, I'm going to conclude that the Imam Mahdi is Jesus coming back.

    If you've noticed what's happening now, the economy falling apart in western nations, diseases starting to crop up, the weather starting act ridiculous...but the arab nations are at this point in time relatively unscathed, there's a reason for it.

    Three thousand years ago, Israel split into two kingdoms: Israel and Judah. Juday is where the line of the Jews come from. So that's why there is a Judeo/Christianity Split. Why did they split? Over God's laws. Imagine that.

    But Israelites and Ishmaelite people have the same common ancestor. That would account for why western nations and arab nations get along even unto this day.

    It's not really a muslim/christian/jewish thing. it's a national thing. a abrahamic thing. it's a God thing.

    God didn't work with nations until Abraham because by then there were tons more people. And during the flood, He killed everyone off except for Noah, seven other people and some animals.

    Same God. He never went anywhere. Always been around.

  • 1 decade ago

    How come you did not pbuh Allah? Is God not more worthy of praise than the creation? Why praise the dead? It is false praise that irks me the most. In my book it is God who created Adam and that makes him a monotheist. Abraham is considered the Father of the Jewish people and he came from Adam. But, it was his actions that set up the nation and thus he is credited for creating it when it was really God. Muslims do not come around until Mohamed and his writings that make up the Koran. Since the Bible predates this I do not think it is fair calling any one in the past a Muslim.

    As for you other question God had a mode of salvation from the fall to Jesus and it was by those methods one achieved salvation.

    The view of natural selection does not disprove religion.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


    You should send this question to the Ramadaan section, in Society and Culture, Holidays and Ramadaan..More muslims here..

    Im really shocked at how uneducated people are on yahoo...Muslim means 'submitter' and Every child is born a muslim...

    Yes Adam and Eve are muslims, but the children they were raising turned into atheists, pagans...they also brought murder, corruption, hate into the lands....

    The Quran refers to Abraham (in my opinion) because abraham is more closer to the prophets of Jesus, Moses and Muhammad than adam as adam was there many years Before abraham..Also Abraham was one of the bravest and stood up against many people and actually won (with permission of allah) but this is where allah put the stand, because many were denied before him..

    There was nothing written down before the Jews...that is why many went astray from the path and that is why Allah sent many prophets to the people..there were more than 100,000. Evidence of Monotheism is and was there in Mecca, in Arabia where the Kabah was Built, this was built by Abraham and his son...


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  • 1 decade ago

    Adam and Eve only had faith in God; that is...after Eden; before that they walked with and saw and talked with God face to face. Now if we saw God face to face, the shock would kill us(Moses was the exception). Before the Egyptians there was no organized religion, and before Judaism, there was no monotheistic religion(Islam was founded AFTER Christianity circa 620 AD).

    Now! Part two. Before Jesus, people were saved by looking forward to the Messiah; they didn't know who He would be, but they had faith that God would send Him. Jews are still looking for Him; they rejected Jesus, because He didn't meet the requirements of Isaiah 9.

  • 1 decade ago

    Adam and Eve were not Muslim. If you knew the history of the Muslim faith, you'd know Adam and Eve existed long before Muslim faith began. They were not Muslim. Judaism was God's way of introducing monotheistic beliefs to humans. For Christians, those who came before Christ were emptied out of their graves and taken to heaven when Jesus Christ died and rose from the dead on the third day. All the souls that had been awaiting the Messiah were loosed from hell and taken to heaven. Every soul is accounted for. It could not be otherwise.

  • 1 decade ago

    No. There wasn't organized religion at the time of Adam and Eve (assuming that they existed). Plus, Islam came after Christianity which came after Judaism. There's no way that the first two people on Earth could have been Muslims.

    And I believe that people who haven't heard of Jesus don't go to hell. I don't believe that hell exists.

  • 1 decade ago

    You may enjoy a study of the doctrines and theology of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. In our view, all those in any age who have never had a chance to even hear the name of Jesus Christ (in order to make a choice about it) or anything about the true gospel of Jesus Christ, are not held accountable for not knowing and will be saved or have the opportunity to be saved. (You may be interested in learning about the purposes of temples as built by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.)

    The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints also believes that the same gospel that was given to Adam is the same gospel given to Abraham is the same gospel given to all the prophets (i.e. Elijah) is the same gospel given to John the Baptist and Jesus Christ (it is Jesus Christ's gospel and he organized his Church when he was on the earth) and the same gospel as give to the prophet Joseph Smith in our day as well as the same church Jesus Christ organized during his mortal ministry restored again to earth and man.

    The angel Gabriel and God spoke to Muhammed. I have no reason to doubt this. There is much truth in Islam, but in my view, not the whole truth.

    Ancient civilizations and pre-historical peoples and their religions is a fascinating subject. Too bad I'm not well versed in it and I can not answer that portion of the question. However, I don't think humans would have invented religion on their own in terms of evolution. In terms of evolution it is senseless. Worshipping nature is senseless; the human animal just IS and DOESN'T need explanation of nature, they just live in it (so I say). I think the only reason religion ever came about was encounters with God (if you believe) or with something amazing and inexplicable that has become called God (if you don't believe). The encounters are actual. What underlying reality they represent, we have been trying to figure out for centuries (unless you believe the word of God -- Quran, Bible, or some other -- in which case it's slightly more clear).

  • 1 decade ago

    First of all, Adam and Eve had a very diferent relationship with God then we do. After they fell from God's grace by disobeying him, thats when religious views started.

    Before Jesus, everyone that heard the message that Jews tol concerning God went to hell, those that neverheard went to Heaven. Afer Jesus, people that never hear of his saving grace go to Heaven, but those that have heard it and do not believe, they go to Hell.

  • Truth
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Adam and Eve were children of God. God himself taught them how to worship.

    All through the ages there have been people who stayed true to what God said and others that didn't. Usually the ones that didn't were more persuasive and more numerous.

    Abraham was the father of Jewish (through son Isaac) and Arabic (through son Ishmael) nations. He left his homeland to wander the desert looking for the land God promised him (Caanan). His children and grandchildren became a large enough nation to be noted as God-followers.

    Anyone who follows God's will to the best of their understanding will be saved.

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