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Dannygirl asked in Social SciencePsychology · 1 decade ago

Suicide and Sacrifice?

I participated in this question:

And was intrigued by some of the answers. Some people tried to justify suicide, which I think is cowardly and selfish -(although I can't judge all suicidal people's accountability)- by saying that if you were saving someone else, it made it OK.

In general I think people confuse suicide with sacrifice. If you are giving up your a mother dying in child birth, a soldier fighting performing an act of save another, it is sacrifice.

If you are killing yourself to rid yourself of pain, sadness or internal human anguish, it's not saving anyone, not even yourself(IMHO)- and that's suicide.

At times I think there is a fine line, and only God can judge what is in a person's heart when their life is taken, seemingly voluntarily. But generally speaking, suicide is wrong, sacrifice is right.

What do you think?


I agree that with most things there are always exceptions to the rule, or extenuating circumstances that can change things, so there's no exact answer, especially in this case. It all depends on personal morals, and belief systems to justify right or wrong, but somethings, generally, are wrong no matter what. But it's interesting to read people's take on it.

6 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I would agree with "Voluntary Sacrifice" but not the type of sacrifice that is forced upon an individual by society in general.

    Many ancient civilizations and perhaps a few currently underground organizations sacrificed people against their will.

    Sacrifice is a supreme act of Love...not irrational love, nor the other type of love which involves barnyard immorality...I am talking about the Love that transcends everything and acknowledges that everyone matters, everyone holds value, everyone is important no matter whether all of society condemns them, as individuals we are important.

    Source(s): Me
  • 1 decade ago

    Suicide is so wrong in every aspect.

    This all took place in 2003 and it is still deeply felt by all left behind.

    My neice's husband murdered her with a shotgun and then killed himself with the shotgun. She was found at home by the children and he went for a drive in a wooded area and killed himself, later found by the police.

    What in the hell did he acomplish. He left 4 children without a parent. His mother took their son and I took the other 3 she had by a previous marriage.and I am an older person. My own children are grown. No one wanted the problems of a girl 9, a boy 13, and a girl 16. Not even the biological father. The trauma experienced by these children when finding their mother dead and their step-father dead away from the home was the most selfish thing he did. The horror of it all was unbelievable and almost unbareable for the entire family.

    One who kills himself/herself no matter what the reason is definately being selfish. There is no longer a problem for the dead person, it has all been dumped into loved one's laps because he/she was a coward.

    There is a lot more but the answer is yes the person is a coward.

    Source(s): Lifes experience.
  • 1 decade ago

    I think I agree with you. People do have trouble distinguishing the two.

    My lil bro tried to rationalize his suicide as a sacrifice (saying he caused everyone around him so much pain that he do them a favor and just go away for good), then later in the same page confessed that it was really pain aversion, things were so bad that he couldn't stand it anymore and really that ended up taking front seat to any concerns about anyone else.

    Although I do feel sympathy and empathy for him, I still feel a tinge of anger about the selfishness of the act.

    Obviously this topic is opinion based, but that's how I feel.

    Source(s): Life
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Suicide and sacrifice are neither, I would say. It depends on what your motives are.

    Something can be both a suicide and a sacrifice, for example - you can't change terminology to suit a belief. If you committ suicide to avoid being tortured and revealing state secrets for example, that's both suicide, sacrifice, and moral. People with painful and terminal illnesses commit suicide by choice - it's entirely personal and not especially immoral. My issue with suicide in depression is that it's a permanent solution to a temporary problem - with work and different types of therapy, depression can be cured, life can be enjoyable again.

    Sacrifice is also not always right. What if you sacrificed yourself so that something bad could happen? For example, suicide bombers are sacrfiicing themselves most definately, but most people consider them immoral. If you sacrificed yourself to further an immoral cause, that action is immoral.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I agree.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


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