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Speed Enforcement?

Hello everyone,

I’m in the planning stages of opening a wildfire mitigation company, much of our work will be done on the sides of roads and as you know work zones are very dangerous places to be especially when people don’t slow down. My question is is it legal for my traffic control team to use photo radar to target speeding vehicles through the work zone and then those photos will get stored in a data base which our company will issue a fine to the violator. Now the fine won’t go against their driving record as we have no police powers or anything however, if the same violator keeps violating the work zone then we will pass their information off to the police department. The purpose of this is to not tie up a police officer for the day or days that we will be working in specific areas and the fine that my company issues will be just a fine and hopefully get the message across that you are putting human lives in danger so you need to slow down. I should also mention that the photo radar stations will more than likely be mounted on a vehicle but the vehicle will be stationary and we will NOT be chasing down violators, if we happen not to catch them on camera then it’s their lucky day. If someone could shed some light on this and tell me how to proceed or tell me if this is even legal it would be greatly appreciated! Thank you.

4 Answers

  • Anonymous
    4 weeks ago

    Based on the number of questions you've asked on this subject, you have no idea what you're doing, do you?   Perhaps your time is better spent researching the subject instead of asking random strangers on the internet.

  • Bruce
    Lv 7
    4 weeks ago

    If that was allowed, everyone would have a speed camera in front of their house. Have you considered where you will mail the fine to? DMV records are confidential, you won't find it there. Another problem, what are you going to do if they don't pay? Sue them for a fine you have no authority to issue? 

    One final thought, you claim to be doing this for safety reasons. Getting a fine three days later will do nothing to make the work zone safer. 

  • 4 weeks ago

    First, I'm not sure what you mean by "our company will issue a fine" since you have no authority to issue fines or to make them pay the fines.

    Second, I'm not sure what information you plan to provide to the police, but a single photograph of the vehicle may not be helpful.  You really need two photographs, one showing the license plate number and one showing the driver's face.  A photograph showing the entire vehicle while it is speeding probably won't be enough to identify the violator.

    Third, there's an easier way to accomplish what you want:  Just park a vehicle of the same model as the police cars and install the radar.  Don't bother with the photos.  If everyone's radar detectors go off and everyone without a radar detector sees a vehicle of the same model as the police cars, then the drivers will think that there are police there looking for speeders, and they will slow down.

  • 4 weeks ago

    You are not even ready to be in the planing stages of opening a lemonade stand. In fact, you need to DIRECTLY coordinate with local law enforcement to even HAVE "traffic control" and they would be responsible for any enforcement. Any ATTEMPT by you to issue fines is 100% ILLEGAL.

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