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Republicans are worried about the deficit....should we drastically cut back military spending?

We arguably spend well over 1 TRILLION a year (like 1.5 T actually) on the department of defense, but the official number (not counting wars and programs billed elsewhere) is somewhere around 700 BILLION dollars.

Should we close all our foreign bases, and cut back spending to a what we'd need just to defend our borders?


"provide for the common defence,[1] promote the general Welfare"

Yes - DEFEND....DEFEND (look that word up in a dictionary...Okinawa is not part of the USA, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, etc etc and on and on is not part of the USA)

General welfare......would definitely count the HEALTH CARE OF EVERY AMERICAN though.

Me....US Army Veteran - 1991 - 1994

27 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I think the Republicans are more concerned in cutting out the pork, rather then the men and women that defend your sissyass.

  • 1 decade ago

    Since national defense is the number ONE job of the federal government and it's only about one fifth of the total budget I really don't think we need to cut that. Clinton kept cutting defense spending, closing bases, telling people who wanted to re-enlist that they weren't needed then we were attacked and we needed to rebuild the military. That takes funding.

    Healthcare is NOT the responsibility of the federal government. It doesn't fall under the umbrella of GENERAL welfare. That is INDIVIDUAL welfare. If the feds would stay out of things that are NOT constitutionally their responsibility they wouldn't have to keep stealing so much of our money. Healthcare wouldn't be so expensive. People would have more money and if they got their priorities straight they would be able to pay for their own healthcare. If they put off buying that ipod and cable T.V. they could afford their own healthcare. Also the demand for those things wouldn't be as high and that would drive down the prices. It's called the FREE market and it would work if the politicians were statesmen and knew their place.

    That's the way it was before the Democrats decided that this should be a socialist country. That's the way it was before the government became our mommy.

  • 1 decade ago

    I would say a national defense is vital to establishing world peace and economic security. I wouldn't say cut back on military spending, but get government lobbyist out of military spending. That would reduce the cost of the military and enable our troops to do there jobs

  • 1 decade ago

    We cut defense in the '90's as part of Clinton's virtual surplus.

    I guess since you are not in the Army now, it would not affect you that much. How would effect the people that are still serving. Isolationism did not work coming into WW II, did it?

    This is why Generals and Admirals run the Military. I think I'll go with their opinion.

    Source(s): Son of a Lt. Colonel of the U.S. Army who served this country for over 40 years (Active Duty, National Guard & Reserve).
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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The Republican Party would keel over if we cut their precious defense spending.


    They have to have a *reason* for their bloated defense budgets.

    Things like...invading the wrong country on fixed and flawed defense spending on those cool and nifty F-22 Raptors (which come with a $35B dollar price tag--each)..spending money on outdated STAR WARS initiatives...and missile defense spending which couldn't shoot down a derelict satellite--let alone an active enemy missile.

  • older
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    defense is the last thing he should cut, in fact he shouldn't cut at all, he should increase. as for the countries you mention, i don't think anyone can give an educated opinion as to why etc. because they are not privy to the inside info. that is used to make those decisions, like the iraq war the democrats as well as the republicans voted for it but when the going got tough the democrats tucked tail and ran but if it had gone well they would have been taking the credit for it.

    navy vet.

  • 5 years ago

    I can find a requirement to fund national defense in the Constitution. I can't find anything about Medicare. Medicare and Social Security are supposed to be funded from the taxes created specifically and collected to support them. Neither program was intended to be funded from general revenues (ordinary income tax). What is truly comical is how little people like you know about how the government is supposed to be run. Seems to me that the Democrats, by ignoring the problems with Medicare, are simply preordaining its demise in 2024.

  • 5 years ago

    republicans worried deficitdrastically cut military spending

  • Yes.

    Spending in Iraq helped put us into the financial mess we're in right now, for instance. We had been spending $80 Billion per month in Iraq, as the Bush administration wound down. I haven't seen the latest figures.

    Meanwhile, as the economy contracts, we should also cut back on other spending, as well. Discretionary spending should be eliminated, period. Mandatory spending should be re-examined and methods should be found to cut back on that spending, as well.

    The purpose of government is to protect a society from outside forces. It is not to protect or build other foreign nations, nor is it to be a sugar-daddy to the lazy portion of our citizenry.

    Source(s): The news. History. Philosophy.
  • 1 decade ago

    Most of the money spent on defense comes right back into the US Economy so it is really not a big "NET" cost! If you cutout Defense spending you will greatly increase unemployment and I don't mean the people in uniform! I mean all the people employed by the industries that manufacture for and support he military. Then take it down a notch to all the store that all these people spend their money in, and then they lay off of their employees and cut back in purchases for resale and the snow ball goes on only in reverse as the economy shrinks! The economic impact would be disastrous to say the least.

    The Stimulus on the other hand is a disaster of spending money we do not have to do nothing except put us farther in debt an buy (Purchase) votes for Obama and company. Right now, today, it is giving him control of General Motors, something that was bought and paid for by "Stimulus" Money! This is the beginning of Socialism/communism in America. The same blue print followed by Hugo Chavez in Venezuela!

    Frostmourne--------The Constitution, if you have read it, makes the the Military a Federal mandate. Education, on the other hand, is not! Education is a State Mandate and the Federal Government has no business in it. They get there by taking our money and then providing aid or another word for stimulus to get control. This is the same as Obama is doing now to get control of US industry via the aid or stimulus route. The whole thing is unconstitutional.

    Edit: I suppose that you sir, as a fellow Veteran, would rather provide the Defense for America by fighting on US land right here in the USA! Not I! I prefer to keep the fight for freedom on someone elses land and not mine nor my family! Maybe you were happy to see NY going up in smoke! Well I was not. I would rather take the battle to them than the other way around. According to your logic we have no obligation to retalite for attacks on the USA. Remember Pearl harbor? I do! Remember the USS Cole? I do! Remember 9 11? I do! Remember the Kobar towers? I do! Remember "Black Hawk down"? I do! Remember the first attack on the World trade center? I do! I I mean to take the fight to them.

    The term General welfare had and has nothing to do with universal health care or welfare handouts. Our founding fathers would be turning over in their graves at the thought of such! We have, as Americans, an obligation to help our fellow man who is disabled or short term out of work but not whole generations of Welfare families! The Government has no business taking my money and then donating it to the charity of their choice, not mine!

    Proud Vet

    Source(s): 73 years of on the Job training---Still Learning
  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Are you serious? You want to cut military spending? The only part of the gov spending that keeps you and everyone you love safe. Yeah, lets cut that and we will just keep all the bs like billions spent on studies for pig poop odor, honey bee insurance and grapes. Lets keep paying the 200,000 for tattoo removal. I would hate for all those ex gang members to have to pay to remove their tattoos that they had put on. Just another ignorant a$$ question...

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