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If you saw a spouse beating up the other spouse would call 911?

Domestic Violence is a serious crime. Today, so many spouses are killing the other spouse, even the children. Violence within the family unit is out of control. Should there be more laws to protect victims of Domestic Violence? Should there be longer sentencing for the abuser?

There are both male and females victims of domestic violence, there are both male and female abusers. Do you know any one who has been a victim of DV?

14 Answers

  • mbleu
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Yes I would call 911 without a second thought. DV is not a laughing matter. The problem is women, and men a like, will go back to the abuser because he/she tells them it won't happen again. Or if they try to leave their spouse will kill them. Stronger laws isn't going to help until the victims start standing up and say I won't be your punching bag anymore.

    I called 911 once on a neighbor who was beating the crap out of his wife. After the police took him away, she came over to thank us. Three days later he was back living with her. He never knew who it was that called the cops, but they moved because in his option the neighbors needed to mind their our business. She went with him. I don't know what ever happened after that.

    DV is hitting more and more families today. With more people out of work and running out of opinions to provide for they family, they are turning on each other. Whether it is abuse or murder/suicide, people need a way to live and survive. And the ones who are being abused, needs to stand up for themselves and get out of those relationships. There are people who can help them. They just have to decided they want out and need the help to do it safely.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes, I would call 911, but I would never agree that there should be more laws to protect the victims. Laws like this end up infringing on all of us. Instead, there should be a greater effort towards understanding how people get so unhealthy that they would ignore the early warning signs of a potential abuser when healthy individuals would have been long gone. It's generally related to self-esteem problems and/or a need to have a partner that exceeds the norm.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    WKidd: I wouldn't if a woman was slapping a man? Really? That's total BULLSHYT..problem is, that's the way the law enforcement and judges think too..that's why men get fuked so bad in the "justice" system.

    I'll finish by saying " I wouldn't call if a man was slapping a woman" Let's see how many thumbs down I get.

    Source(s): Called 911 when a woman was getting beat up..went to her apt to get the guy away from her..she wanted to press charges on me! that was my first foray into "women love bad boys" I have a daughter who has that syndrome so I stay away from her and her inmate boyfriend..I won't go to jail for anyone
  • Millie
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I would call 911. Yes there should be more laws and longer sentences. Yes, I've been a victim myself.

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  • 1 decade ago

    yes, I have been a victim of that in the past...I wouldn't call 911 though if a woman was just slapping a man, but if I saw outright punching and blood from either one, yes I would.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I was abused as a child until about ten when my teacher finally got involved. There shoulf DEFINATELY be more laws as it as out of control and disregarded as "beating" when it /could/ be life threatening.

  • 1 decade ago

    I've been a victim and I've also stepped in when I've seen DV going on.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    identity probably walk as much as her and be like what the hell are you doing merely as a results of fact men at the instant are not allowed to hit women folk anymore dosent mean you get to hit them than identity probably push her removed from her husband and than call cops as a results of fact those days women folk could be merely as undesirable as any men.

  • 1 decade ago

    Without a doubt

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    In a heart beat

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