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Right or Wrong In Situation?

Okay, so pretty much I need to know if my view on this is right or wrong. Nothing more or less, I am not trying to whine about my problems. (even though it may seem that way)

First off, my parents are divorced and hate each other. I live with my mum, my dad pays child support, my mum thinks he is cheap, my dad thinks she is taking too much of his money.

So, my 'story' :

I am still in high school, and get student photos taken every year. Up until last year, my MOTHER always purchased photos and gave some to my FATHER and his family. Without complaining or making a big deal about it. Last year, I brought the photos home, gave them to my MUM to hand out for the holidays, and they pretty much went missing. I haven't seen them since, my DAD never got the photos. (he was never asked to purchase his own) My DAD was really upset, and turned his anger over to me, because I couldn't get the photos for him, and he just had to tell me how horrible my MOTHER is. (rightfully so; he believes she cheated on him, and I am pretty sure she did)

Now, this year, when my MOTHER ordered photos, I asked her if she would purchase some for my FATHER, or if I should myself (I want to avoid a confrontation with my father, so giving school photos to him with out letting on I payed for them is the best option). My MOTHER said not to be silly, I can't buy my own photos, she would order the cheapest package, my DAD doesn't deserve her charity, blahblah. Anyway, I got the impression she would give some to him, for my sake. Now that we have the photos at home, I asked to have some for my FATHER and his family, but my mother said no, 'he never does anything for me'. I tried to tell her that I said I would pay for them, but of course, she cares more about staying 'in power' or whatever, and she can't do anything for my DAD even to help me. I obviously don't want to tell her how much my FATHER gets upset about silly things, and at me, because the last thing I need is her to hate him even more.

So, am I crazy to think my DAD should get some photos like he used to? Remember my mum just stopped giving them out to his family without notice. I know this seems silly, but between two people who hate each other, it is not. I just don't want anymore fighting... maybe I should just steal some photos and give them away anyway, paying my mum if she finds out? (maybe that option sucks too, my mother is not someone you want to be around when she is upset) So, angry mum, or angry dad?

Thanks if you bother to read this; again I am not complaining about my problems, I just want to know if I am thinking straight.


Thank-you for your input. I should probably clarify that my father IS a little cheap, and thinks that he should just get the photos anyway because he used to without problems. I just never wanted to ask my dad to buy his own photos because he would get angry. That is why I want to pay for them.

Update 2:

Aw, thanks everyone:) You've made me feel better about this! I'll think some more about talking to my mum. Very grateful. I am putting the question to vote.

10 Answers

  • K K
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Yes your father and your grandparents should have pictures of you, your mother is being very childish, and you father is not helping the situation at all by taking his anger out on you. It seems like you are the only one acting like an adult so it is going to be up to you to get this straightened out. First find out if you can put in another order for more pictures and how much it would cost. I am sure the company that took the pictures would not be opposed to selling more. Then I would tell your father you want him and others to have pictures of you and another set will cost so much and could he give you the money so you can give them to him and your grandparents. If he says no and blows up you are in a bad situation but at least you tried. Then if you do have money of your own that you would spend on pictures I would either order them from the school or have some taken that might be more in your range to pay for. Then I would wrap them and keep them until Christmas and pass them out as presents from you to the others. Tell him you wanted him to have pictures of you so that is his Christmas present for this year. I bet next year he will help you buy his copies. Good luck

  • Awww, that sucks. You have every right to whine!!! Your parents are the ones that need to start acting like adults, sounds like you are more of an adult than they are. But, divorces are hard and some people have a hard time with it all the way around. Still it's not fair that's it's being taken out on you, remember that.

    About the pictures, I think you should tell your mother that your father is upset he can't have any of the pictures of you. As much as she dislikes him, you are still his child, just as much as hers. And you don't want to be stuck in the middle of their problems. So you would much appreciate if she would be nice, and let him have a few of the pictures, after all you Did ask if he could buy his own and she said no. Tell her you don't want to be put in a position where you feel you have to take sides, but they are both putting you there. So, your idea is...if she won't let him have some pictures, then you will ask him if he will take you to a professional picture studio for school year pictures every year from now on, because you don't want to hurt him.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Your mother needs to grow up. Like most ex wives, she likes to feel in "control" of everything and thinks what she says is final. The reality is- you're his daughter too. If he wants pictures of you, and you also want him to have new photos of you then why is she being petty?

    Ask your dad to put in some money so that you can get a package big enough to split them between both households. If he wants the pictures bad enough, it shouldnt be a problem. Your dad could stop the confrontation by sending some money back with you to put in for the photos.

    At the end of the day, divorced parents nit pick about everything... and as you have pointed out-- the child is the one who suffers, or you wouldnt be on here seeking advice.

    Tell them it's not about them, or their opinions, or money, or power... its about both parents whom you love equally getting a fair go. Your mother isnt the control freak that she is trying to be, and if your dad wants photos... Cough up!

  • Sue C
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Your mother is NOT being a bit fair to your father. He IS paying support for you, obviously he does care about you. YES, he & his side of the family does deserve pictures of you, they love you & care about you. I know if it were me, I would take the number of pictures I needed & hide them good so she won't find them. When you can, mail them off rite away so they'll be gone & out of the house. If she asked you if you had them, you in all honesty could say you didn't, because they already would be out of your hands & on their way to your dad. This is only fair of him to have these pictures of you, after all, that's all he does have of you! Actually in a way, he's paid for these pictures when he gives her your support money. So he does deserve to have some of them. If she's not going to be fair, at least you can be. She is not being honest or even grateful for the support he pays to her for you. Just get those pictures, honey, & get them mailed off as soon as you can. Your day knows what kind of a person she is, maybe put a note in them that they are strictly from YOU, & not to mention them to anyone except you. He'll get the message I'm to you, honey...:)

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  • 1 decade ago

    I hope every divorced couple out there, reads your letter. This is what happens when a divorce couple hate each other so much that they put their own child in the middle of their hateful battle and use their child to get even with each other. WRONG! WRONG! WRONG!!!!!!!!!

    You need to stand up to your parents and tell them you know longer want to be put in the middle of them trying to get even with each other. You are not going to take sides with one of them and against the other one. You don't want to hear either one of them to say anything bad to you ever again about the other one. Leave you OUT of their hatred and fighting. You don't want any part of this anymore. PERIOD!!!

    Tell your father that your mother is never going to give him anymore of your school pictures to him again. You don't want to talk to him about it and you don't want to know how he feels about it. You want to be FINISHED once and for all with this problem. From now on you want your dad and you to go somewhere once a year to have your picture taken together. Having a picture of the two of you together will be a much nicer picture then one of your school pictures anyway. He can have copies of the picture made and give them to his family. Wouldn't it be nice to have a picture of you and your dad together that you can put in your own wallet or put in a frame to keep in your bedroom?

    You have to be firm with your parents and every time they start bad mouthing the other one to you, you have to say STOP! I told you I don't want to hear that from you anymore. If you love me, you won't put me through this anymore.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Wow, that's quite the predicament there. I would maybe try suggesting to your dad that since your mom is having a power trip maybe he could take you to get photo's done specifically for him and his family?? Or you could go and have them done yourself for him and his family? Then your mom has no say who gets copies of them as she did not buy them. I'm sorry that it's a lose lose situation for you, I hope everything works out so at least neither of them is mad at you

  • nodar
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    properly i could say the two one in each of you. If she didnt describe the type you have been changing that it grew to become into probably a lie. If she's ignoring you flow make different pals reason she's no longer a real chum. yet i does no longer start up calling her names reason people like that are snotty, and could tell on you so at as quickly as. you have each perfect to be mad, yet dont say stuff like that to her. only dont communicate along with her and depart her on my own. "what is going around comes around" and depart it like that.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think you should be mad or upset if your parents fight all the time. say that you think ur father deserves to get pictures of you from school because he doesn'tt get to see you that often . and that just because you peoplearen'tt together you should still get to see him.(my paren'ts arent divorced or anything im just taking a guess ,sort of so dont get mad if im wrong or anythingthat was a little off subject.) i think you should sneak them to your dad (i would) and if you get caught by your mom pay for them like you said.

    Source(s): me , myself , and i
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Funny your the only one thinking straight . Your parents have there heads where the sun doesn't shine putting you in the middle . Have a copy made if nothing els and give it to dad .

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You need to tell your mother she's acting like a CHILD.

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