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  • Got a common sense question: If you ask a person to buy a key lock for a door what type of lock would you think they asking for?

    Asked ex-husband to buy a lock a key lock for my sons bedroom door because there older brother keeps going in their room taking there stuff. He brings me a chain/slide lock. I know he not mechanically incline, but he had the nerve to tell me that it the same thing. He states the average person would not know what I was talking about. Opinion please

    4 AnswersOther - Social Science7 years ago
  • Opinion on a "friend"?

    I was friends with this woman, but after a disagreement about me telling her getting a second opinion for her child condition she got mad at me. After her not calling me for about a month or so I called her because our children are friends and I was concerned about her and the kids. I asked herpoint blank was she still mad, she claims see never was. Haven't talked to her since. Mind you we talked 2-3 times a week.

    The argument was about a doctor operating on her child's and the doctor she took here child to happens to be the same child goes to for a problem be had. She asked me what I thought and I told no one is cutting on my child without second opinion first. She got mad because I told there is no way she going to tell me that he's the only doctor who does this type of surgery. We have the same insurance and I knew he wasn't. Don't get me wrong he's a great doctor, but if its my child I'm checking all avenue unless time does not permit it.

    1 AnswerFriends10 years ago
  • What do you do when your Mom has issues with you?

    My mother and me do have the best relationship and anytime we argue she brings my dad, her ex into it. They have been divorced for over 25 years! She believe that my relationship with him should be the same as my relationship with her. The only differences my dad does not interfere in my life. Ex: My relationship with my dad's mother has never been good because this woman would make such bad comments about my mother I couldn't stand. The last straw was when I was she called me and evil lying child because I defended my mother and out of all of her grandchildren I was the redhead stepchild made to do everything. I would go to mother and tell her what my grandma did and her answer was the same each time "I wasn't there". I don't know about ya'll,but if my child comes to me crying about something their grandma did and you know this person has a bad history with you from jump it warrants you checking it out. My mother never did and she brings this up with me if we have any arguments about anything which is silly because she then say "why don't I act this way with your dad?" For one thing my dad apologize for his mother actions and I did not know this until recently that my dad talked to her about this. I explain to my mother before that she never defended me on this, but let me get hurt and tell me to get over it. Mind you all my friends think the world of my mom, which is fine I just don't have that type of mother and daughter relationship with her. I love her I just don't like being around her. I believe she jealousy because my relationship with my dad is stronger. I was raised by her and my relationship with my dad wasn't always perfect either because I resented him for a lot things when they divorced, but I moved on from them because it made me sick to hold the crap in.

    Before anyone ask yes I'm in therapy because this and other things and this is another things she throws in my face. She'll make the comments "I need to talk to your therapist" and "I'm like why" her answer, I don't believe your telling her the who story". I told her "half a story ain't no story". I wanted all of my boys know they can come to me not just 2 out of 3.

    2 AnswersFamily10 years ago
  • What do you do with an overbearing mother?

    My mother is overbearing when comes to her opinion on my life with my children.Yes, everyone has one, but when is enough a enough? Example I have three boys and my mother constantly trying to give me advice even when I don't ask on how to raise them. It starting to annoy me because my oldest is always "Grandma said this and that" and tries to play me against his grandma, his dad, and me. She tends to undermine my authority with my sons. I'm her youngest child and was the first one to move out at 19 because me and her butt heads and my children are her only grandchildren to give you a little insight. How do handle a overbearing mother? It's like she want to be their mother. I've already told her if any of my sons get out line and she had something to do with I would sign over custody to her because if he's only going to go by with what she say's then she needs to support him.

    Here's little more information: No, I've never been a teenage mom, I use to babysit kids and work in daycare from age 11-19 during my younger years and I'm not the only relative she does this to, she's just worse with me. I tried to talk to her, but it tends to be a big argument.

    1 AnswerFamily1 decade ago
  • What does this mean on a Trane furnace?

    I opened the panel and the led error light reader states its a pressure error. Is this something I can do myself or should I call a HVAC Tech?

    4 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • What do you do when you know your child school is lying on your child?

    Short story: My child got in trouble at middle school. I know my child played a part in how this mess started because he did not follow directions, but I know for fact that two of the allegations against my son are lies because the AP and Security lied at the hearing we went to and changed their story twice. My child distrust the school system as it is because of incident that him when he first began school, but did not tell me about until earlier year. I appealed the ruling against him and they made his punishment worst.How can tell my child to trust the authority at the school when they are capable of threatening, intimidating and lying on my child? As a parent what would you do? I tried to handle this on my own with his father, but I'm overwhelmed with angry and his dad just want our child to be the happy child we know him to be. Our child know what he could have did differently, but how do you stop the teachers and staff from continue this same process again?

    And before anyone ask; No, I'm not a overprotective mother. My child has been hurt by the school system and they are allowed to get away with damaging and blaming my child.

    1 AnswerPrimary & Secondary Education1 decade ago
  • Do you think this a good thing?

    My eight year is real aggressive and I decided to let him express this through football. I figure if he get knocked down a few times maybe he'll learn to adjust his attitude. The only time I've seen will to act right was when my friend nephew chased him all round to play with him. The little boy plays rough just like my son and he didn't like it.

    4 AnswersGrade-Schooler1 decade ago
  • Estimated cost of change a house over to total electric...?

    I live in a house where the only use for the gas is the hot water tank and the furnace. I want to change this over to a tank-less water heater and electric furnace. Tired of paying for a electric and gas bill. Can anyone give me ideal of how this with cost?

    I've price the the tank-less water heater already, but not an electric furnace.

    1 AnswerOther - Home & Garden1 decade ago
  • A/C problem: The line that leads to my unit has ice on it....?

    Last night my son decide to mess with the thermostat, but he turned it on heat and 80 degrees. I notice this because of the smell of heat and the house was getting warm. Then he did it again apparently when I went to sleep only he did the opposite he turned it down to 50 degrees on cool. Needless to say, the house started get warm, but I couldn't figure out why so I check the vent I didn't feel any cool air, but I could hear the A/C going. I went to check my lines to make sure they were not blocked because I had that problem before. This when I found the ice on the line that lead to A/C unit outside to the line inside. What damage can this cause?

    4 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • Do you think a man can be a positive father if he lives 800 miles away?

    I need men who have or are still married to answer. I am going thru a divorce and my stbx has decided to move back home to NC. We have three boys. His excuse is that if he gets sick he'll have his family to take care of him. His family except for his dad agrees.

    10 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • How make it easy when using a buddy pass?

    I getting two buddy passes and want to travel in June to Vegas. I know you have to pay the fee/taxes associated with it, but if I pay the taxes for a first class ticket will this increase my chances of not being bump.

    I was told to travel during mid week W, TH and come back on M. What time of the day is best, though? I've never flown before so I don't have any idea. I would like to get to Vegas early in the morning to get settle and leave late in the evening if possible. Some advice would be appreciate.


    1 AnswerAir Travel1 decade ago
  • What the best way to start a business of selling use books?

    I tend to read a lot of romance stories and such and have over 300+ books. I usually donate them, but I trying to collect a little cash so that me and my sons can do some things this summer. I thought about just having yard sale, but I don't think it would good where I live because Iive on inclined curve. I thought about ebay, but I wanted to get other people thoughts on this as well.

    2 AnswersSmall Business1 decade ago
  • Would think less of man who once he's divorce he up and quits his two jobs and leaves states and his kids?

    Has two sons, wife is filing for divorce because she states he was trying to run back home and caught him cheating. She later found out he told his jobs he was quitting and moving home with wife and kids.

    9 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Why do some Northerners come to the South and say that they hated it and say hateful things, but don't leave?

    Case in point: I was in a store and the customer was mad at the nail tech because she couldn't give her crisp money. Then had the nerve to say it was because the further she was down South the more problems she had. She was from Brooklyn and the nail tech was from Arizona by way of China? Let's do a little history to the civil war: the plantation owners that could leave and did leave the South went where? Hmmm..

    6 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups1 decade ago
  • How do I find info on how open an adult entertainment club in GA?

    I want to know how get licensing, business, alchol(there will be food). I know where I want it at I've check the county ordinances, security, but what do I need to look for especially since I know the county I want to open it will probably going start something. I know there's demand for it because of some my previous conversation from people.

    1 AnswerSmall Business1 decade ago