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Don't you find it interesting that the History Channel, for whom I have very little respect?

due to its anti-Catholic bias, in one of it's more disgusting programs (Pawn Stars), which is televised in Las Vegas, Nevada, that promotes itself as "Sin City", televised today what we've all already known for decades or longer, that the Bible is the BEST-SELLING, NON-FICTION book, EVER??!!! So much for atheism and those who "want proof" of whether God exists or not. Score: God 100; Atheism -1,000,000. Even the devil knows there is a God, and he knows who He is, and what His best resource "manual" is. If you have any comment, please try to keep it mature and civilized. Thank you.


Obviously not a lot of mature and respectable thought given by many in their answers. But what could I expect on YAnswers.

14 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Christianity is a reality, not a religion.

    HalleluYAH - praise ye the LORD!

  • 8 years ago

    Remember that those "sales" include all the bibles that are put in motel rooms by the Gideons and never get read. The fact is that the bible is the best-selling book because it got a head start from being the ONLY book printed in the early days of the printing press. The other question is that many bibles are SOLD, but how many of them are actually READ. Survey after survey has shown that "christians" know precious little about their own bible.

    Fact. If every home in the world had 3 bibles for every person living in that home, it would still do absolutely NOTHING to prove the existence of ANY "god". The two topics are totally unrelated, which you do not seem to understand.

    Blessings on your Journey!

  • 8 years ago

    Huh? I've missed the point of this bit of silliness. The reason for Pawn Stars being on the History channel is quite simple the articles that are brought into the shop quite often ARE bits of history. The explanations of what the articles are and how they were used is always a great lesson in history.

    I don't seem to recall ANY anti Catholic statements on or even in relation to the Pawn Stars program. Maybe you should actually watch and listen to a show before criticizing it.

  • Lv 7
    8 years ago

    The History Channel is the place I go to when I want to watch about Nostradamus, 2012 stuff, Nazis, Hitler, more Nostradamus, and another round of Nazis. Fun fact: They use to call it the 'Hitler Channel', until it discovered the occult, and went all crazy with it.

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  • 8 years ago

    Too many like to be Anti-Catholic but most of them hate the Catholic Church because of what they think/asume the Catholic Church very few for what it truly is! I think Fulton Sheen said something like that!

  • 8 years ago

    THe history channel will buy anything at all and present it as fact. The only facts you will actually see, will be entirely accidental and the producers take no responsibility for such oversites.

  • 8 years ago

    yes...but it gets the word out , about God . And.. decodes the bible, so that we may under stand what's to come and is now here! God's Finally coming back... and few believe it.

    Source(s): study
  • 8 years ago

    It's all about ratings and bandwagoning old and popular myths (the end of the world 12/21/12, aliens etc.,)

  • 8 years ago

    If you dislike the channel so much and find that program "disqusting"..........why are you watching it?

    I have no respect for televangelists and find their money raising scams much more disquisting than Pawn Stars. So I don't watch them. Problem solved.

  • C.D.M.
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    I'm a Jesus man...

    I'm in the club...

    My name is written in the Lamb's Book of Life...

    I made reservations...

    The angels of God are busy making my wedding garments...

    I'm going to the party...I'M GOING...

    Source(s): Me, Jesus, and the Bible
  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Labeling something as "Non-Fiction" because people believe it is factual, is a label.

    Nothing more, nothing less.

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