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  • What is the youngest you would get married?

    Is a 21 and 22 year old getting married too young?

    8 AnswersMarriage & Divorce2 years ago
  • Girlfriend lost trust in me?

    We made an agreement that we wouldn’t tell anyone that we had done sexual things and I broke that based on peer pressure as my friends wouldn’t let it go. I told my girlfriend because I felt guilty and she basically said we can’t do sexual things anymore until I earn her trust back. It’s not like we do things all the time but that’s still a big blow to our relationship and I feel really bad. I’m like in a state of depression rn because this is the worst thing I have done in any relationship and just the feelings of lost mutual trust is so brutal. Yes I understand that I deserve it and I don’t blame her decision but I’m struggling badly with the fact that she doesn’t trust me and idk how to earn trust back

    7 AnswersSingles & Dating2 years ago
  • What to do about this girl?

    To start off I am very happy with the relationship I am in. We have been dating for 9 months and both love each other. I would never intentionally hurt her and she means everything to me. We have a distance between us though and so our time together is somewhat limited. There is this other girl in one my classes who is pretty attractive. Recently, she has been talking to me a lot and I��m starting to kinda like her. I would literally never even consider breaking up with my current girlfriend and this other girl is also happily in a relationship as well. How do I get these thoughts out of my head? I would enjoy being friends with this girl because she is really nice but I want to stop thinking of her as someone I like. Is this possible?

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating2 years ago
  • Why has my girlfriend been so hesitant to do sexual things with me?

    We have done sexual things before and have done about everything except actual sex. We have a small distance between each other so we only see each other on the weekends. For the past two weeks, she seems to be extremely hesitant to do anything like at all. She has kissed me but that’s the most sexual thing she has done in that time span and it’s just really throwing me off. We’ve had plenty of opportunities to even just make out or something like that but we haven’t done anything at all. I haven’t brought it up because she is typically very sensitive to our sexual life and I don’t want to like force her to do things but I just don’t get what is up with her. It’s just very unlike her with the number of times we’ve been together, that she hasn’t done anything at all. Why would this be?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating2 years ago
  • Why is my girlfriend so paranoid?

    She refuses to go out alone, is scared of being home alone, constantly is in fear of being adbucted or kidnapped or mugged. I get those things happen but it’s not like we live in an area with a ton of crime. What would make her be like this? She doesn’t have any experience facing this stuff before in the past

    2 AnswersPsychology2 years ago
  • Is it wrong for my girlfriend to comment on the attractiveness of other guys?

    She tells me that her mailman is a attractive or that her waiter at a restaurant is a pretty man. She always tells me that they aren’t as much as me but it kinda gets under my skin and makes me self conscious. Is this me overreacting or is it her being inconsiderate?

    6 AnswersSingles & Dating2 years ago
  • Not gonna get quality time with girlfriend for like 3 weeks what should I do?

    So me and my girlfriend only get to see each other on weekends and so those are very important at times for us. This weekend she is sick and we barley got to see each other, I go the school week without seeing her and then next weekend she is going on vacation so I won’t get to see her until the weekend after that. We spend time together constant whenever we can and our time in person together is really important to the stability of our relationship. We would see each other every day if we could and so bring limited to the weekends has been hard and not getting to see her for this past week and the next two weeks has not been easy and is gonna be very difficult for us to deal with. Ik it sounds dumb because it isn’t really that long to go without seeing each other but we have been having a little bit of issues recently since I said something to her that her ex said when he broke up and now she is convinced I’m gonna leave her. It wasn’t meant to be mean but she took it that way so not being able to see her does not help that. What can I do?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating2 years ago
  • What to do about our conflicting schedules?

    Me and my girlfriend have been doing very well and have been dating for the last 6 months. She goes to college while I’m in my senior year of high school. We only really get to see each other on the weekends and it’s been hard for us. We used to see each other every day and we just love to spend time together. She recently got a job that has made it so much more difficult to find time to see each other and I am just struggling with the lack of time together. I’m not willing to break up so is there anything else we can do to make our distance easier until next year when we will be together?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating3 years ago
  • How to deal with sexual frustration?

    My girlfriend and I have been dating for almost 6 months and everything has been pretty good. We both love each other and have expressed a desire to make this relationship last. I have never had a girlfriend before her so she is my first of basically everything. She has dated a few guys before and has done basically everything sexual except actually having sex. She was hurt very badly by those guys and when we started dating, she said she didn’t want that stuff to happen because she wants me to liver her for the person she is and not for her body. I get it and I reached the point of loving her and not her body months ago. She knows that but has told me she doesn’t want to do anything now until we get out of school because she is going to school where we have distance between us. I will be going to that school next year and she said we can talk about it then but I’m just not sure. She has been willing to do sexual things before and because she had negative experiences previously she’s shut off to the idea for awhile. I don’t necessarily need that stuff now but I am getting a bit sexually frustrated. What can I do? I am not breaking up with her that’s not happening. Is there anything I can do though?

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating3 years ago
  • Girlfriend has bad anxiety?

    We’ve been dating for 5 months and everything has been going well. She has always been very good to me and she is my first ever girlfriend. She’s done stuff in the past and been hurt by relationships in the past that have really damaged her emotional state. She had a difficult time opening up to me because she felt vulnerable and afraid that I would leave. I continue to reassure her and promise her that I am not going anywhere, but she really doesn’t believe me. She gets anxiety over large things mostly but also can have a panic attack over the smallest things. I love her and really am committed to her, but I don’t know the best way to help her. We have looked into therapy and that’s probably the next step but is there anything else we can do?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating3 years ago
  • How to deal with distance in our relationship?

    She is a year older than me and is a freshman in college while I am a senior in high school. We text all the time and FaceTime and see each other consistently on the weekends but I don’t lie when saying we would prefer to spend every bit of time we possibly can together. Over the summer we spent practically every day with each other and that was what we were used to so this distance has been hard. We both love each other a whole lot and neither of us have any intention on breaking up. We just need to find ways to make the distance easier.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating3 years ago
  • Girlfriend was hurt emotionally and now I have to pay for it?

    We have been dating for a solid amount of time last night but she just recently explained what her sexual past was. She was basically forced into things she didn’t know better about and was taken advantage of because she had low self esteem. Those guys she did things with hurt her emotionally because she was young and they took advantage of her innocence. Now she tells me that she wishes our relationship could me more sexual but doesn’t want to commit to that until she’s sure that I’m in her life for the long run. I don’t have a problem with waiting for a bit but we are still pretty young, if she isn’t willing to take it a little further than when we are at now, down the road that is gonna cause some serious sexual frustration for me. It’s not like I need sex from her because we’ve been very happy up to this point without it and I love her for her personality and not her body but she doesnt want to take things further until she knows I’m committed to her. What can I do? Breaking up with her is not an option...

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating3 years ago
  • Girlfriend moved away to college?

    Me and my girlfriend have been dating for around 4 months and it is something that both of us really enjoy. She just graduated high school and is off to college while I’m a year younger so I am starting my senior year of high school. She went to the college that I want to go to as well so assuming I will get in, we will be able to be much closer together if we can get through this upcoming year. She is only around 30 minutes away and I will be able to see her most weekends. This is just a massive change as we saw each other practically everyday over the summer but we both just want to do everything to make sure this thing lasts. What is the best way to approach this situation?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating3 years ago
  • Is it too early to think about this stuff?

    My girlfriend is 18 I am 17 and we started dating around 4 months ago. We are just absolutely perfect for each other and these 4 months have been amazing. I know we are still extremely young and new into our relationship but we have both agreed that this relationship just feels so right and have very slightly started to talk about well what if this is the one. We honestly feel like we might get to that point and both have openly expressed our desire to get to that point with one another. Is this bad to think about this early?

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating3 years ago
  • Girlfriend is uncomfortable with me going?

    This girl invited me to her birthday party...she’s extremely flirty with me and I am not interested at all but she is always making flirty comments with me. My girlfriend is understandably uncomfortable with this but said she trusted me and didn’t care if I went. I wasn’t gonna go but then my friend asked me if I would go with him just so he doesn’t feel alone there. He has been going through some rough things and so I didn’t want to say no so I agreed to go with him. I told my girlfriend I was going just so she was aware and then she told me that it made her really uncomfortable that I was going. She is basically asking me to not go but I’ve already told my friend and the girl who’s having the party that I’m coming. What should I do?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating3 years ago
  • Girlfriend doesn’t understand how I can love her?

    She was hurt badly by her ex and always assumes the worst in our relationship. We got into a very minor fight and she broke down because she thought I was going to leave her afterwards while that thought hadn’t even crossed my mind. I love her for the person she is but she struggles to accept that because of what happened in her previous relationship. I just want her to feel loved and like I am here for her and even though I tell her these things constantly, she doesn’t seem to fully believe them. What can I do to build her confidence in herself back up and let her realize how special she is?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating3 years ago
  • How to help girlfriend who is still emotionally damaged over ex?

    They broke up a little over a year ago but they dated for awhile and she really loved him. He left and basically told her he found her annoying and a waste of time and that he knew he wanted to break up for a significant amount of time before they actually did. I am the only other person she has loved and is just scared that I am going to do the same thing. I have absolutely no intention of this and I have talked with her about it many times but her confidence is shot from her bad previous experience. What can I do to help?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating3 years ago
  • Only ever dated one girl?

    I am currently in a relationship with my girlfriend and we have begun to start thinking about a future together. She is the only person I have ever been in a relationship with. Is this unusual? Is this bad?

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating3 years ago
  • How to make longer distance between us work?

    My girlfriend and I have been dating for 3 months and we love each other. This is a very special relationship and I have never felt this way about anyone. She is a year older than me and going off to college next year while I’m going to be a senior in high school. She is only gonna be 30 minutes away but we are used to seeing each other practically everyday and will now only get to see each other on some weekends and special events. How to make this work until I go to college with her next year?

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating3 years ago
  • I c*mmed my pants when making out with my girlfriend?

    We’ve never had sex before and we are probably not gonna have it for awhile because we agreed to that but we were making out and we were basically dry humping and I kinda embarrassed myself. She didn’t realky make it weird but I’m still a little embarrassed what to do?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating3 years ago