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Lv 6
ArRo asked in Politics & GovernmentElections · 1 decade ago

Would anyone vote for Lou Dobbs, if he decides to run for President in 2012?

He has already tried to soften his previous harsh opinions of illegal aliens, and has suggested "changes in the approach to control them. This could prove to be the flip-flopper of all time, but how else would he ever get a Latino vote? I hope he runs, if only to provide some comedy relief!

12 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    NO, and if you want comic relief; vote for Joe the Plumber.

    Wouldn't THAT flip the apple cart over. Could you imagine Joe the Plumber being elected POTUS?

    The good ole bois would flip out. NOW THATS FUNNY.

  • 1 decade ago

    I would rather vote for Michael Werner. I already know what he stands for.

    Just as an fyi most of the legal Mexican immigrants do not like to see the illegal ones crossing

    our border either, the illegal ones are taking their jobs at a lower wage and the legal ones

    have had to wait their turn in line.

    I personally think that most legal immigrants would vote for someone that would be willing

    to oust the illegal ones.

  • 1 decade ago

    Hell no. He has proven that he will not stand strong against illegal aliens.

    And BTW, you are wrong. A person who would be very PRO LEGAL IMMIGRANT while being very ANTI-ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT would get enough of the Latino vote. The HUGE SURGE in the patriotic American vote would more than make up for the slight loss in Latino vote. There are A LOT of legal immigrants who are every bit as anti-illegal as Dobbs has professed to be.

    Politico...if BHO keeps up his socialist agenda, the dems would have to run someone else to stand a piss ant's chance in hell of winning. Many people think that no republican could have won after Bush....BHO does not stand a chance after BHO. He is Jimmy Carter all over again BUT MUCH MUCH WORSE. are absolutely correct. My wife's family and most of our friends are legal immigrants from Mexico (most now citizens). 100% of them actively have a fun game going on to see who can get the most illegals deported. 100% of them consider illegal immigration among the worst problems in this country (crime, unemployment, economy...ALL impacted severely). 100% would vote for a candidate from either party who would take a VERY strong stance against illegals.

    easy...there is no way in hell that Dobbs gets the republican nomination. Granted McCain was a mistake, and I believe a sacrificial lamb. The animal killer (I can only assume you mean Palin) would be a hunter, and although I will never hunt, I have no problem with hunters. And unless you have never whacked a fly or a spider, STFU.

    Maria...granted, he knows more than BHO, but who doesn't? That is no reason to vote for the incompetent boob who is already backpedaling on the one thing he had going for him.

  • 1 decade ago

    Mike Hucabee comes to mind and members of Lou's immediate family.

    And of course the folks over at Comedy Central.

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  • benner
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    HELL NO........ no way no shape no form might i do this .. I hated the final election ..Repubs= one previous liberal guy ....Dems= one fantastically black guy with a great number of money in the back of him and an outstanding speech author and no substance ... in my view if Daffy Duck had of been a decision i might have voted for him over MCcain or Oblahma

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Why on earth would someone vote for a newsman as president of anything? The republicans will run anybody, a plumber, a animal killer, an old man with no idea's, a war monger, what next?

  • 1 decade ago

    I suppose he might find a few informed idiots who might vote for him, but I can't imagine his actually being a serious candidate.

  • 1 decade ago

    Have we not learned our lesson? Voting in celebrities is a huge mistake. Elections are not popularity contests or beauty pageants. We need to be wiser in selecting our leaders.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I would because without even one day in the Whit House, he already knows more than the Kenyan!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If Dobbs, or Palin runs as Pres or VP the GOP will have no chance @ winning. If Romney or Huckabee win, the whole country will stay the same. Ron Paul 2012!!!

    Source(s): Ron Paul Revolution
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