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♺ "Better than a thousand hollow words, is one word that brings peace." Buddha PS: My answers are both in Portuguese and in English. l_ღ√Ƹ Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Mulher, vegetariana, cidadã do Cosmos e aprendiz de fada. Já fui uma Sacerdotisa. Hoje sou aquela que não tem nome... "Melhor do que mil palavras vazias é uma palavra que traz a paz". Buddha

  • Ebonics in the workplace: what are your thoughts on this subject?

    By the way, since English isn't my first language, I used to have the hardest time understanding this dialect. Now it's easier, but I still try to block it out as not to lose my still growing vocabulary and command of the language. But, having said that, I used to ignore Spanish as much as I could, as well. Not because I don't like it, which I kind of do, but because it's too close to my native Portuguese and I wanted to concentrate on learning English first.

    Thanks in advance for your comments.

    Peace! ☼

    4 AnswersCorporations1 decade ago
  • ¿Como se dice "overdraft" en espanol?

    Y "fee", "charge", y "standard"?

    Muchas gracias.

    3 AnswersIdiomas1 decade ago
  • Who leads you? Who is or who are your true leaders? Why do we allow ourselves to be "lead" by others anyway?

    Even people who are clearly at a loss of how to be good guides to themselves, much less to others. Clueless individuals "leading" the masses. Or even just one other person.

    And if you hold any kind of job where you have someone to whom you need to report, a supervisor, a boss or "superior" of any kind, please don't say you lead yourself because we both know it isn't the truth.

    Yes, I'm in the same "boat" with those who still allow themselves to be lead by governmental powers, school systems, bureaucracies of every kind imaginable. Why do we do this? Why can't we seem to be able to break free from these kinds of unhealthy and insanity-laced bondage situations?

    Are we like the monkeys in the video? Unfortunately, I think we are...

    6 AnswersPhilosophy1 decade ago
  • What are the best (if any), most humane and people-oriented companies to work for in the US today?

    Companies that don't treat people like mere numbers or statistics? Are you one of the lucky ones who works for one of these companies?

    5 AnswersCorporations1 decade ago
  • What would Buddha do?

    This is a question, if I may, directed primarily at Buddhists. I wonder what Buddha would do if he traveled to America in 2010, if he got a job in an office somewhere and, during his lunch hours, he would have to sit and watch several TV shows ranging from Maury to Days of Our Lives to Jerry Springer and the 24 hours News Networks while eating his food?

    How would Buddha react? Would he ask that people turn of the television? Would he forgo sitting in the employee lounge and go walk outside, weather permitting, instead of watching said tv shows? Would he even ask that someone picked a different, more serene channel to watch?

    I was just wondering...

    Buddhists and spiritualists, what would Buddha do in this situation? : )

    Love and Blessings to all! ♥

    16 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Why is it that our collective spiritual evolution takes place so slowly and so painfully?

    Sometimes I feel like an isolated oasis of peace among so many suffering souls. I look around me and all I see is child-like spirituality. Here, for instance, the story is the same. People attached to old spiritual beliefs, old holy books, to old ways of thinking and being.

    Am I saying I'm better than any of these folks? Absolutely not. It's just that... I question how long will humanity have to suffer before we decide to awaken.

    Why is our spiritual progress so slow and so painful?


    Can you just answer with what your HEART says?

    Thank you! ♥

    19 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Seven out of twelve people who work with me are being laid off. How can I surprise them with something nice?

    I need ideas on how to do a nice, meaningful surprise to my coworkers. Five of us, myself included, are being transferred to other departments -- while seven others are being laid off. It's been an emotional last couple of days for everyone. Our spirits are a little down. There were many tears and sadness in our office during and after management made the announcement that they were closing down our department.

    I just... wanted to do something nice, something from my heart to honor those who are leaving for good and those who are being transferred to other areas of our company.

    What would you suggest? I really can't think of anything right now. I'm so sad because of this whole thing...

    18 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Do you ever watch any kind of local news programs? If so, why?

    And how can you stomach it, really? I'm just wondering...

    I seriously can't watch the news, especially local news without getting sick to my stomach. It's also pretty difficult to understand how some folks are able to watch news about rapes and murders while having dinner. O.O

    7 AnswersMedia & Journalism1 decade ago
  • American minorities and spirituality (not religion): why do you think this happens?

    Why are so few African Americans, Latinos and other minorities present at spiritual conferences where people like Eckhart Tolle, Deepak Chopra, Dr. Wayne Dyer and others are speaking? I'm a Latina woman by birth and I must say it was a little disheartening to observe the small numbers of minorities in attendance at most spiritual gatherings. Why do you think this happens?

    Are minorities more inclined to follow mainstream religions?

    And why is it that it's mostly "white" people (I don't like categorizing, but I find no other way to explain this) the ones who are seeking to awaken at this point in time? I know there are some, very few, minorities who are also leaving old dogmas and beliefs behind. But it saddens me to see that a large portion of our population in America is still trapped by old traditional religious beliefs. Nothing wrong with that, of course, since it's the path most natural to them at this particular point in their evolution as souls. However, I wonder why the disparity in numbers.

    Every time I go to a spiritual gathering or watch a video of one online, the audience always seems to be 99.9% white...

    I hope my question doesn't offend anyone. I just want to understand what's happening and why it is the way it is. What do you think?

    I would especially love to hear from our African American brothers and sisters.

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • We go through life filtering every interaction and every event by using only our personal experience, right?

    If this is so, and I believe it is, how can we judge anything outside of ourselves? Like religion and spirituality (or the lack thereof), for instance?

    This is not a "one-size-fits-all" scenario. So why do we try to make it so? And don't say we don't do this, because the very existence of this section here on Y! A proves my point. **smiles***

    Most of us don't come here to offer our point of view on things. We come to announce to the world that only our point of view is the right one. True?

    : )

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Foi isso que inspirou o famigerado "Rebolation"?

    (Podem clicar, pessoas. Não é vírus!)


    Paz e Luz ☼

    3 AnswersRap e Hip-Hop1 decade ago
  • Espiritualmente falando, o que você teme?

    Algo te assusta ou já te assustou e amedrontou em relação às suas crenças, convicções e idéias?

    Paz e Luz ☼

    16 AnswersReligião e Espiritualidade1 decade ago
  • Fora a Bíblia, quantos outros livros você, religioso ou ateu, já leu até hoje?

    E qual foi ou quais foram as suas áreas de estudo?

    Só uma curiosidade minha...

    Paz e Luz ☼

    11 AnswersReligião e Espiritualidade1 decade ago
  • Ateus, religiosos, espíritas, espiritualistas e afins: o que vocês tem em comum? O que os une?

    E por favor, não digam que nada porque até uma criança percebe que existe algo em comum entre todos os seres. Há uma malha invisível, algo sem nome que une todos vocês, todos nós. Como você define, como você entende e lida no seu dia a dia com este conceito abstrato mas que influencia a vida de todos nós?

    Paz e Luz ☼

    27 AnswersReligião e Espiritualidade1 decade ago
  • Anne Rice deixa o Cristianismo. O que você acha?

    Ela não se tornou atéia, muito pelo contrário. Mas acaba de dar adeus ao Cristianismo.

    Confira o que ela escreveu na sua página do Facebook:

    Para aqueles que se interessarem em saber, e eu entenderei se você não se interessa por esse assunto, saibam que hoje eu deixei o Cristianismo. Estou fora. Eu continuo sendo uma devota de Cristo como sempre fui, mas não a ser uma pessoa cristã ou a fazer parte do Cristianismo. Me é simplesmente impossível continuar pertencendo a este grupo cheio de brigas, hostil, competitivo, discutidor, e que é merecidamente chamado de infame. Durante dez anos eu tentei continuar, mas falhei. Sou uma estranha dentro deste grupo. E minha consciência não me permite continuar."

    Ela continuou uma hora mais tarde e postou o seguinte:

    Como eu disse antes, deixei de ser cristã. Estou fora desta religião. Em nome de Jesus Cristo, eu me recuso a ser anti-homossexuais. Eu me recuso a ser anti-feminista. Eu me recuso a ser contra métodos anti-concepcionais artificiais. Eu me recuso a ser anti-Democrática (partido liberal americano). Eu me recuso a ser anti-humanismo secular. Eu me recuso a ser anti-ciência. Eu me recuso a ser anti-vida. Em nome de Jesus eu deixo hoje de ser cristã e de fazer parte do Cristianismo. Amém.

    _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

    Vamos lá, vamos conversar sobre este último acontecimento na vida desta autora admirada por tantos pelo mundo afora.

    O que você acha?

    **Eu não negativo nenhuma resposta educada**

    13 AnswersReligião e Espiritualidade1 decade ago
  • Anne Rice leaves Christianity. What do you think?

    I know she goes back and forth with this (this is the second time she quits Christianity), but I think this time she quit religion for good.

    19 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • What's your take on the whole "DIVA" behavior?

    Psychologically speaking, what does being a so-called diva tell you about a person right off the bat? Let's dig deep on this one, okay, folks? : )

    9 AnswersGender Studies1 decade ago
  • Qual a sua SEGUNDA principal fonte de sabedoria espiritual?

    Não vale citar fontes primárias como a Bíblia, o Evangelho Segundo o Espiritismo, etc..

    Gostaria de saber qual ou quais são suas fontes secundárias de pesquisa e aprendizado espiritual.

    Obrigada a todos!

    14 AnswersReligião e Espiritualidade1 decade ago