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Be nice to others.
can i cook bacon in my girlfriend's kosher vegetarian kitchen while she's out of town?
can i cook bacon in my girlfriend's kosher vegetarian kitchen while she's out of town? It's not as if she or the imaginary skydaddy will ever know.
9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years agoWhich ofthese films should I watch tonight and why?
The Dreamers
The Life and Death of Peter Sellars
The Graduate
Betty Blue
Swimming Pool
The Doors
Macbeth (Polanski)
1 AnswerMovies1 decade agoDid you convert to Latvian Orthodocs?
What was the experience like? Do you recommend it? Would you ever change back? What were you before?
1 AnswerReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoBeen calling myself an atheist, but...?
I am dealing with some distressing events in my life, and since I really lost it and felt like I was flipping out, I started asking God for help and it seems to have eased my emotional pain and have had some good things happen as well. Could be coincidence and positive thinking, but I feel like I want to keep praying for guidance. Why???
Do we as humans turn to anything we can for hope when we're feeling lost? The tragedy that has struck my life was very unexpected and sudden. Is it a natural defense mechanism of the mind? Three weeks ago I would have never imagined writing this. I mean...Hell! I know how to use spell checker and everything! Kinda freaky here. And I wouldn't wish my problems on anyone. Peace.
8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoDid you convert to Latvian Orthodocs?
What was the experience like? Do you recommend it? Would you ever change back? What were you before?
3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoSuicidal atheist and God.?
If George is a suicidal atheist, how can he be helped and/or should he be helped by God or anyone else? George feels that he has done all he was here to do. Anything else just seems like passing time before the inevitable conlusion. George never has and never will believe in God. In what way is this entire question/situation/thought not entirely irrelevent?
15 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoFilthy eat in trays.?
Am I the only one who realises how disgusting those plastic trays are that they put your food on when it's not to go? Nobody actually washes those things. I always see employees just wiping the crud off with a grimy rag and then throwing them back on the clean stack...eweeee...yuck. That's why I always say to go and then put the food on the paper bag which is likely to be much cleaner and germ free than the grimy slimy tray. I bet they would find more bacteria on trays then they do on theatre seats or bathroom doorknobs if someone were to test a few.
Has anyone else noticed this?
2 AnswersOther - Dining Out1 decade agoWhy do I feel like I don't belong?
Any psychologists to be able to shed some light on this? I have always felt seperate from other people, whatever group they fall into(my projection?). I always feel like I'm not part of the crowd. In kindergarten, I went to a birthday party and just sat there watching my ice cream melt, because I felt out of place, uncomfortable, not part of that group. Had a few casual friends in childhood, but nobody Iv'e stayed in touch with. Finished Grad school in media arts 2 years ago and have only seen a couple people from there this past year. The one or two I chatted with or went for a drink or coffee are out of touch. They never acted like I was weird or bothersome. They complemented my work and predicted much success for me. I know that some of them still do things together. But once again, I don't feel like I'm part of their group and would feel awkward trying to be more active in the situation. --I could call them and try to arrange a gathering, but when I force things that way, it's not.
3 AnswersPsychology1 decade agowhy not give up?
almost bankrupt
can't get a decent job even after grad school
too old to be poor
random aches and pains doctors have no explanation for
could ad a couple dozen more and worse things but who cares
apartment bulding i live in now owned by slumlord -installed crappy electric heat so we have to pay for that -for some reason removing laundry machines from basement -
at my physical tuesday the dr will remind me how fat I am and how high my bld press is - already on 3 meds just for that plus several others so I'll get more stressed and that will make everything worse.
two jobs -yet all the bills won't get paid - eatout? No. Go out to bars? No. Lots of nice clothes? No. actually whole life is bland minimal boring.
work some more
take pills
work work some more etc...
15 AnswersMen's Health1 decade agoDepression chat groups for professionals etc...?
Anyone know of depression chat/support groups with different categories for different people. I have a Masters degree and would prefer chatting with similar depressed/bipolar types dealing with functioning well in a professional or academic environment, for instance. The ones I've found connect me with housewives dealing with their rowdy kids and/or other stuff I didn't relate to much. Am I really in such an odd minority?
2 AnswersMental Health1 decade agoI really just don't care anymore.?
What should I do to get motivated to go on with life. Everything is grey and gloomy.
14 AnswersMental Health1 decade agoWill prayer heal my broken arm?
I slipped on the ice and fell yesterday. ouch!
14 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoWhat is the cure for suicide? Is it easily accessible? What are the options?
13 AnswersPsychology1 decade agoWhere to see jets fly over close at ohare?
My kid is interested in planes. Where is a good place near ohare to watch the big jets fly real close?
6 AnswersChicago1 decade agoHave you ever been infiltrated?
6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoWhy do some vegetarians want foods that taste like meat?
None of my vegetarian friends try to imitate meat flavors or textures in their cooking but there are so many substitution questions on the internet.
I'm not a vegetarian but I don't require meat on a daily basis and often go without meat for days at a time. When I eat vegetables, legumes, grains, etc.. I expect them to taste like what they are with the best enhancements of herbs and spices, But I never try to imitate meat products with vegetables. What's the point?
20 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan1 decade agoExtra Advertising on this site Annoying?
So this stupid new ad box pops up now where the categories should be, forcing me to scroll down to choose a new category. Personally, I never ever ever click on pop up ads on sites like this or on my mail page or home page. But apparently, someone is clicking on these ads or they wouldn't keep putting them there. But who??? Are you clicking on ads on your home page, mail page, or here? And if yes...WHY?????
2 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade agoWould you donate?
Would you give to the human fund? Money for people?
3 AnswersCommunity Service1 decade ago