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Favorite Answers16%
  • What is the scariest movie you have EVER seen?

    For me, it was Jaws. I was 7 years old when I saw it back when it was released and I would not go swimming for the rest of that summer.

    If you choose a series, choose ONE movie from that series.

    13 AnswersPolls & Surveys10 years ago
  • Photo Upload Station?

    In the age of digital cameras, my fiance and I have come up with an unusual idea. This is to keep from having to use disposable cameras at our wedding and reception.

    We want to set up our laptop in a secluded corner at our reception site (it's the same place we are having our wedding). The laptop has a camera chip reader for all types of chips and what we are thinking of doing is simply directing guests to the laptop and having instructions on how to upload photos right there on the spot.

    I'm not sure if this has been done before. It would certainly make it easier to get all of the photos taken that day. The uploading is fast and the laptop does not delete photos off the chip unless that option is chosen. We would, of course, have someone to keep an eye on it.

    What do you all think? It's different, yes but I think it might work out quite well considering this computer has a huge hard drive. We would just create a folder that all photos would automatically go to.


    3 AnswersWeddings10 years ago
  • Second Wedding...We Don't Want Gifts?

    We have everything we need, such as appliances, formal china, casual china, linens and on down the line. However, there are a few charities/organizations that we both strongly support and they include the American Diabetes Association (I am a diabetic), The Center for Hearing Loss, The American Heart Association and the Susan Komen Foundation.

    This is not something we would put in with the invitation. We would rather have people just the word.

    Is it bad taste to ask that people make a donation to one of those organizations in lieu of gifts? We do not intend to register for anything. Honeymoon wise, we plan a long weekend to a destination wthin driving distance.

    Advice please. Thanks.


    10 AnswersWeddings10 years ago
  • How did/do you know when it's time?

    My cat may be facing the end of her time with me. She's very old and in declining health. It seems she's giving me signs that she is nearing the end. It's hard to see her like this and I don't want to wait too long to make the dreaded decision on when to end her life. I don't want to act prematurely but I also don't want her to suffer.

    She's been with me a very long time and I owe her a peaceful, pain free and dignified death. My question is "when".


    8 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • Best vocal rock group?

    I have my opinion on who I think is the best vocally sounding rock group...members whose voices just mesh so well. Who is your favorite and why?

    Here's an example of my favorite and who I think is the best;

    MJ doesn't count...he was not a group.

    1 AnswerPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • The BBW at BGE is closing?

    It was announced that the Big Bad Wolf is closing forever on September 7th. That sucks!! That ride is so much fun. I will miss it.

    How does anyone else feel about this?


    2 AnswersAmusement Parks1 decade ago
  • OK...time to fess up...?

    Who actually once owned a Walkman?

    23 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Who else was sure she lied?

    According to CNN ( a trusted news source), the girl who received 56 star tattoos on her face admitted publicly that she had lied because "her father was furious". I knew it all along. I'm sorry but no one could sleep through getting all those stars tattooed on her face. She probably faced the music because the artist had a witness who heard the girl consent.

    All of that controversy over a lie. Jeez.


    7 AnswersTattoos1 decade ago
  • Post laser surgery tattoo?

    I know it won't happen right will probably be months...but can a tattoo be done over an area where a tattoo was lasered off? I'm going to have one on my lower abdomen lasered off next month and I'm just wondering if eventually, I can get another tattoo in the same area. If not, that's fine...I can always go to the other side. I'm getting rid of a tattoo I don't like anymore and the cost of a cover up is about the same as the laser treatments ($300). I've had the tattoo for about 16-17 years. I have 4 others that are staying...I like them just fine.



    8 AnswersTattoos1 decade ago
  • Support Ribbon Tattoos?

    Does anyone have support ribbon tattoos? I have the breast cancer ribbon because it runs in my family and I'm thinking about getting the diabetes support ribbon. I've seen some beautiful ones. I have the breast cancer ribbon that is surrounded by a heart on my right breast (perfect place for it, as far as I'm concerned. If you did get one, what would it represent?

    I'm curious.


    4 AnswersTattoos1 decade ago
  • Anyone ever have a cat that...?

    Does anyone have a cat story to tell about how your pet may have saved you from some type of emergency?

    My cat once pawed and meowed at me until I woke up because she knew something was wrong...and there was. I was having a severe insulin reaction (I'm a diabetic). I might not have woken up if she hadn't tried so hard. I was amazed that she knew...I mean, I've heard of dogs doing it but cats??

    My cat truly is a lifesaver.

    7 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • Calling all tattoo Virginia if possible?

    I got a tattoo 2 weeks ago (my 5th) and it's healing a bit slower than my others. It's on my left ankle. It's still scabbed a little and I do have a mild infection, which is being treated with oral antiiotics.

    The tattoo did not turn out well. It's lost a lot of color and I'm not pleased with the end result. If a person comes back, do you offer retouches? Mine will need one once it's fully healed. It's not as vivid as it is supposed to be (it's a butterfly). My friend and I got them at the same time and hers turned out much better. I'm going to get a different artist to touch it up. Do artists charge for that? The tattoo cost more than $100 and I feel like I should get what I paid for.

    The swelling is down and the redness is going away. When I saw it didn't look right, I went to the doctor to get it looked at. Thanks for any advice.

    1 AnswerTattoos1 decade ago
  • Help me out with this?

    That has all five vowels in alphabetical order. I know of a few...I want to see how many others people can come up with. Real words only, please!

    6 AnswersWords & Wordplay1 decade ago
  • Seeking Mr Peachy...or anyone, really...?

    I remember you once mentioning that cinnamon pills can help control blood sugar. Well, I have always doubted that but now I stand corrected. What I don't understand is how it actually helps. I take one a day and I have noticed a significant drop in my morning sugars, which would often run high (serious dawn phenomenon here).

    Would you care to help me out here? Thanks.


    3 AnswersDiabetes1 decade ago
  • Facing a hysterectomy...what can I expect?

    I'm having one in January. I have to have to bikini incision...laparascopic is not an option for me. Has anyone here had one? Can you tell me what I can expect to be dealing with? I know I will have a hospital stay of a few days and that I'm looking at 4-6 weeks of not being able to work.

    I have given up using short term fixes for a long term problem.

    Any advice or suggestions? Thanks.


    2 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • Voter fraud possible?

    I have seen on the news some frightening information...that there are many people...could number into the hundreds of thousands...that were able to vote twice in different states. No doubt, this can make a serious difference in the election outcome.

    Did Obama REALLY win? This is something to take under serious consideration. Authorities are investigating but there is no word on when it will be completed...or how it will turn out. Hmmmm...


    22 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Presidential survey?

    I'm curious about something and I'm conducting a poll to see if I'm right, wrong or so far off base that I'm not even in the ball park.

    Who are you voting for?

    How old are you?

    Male or Female?

    Black, White, Asian, Latino or other?

    Where do you rank yourself on the food chain?


    This should be interesting.

    1 AnswerPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Why...oh why...I just can't understand...??

    I still can't understand why people (any race, any sex, any age, any education level) purposely misspell words. I'm under the impression that people think it looks "cool".

    They are sadly mistaken.

    It's not just intentional improper's also the use of abbreviations, the "urban" language, the poor sentence construction and lack of punctuation.

    Any theories?


    This is in the etiquette section because this directly affects many aspects of etiquette.

    12 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago
  • What did you name your boat?

    I'm just a little curious to see what names for all types of watercraft that people have come up with. What kind watercraft do you have? Does it have a "themed" name? Was it one picked at random? Is there a special meaning behind it?

    Mine is named...I'll post what it is after I've seen a few responses.


    11 AnswersBoats & Boating1 decade ago
  • Asking Pin Traders...?

    This is for fellow Disney pin traders. What is your "holy grail" pin(s) and do you have it(them) yet?

    I had 4 must-haves and I have them all.

    1. Elliott the Dragon (from 2003, long retired LE pin)

    2. Haunted Mansion trash can (cast lanyard pin, a limited edition)

    3. Adventureland trash can (cast lanyard pin, again a limited edition)

    4. Bagheera (a limited edition, very rare pin)

    I'm just wondering. I've been trading for more than 12 years now and I have amassed a 400+ pin collection. It's the thrill of the hunt...that's what makes it fun.


    1 AnswerAmusement Parks1 decade ago