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I stopped using this account a loooooong time ago. While I did enjoy helping people, I got tired of people emailing me to whine or b*tch about answers they didn't like or didn't agree with. Good luck to you with finding the answers to your questions. Don't let anyone bring you down.
Verizon Fios vs Comcast Cable... To switch or not to switch?
My fiance and I are getting a new apartment. We currently have Comcast, but the apt complex is wired for Fios and the lease office person recommended it.
Unfortunately, neither of us have ANY experience with Verizon, so it's hard to make a decision...
I'm especially concerned about the On Demand programming. I'm currently addicted to CSI, NCIS, Numb3rs, etc that are free on Comcast's On Demand, but I have no idea what kind of shows are on Fios' On Demand on a normal basis... I know I can get the DVR box to record the shows, but how much more per month is that going to cost me?
I have heard Fios' internet is way better, too.
Price isn't an issue. I already researched both, and in my area, the prices are very similar. And we're not bothering with the phone, we both live off cell phones anyway.
2 AnswersOther - Electronics1 decade agoWhat breed(s) of dog would be best for an elderly woman, as a good, low-maintenance companion? Read details.?
My fiance's grandfather just passed away very unexpectedly, and his grandmother is starting to get pretty lonely. Her mental health seems to be diminishing quickly as well. Everyone in the family is taking turns spending time with her and helping her out as much as possible, but she needs a good, full-time companion for when nobody can be there for a few hours. (The dog was her idea, by the way, I am not trying to a push a responsibility on her).
I love dogs and have 2 of my own, but unfortunately I'm only familiar with the size, temperament, and personality of a handful of breeds. Is anybody out there really familiar with a large number of breeds or has anyone been in a similar situation and has some helpful recommendations??
-SMALL... But not too tiny and yippy, you know what I mean? No more than 1 ft tall full-grown.
-SOCIAL... But not too hyper and won't require a tremendous amount of activity since she can't get around very well (she will not be able to walk it, but she does have a reasonable-sized, fenced yard and a big house)
-LAP DOG... Not too heavy to move when she needs to get up though.
-LOW-MAINTENANCE... Not so hairy that it will shed and get knots all the time or anything...
-GOOD WITH A CAT... She has a 4 year old, very shy, declawed cat.
-CALM... She has a lot of breakables, antiques, and other valuables. The house can only be dog-proofed so much. So nothing too rambunctious and jumpy. And also one that won't bark too much and disturb her or her neighbors.
-CLEAN... Good sense of cleanliness and won't poop all over the house until it gets fully trained.
-INTELLIGENT... Won't run in front of her when she's walking or using a walker or wheelchair, and will be able to learn quickly to go outside if we install a doggy-door.
PS: For now, I'm just trying to get some ideas and facts together before we consider it too seriously... IF we decide to get her a dog, we'd most likely go to an SPCA to rescue one, and preferably find one that's maybe a year old so that it's past the incredibly hyper "puppy-years".
8 AnswersDogs1 decade agoMPG decreased from 24mpg to 16mpg on my 1998 Mazda Protege... What could be wrong?
According to everything I've read online, the average mpg for a 98 Protege is about 24 mpg, or about 312 miles per tank. But I felt like my gas was getting used up pretty quickly and started keeping an eye on it. Lately I'm only getting about 200 miles per tank, which is about 16 mpg...
I know the car is 10 years old, but it runs perfectly, and there's no odd sounds or feelings, nothing unusual, no dash board lights are lit up... So what could be bringing down my mpg so much? I know it fluctuates by different conditions, by 24 to 16 seems like a lot!
I'm going to have my fiance change my oil tomorrow, even though I think it was done before I bought the car last December, (though I've already driven it nearly 3,000 miles since then). I'm also going to check my tires to make sure they're properly inflated, though none of them look TOO underinflated, so I don't think that alone could change my mpg so drastically...
Any other ideas of simple things I could have my car-savvy friends check before resorting to paying a mechanic with money I don't really have...?
Maintenance & Repairs1 decade agoTrouble in PS2 Kingdom Hearts (1)... [Yea, I know, it's like, 5 years old, but can anyone help me]?
I gave up on the game a couple years ago when I got stuck in Aladdin's Agrabah but recently got back into it just for fun, and now I'm addicted again, lol!
I've honestly spent maybe 2 hours reading various walkthroughs from the top all the way through where I am now... I have double-checked everything I've done, I've gone back to every planet for anything I missed (except a couple Mythrils or Ethers or whatever here and there) but I'm still at a dead end...
I just locked the Little Mermaid world, Atlantica, but it didn't open up the next world, Nightmare Before Christmas' Halloweentown. In every walkthrough and FAQ I've seen, it's supposed to be the next world, no catches... But I don't see it.
I have seriously gone back and gotten every single ability, item, postcard, torn page, trinity, dalmation, etc that I could have possibly gotten up until this point, and it hasn't helped.
Can anybody think of what I'm doing wrong? Did anyone else have this problem? What am I missing out on?
7 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade agoHow to stay cool and hydrated while outside all day without drinking too much water and having to pee a lot?
My friends and I are going to the Projekt Revolution concert next Saturday and will be outside ALL day (maybe 11am or noon until midnight). How can we try and stay cool and hydrated without drinking a ton of water and having to go to the bathroom a lot, because it's going to be so hard to dig our way out of the crowd and then make our way back in every time we need to go to the bathroom...
We went to Live 8 a couple summers ago and tried to drink water as minimally as possible so we wouldn't have to go to the bathroom a lot, but then we ended up so dehydrated and sick and a couple of us almost passed out from the heat. So that idea didn't work...
Does anyone have any tips? Is water the best thing to drink? Or should we bring Gatorade or something? Any tips for beating the sun and heat too, besides sunscreen? Thanks!!
2 AnswersOther - Outdoor Recreation1 decade agoHow do we get rid of McAfee for GOOD (it's not in the "Remove Programs" area of the Control Panel)
Our subscription for McAfee ran out and my mom doesn't want to renew it, she wants to get Norton instead, but McAfee is waging war on our computer and won't take NO for an answer! It won't let us do ANYTHING anymore. It's like digital harassment. I can't even open the "Start" menu anymore! It is screwing up our computer sooooooooooo bad!!!!
The whole task bar is frozen, I can't get on the internet without "verifying" the subscription, and I can't even send an error report when it freezes six times after I restart the computer. It's not coming up on the Ctrl+Alt+Delete Task Manager either.
I HATE MCAFEE! How can I make it go away and stay away??
1 AnswerSoftware1 decade agoFacebook is telling me Javascript disabled on Mozilla, but it IS enabled. What's going on?
The home page says Javascript is disabled.
But I went to Tools>Internet Options, and it says Javacript IS enabled.
How can I fix this? Facebook won't let me do anything at all...
I tried disabling is, then re-enabling, and restarting Mozilla. Is there just something wrong with Facebook or Javascript? Although everything works fine when I use Internet Explorer...
3 AnswersFacebook1 decade agoWhat color car seat covers work best for a gold car and light tan interior?
What color seat cover would work best with a "champagne" (goldish) car with all light tan interior. I feel like black would be too dark and would be out of place, and I feel blue and tan don't really go together. I don't care for reds, oranges, pinks, or yellows... I'm having a really hard time finding tan seat covers, though if it doesn't match the rest of the interior, I feel that would also look pretty dumb...
Suggestions for colors or stores to go to? I really don't want to pay more than $20 or so for a seat cover (so no fancy-schmancy custom covers or anything).
It's a 98 Mazda Protege if that matters. I know the styles of seats differ, and I'm not really sure what kind of seats are standard in Proteges (Does anyone know?? The car didn't come with the owner's manual, I bought it used).
Thanks for your input!
2 AnswersOther - Cars & Transportation1 decade agoRandom musical noises coming from Microsoft Vista laptop??
My roommate's laptop (with Vista) makes these random noises all the time. It's always like musical, or birds, or some kind of little jingle.
She knows they are noises specific to Microsoft Vista, but neither one of us know what exactly they're FOR? They're not for when you open a window or close something, or anything logical, they are totally and utterly random. She's not even touching the computer sometimes when it makes one.
There's about 3 or 4 noises a day, almost all are different. There's nothing wrong with the laptop, it's not that kind of noise. It kind of reminds me of when AIM would let you set a "sign on" noise, but it's not that, she's not even on AIM sometimes and it still makes a noise.
Does anyone have any idea what these noises are, why it makes them so randomly, and/or how to turn them off?
3 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks1 decade agoWhat's going on with NBC's "Heroes" (season 2)?
I've heard all kinds of rumors, including:
1. They cut the season short because of the writers' strike and the last episode was aired in December.
2. There are 3 episodes left THEN they're ending the season.
3. Heroes is done completely.
4. They'll be back around February like last year to finish the season.
5. They're done for now and will add the rest of Season 2's episodes to Season 3...
I'm so confused!
What's ACTUALLY going on? I can't find anything online that validates ANY of those rumors! Has anyone out there heard anything??
I miss my "Heroes"!!! I want to know when it will be back... The writers can't strike forever!!..... can they?
2 AnswersDrama1 decade agoBest way to record music on my cell phone and have it sound decent?
I just got a new cell phone (Samsung t429 - ) but it only has 15 crappy default ringtones. It has the option to record things and then I can set them as caller ringtones.
At first I was really excited because I wanted to record songs and use them rather than have to pay to download them (even though I know they'd be a lesser quality). However, anything I record sounds pretty crappy.
Does anyone have any tips for how to record music and have it sound alright? Like: Hold the phone farther from the computer speaker, turn the volume up real high, avoid songs with high pitched voices, etc etc. I don't know. I tried a couple different things but its always crackly and too quiet. Any advice?
Note: I am NOT expecting crystal clear perfection or anything, just something that sounds halfway decent. I usually answer my phone within a couple seconds anyway.
3 AnswersCell Phones & Plans1 decade agoWebsite to help find somewhere to go for summer vacation?
What's a good website to use when you don't know where you want to go yet?
My fiance and I want to take a little vacation over the summer (5 or 6 days) but we're having trouble deciding where to go. Is there some website where we can search based on PRICE rather than exact location? We'll have enough money for something decent, but the money is more of a deciding factor than preference on a place.
Orbitz, Hotwire, Expedia and all those sites will only search based on a specific location, and that's what we don't know yet, and it will take forever to search every city trying to find a good bargain.
We want to go somewhere in the Mid-Northeast US (MD, DE, NY, CT, RI, MA or WV) so we can drive and not have to worry about flying and trying to rent a car. We live in PA, and we did VA Beach last summer, we're trying to do something new.
**Basically, I'm looking for a website to search on that doesn't require a specific location, although recommendations for places are welcome.** Thanks!
2 AnswersOther - United States1 decade agoStress relievers for someone who's quitting smoking?
My fiance is quitting smoking. He started taking the prescription Chantix (feel free to share anything you know or think about it) to help him quit. FYI: It essentially blocks nicotine-receptors in your brain so the cigarette has no effect on you and you eventually give up.
But anyway, it is about 3-6 months of pills. In those 3 or so months, what do you recommend he do to help relieve stress and keep his mind off cigarettes?
Many people say lollipops, but does that actually work? I hear stress balls suggested too, but that doesn't seem effective either.
What did you (or a loved one) do to help with stress while quitting? What worked best? What didn't help at all? Tips? Suggestions? Even well-wishes for him are welcome. I just want to get some ideas of things to try as he goes through the withdrawal process...
Thanks! :-)
PS: I'm not sure if this is posted in the right category, but I couldn't really find a better one...
3 AnswersMental Health1 decade agoQuit smoking with Chantix? Stress relief?
My fiance is getting ready to start taking the prescription Chantix to help him quit.
Has anyone tried it? Does it work? Any side-effects? I don't know much about it and can't find a whole lot of personal opinions.
He has the will power and all, but I'm also just afraid he'll be just a little TOO tempted since he's surrounded by smokers 8 hours a night at work (he works at a steel mill and they are allowed to smoke inside) plus all his friends smoke... a lot.
What can *I* do to help him out? I know, I know, he needs to do it for himself and all, but I still want to be supportive and do what I can...
**I also really what to know what he can do to help relieve his stress. Does the Chantix help with stress at all? Or just cravings? What actually WORKS. I know everyone always suggests stress balls, but personally, they don't do anything at all for my stress... What are things that he can actually do EVERYDAY, not like, get a massage or something like I've seen suggested on Y!A...
2 AnswersOther - General Health Care1 decade agoSocial Studies Content Knowledge Praxis test?
I'm taking it on Saturday morning.
Has anyone taken it? Is it hard? Do they try to trick you or anything? Is it all multiple choice? Are there short answers or essays?
I bought a study guide for it, but it's just lists of topics I should look at, it doesn't actually give me any info to study or any specific questions or practice tests.
Did you use any websites or anything to help? Can you remember anything that was on there?
Any tips, suggestions, help, reminders, study tactics, or even well-wishes are greatly appreciated! Thanks!
1 AnswerStandards & Testing1 decade agoIs it better to buy a car with cash or a check?
I'm going to be buying a car soon. Not a brand new one, or a really expensive one, or anything. Just a decent, used car.
My fiance insists that it's better to use cash and says that it's a "better negotiating tool" and "it's just faster" and stuff. He seriously makes car salesmen seem like demons or something, lol.
But, personally, I just do NOT feel comfortable carrying around a couple thousand dollars in cash. I would MUCH rather do things by check. It's just safer and there's a better paper trail. Plus my mom would probably much rather use a check as well.
Does it really matter whether I use cash or check? What's your opinion here?
This is my first time buying a car (though I'm not buying it by myself - my mom will definitely be with me, and so will my fiance and his dad).
10 AnswersBuying & Selling1 decade agoHow does paying and tipping at bars work? (I'm new at this... sorry).?
I'm not really a bar person, but I might go to my school's Senior Night tomorrow, so I'd like to know some stuff ahead of time... Please read all my questions...
I tried look up other questions about how much to tip, and most people suggest "starting a tab"... and forgive my being naive, but how exactly do I do that? Is that when you just leave like, a $20 on the counter and the bartender takes from it each time you order? What if I can't sit at the bar because it's too crowded?
Can I just get a regular bill like in a restaurant and pay and tip at the end? Or can they not do that if you're not at the bar or a table (like, if I have to stand).
Most people also said to tip $1 a drink, but I want to stick to like, $3-$4 drinks (college students don't have much money), so $1 sounds like a lot, but I'd feel so cheap leaving just coins...
I really don't know anything about bars. I've never ordered anything other than soda at a bar and somebody else always paid.
11 AnswersBeer, Wine & Spirits1 decade agoI need help picking the best "first car" (that's cheap yet still safe and reliable)?
To make this as brief as possible: College student, student teaching next semester and need a car. Mom and I don't have a lot of money to spend on it. Don't want a loan.
With that out of the way, I need to find the cheapest car (that's cheapest to insure) as possible. I wish I had more money to spend, but I don't. I don't want to sacrifice safety and reliability to save money, but I don't want to go broke to get it either.
What are some factors that play into a car being cheap to insure (ie: 4 door, airbags)? What helps make insurance more affordable (ie: best years, specific makes or models (if you know any), colors, features, etc)?
Do you have any specific cars (or car companies) in mind?
If you live in the Philadelphia area, do you have any specific dealerships in mind that I should check out? (I don't want to buy from a random individual on the street).
If I buy a car out of state (NJ, DE) is it difficult to get it insured, registered, etc in PA?
12 AnswersBuying & Selling1 decade agoHow well do those Glade Wisp Flameless Candles work?
Our dorm room (15 x 15 feet) always smells kinda stagnant because there's really poor air circulation, so we keep trying out different air fresheners and stuff, but nothing works all that well or lasts all that long.
I keep seeing commercials for the flameless candles and I was wondering how long the oil lasts and if they really even work that well? I don't want to spend like, $10 on it to find out it only lasts 6 hours or something. (But I did find a $4 off coupon)
How about those Glade Wisp Air Fresheners that puff out spray every 9, 18, or 24 minutes or whatever? How well do they work and how long do they last?
Any other suggestions? THANKS!
NOTE: We're not allowed to have real candles, potpourri pots or candle warmers in the dorm. So we need a "heat/flameless" option. And all our plug sockets are in inconvenient spots, so we can't get a plug-in air freshener either.
Wasn't sure what category to put this in, sorry if it's not totally accurate...
2 AnswersCleaning & Laundry1 decade agoOnline Geography course?
I'm a Secondary Education and History major at Albright College. I have all my history an education requirements taken care of (after this semester) except for Geography. They used to offer a course, but then the teacher retired and no other teachers picked it up.
It is the last class that I need to fulfill my graduation requirements and I don't want to leave it up to "chance" that Albright will find someone to teach it. The registrar told me that I can take the course online as long as it is from an accredited school and it is considered equivalent to a regular college course.
What college/site do you recommend? Do you know of any that have a Geography course? I can't find anything myself and my mom can't seem to tell the different between Geography and Geology (science), so I want to see what Yahoo Answerers have to offer...
Any experience with online colleges? Please tell me you know of one that offers a college-level course in Geography!
2 AnswersHigher Education (University +)1 decade ago