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Militant Agnostic
Do you use a printed calendar, and if so what kind?
4 AnswersPolls & Surveys9 years agoCan you help me think of a creative name for a birdhouse covered in seashells?
Its for a charity auction.
2 AnswersHobbies & Crafts1 decade agoIs a custodial parent required to work or can they legally live off of child support.?
My boyfriend's ex has worked in the past but now does not. Her only income is $300 in spousal maintenance and $650 in child support for their 9 year old son. My boyfriend must buy clothing and haircuts for their son on top of the $650 because she refuses. Is she required to find work now that the kid is in school all day and is practically at the age where he can take care of himself? The financial burden on my boyfriend is tremendous. He literally has nothing left at the end of the month after paying her and paying bills. His hours were reduced because of the economy and now makes only about half as much as he did last year. Does he have any options?
17 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade agoSplitting Up Kids after a divorce?
My ex and I have been divoced for almost a year and right now our custody arrangement is 50/50. I have the kids after school and he has them in the evenings. I agreed to this because he was keeping the house and I thought it would help the kids adjust better to the divorce if they stayed in the same house in their same beds with the same night time routine. This arrangement worked well for us until he brought another woman into the picture who has a child the same age as my youngest daughters. Now my ex is adding on to his house and she and the kid are moving in. I couldn’t afford housing in the same town, so I moved to a town 15 minutes away so now I drive to pick them up now Monday Wednesday Friday and have them every other weekend. It isn’t working as well anymore.
My sons are 15 and 13 and my twin daughters are 7. I would like to take full custody of the girls and leave my ex custody of the boys. Here is why. My girls need their mom. Their dad does not give them much attention because his girlfriend is always there and her son is very unruly and demands all the attention. My 15 year old works a lot and my 13 year old is heavily into sports, so the siblings do not see each other on a regular basis anyways. I know this isn’t an ideal solution but neither is the one that we have now. I don’t feel like I am a part of the kids lives anymore. I just feel like daycare. They feel the same. If anyone has any other suggestions or ideas, I am open. Thanks!
5 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade agoHow long after a divorce is it appropriate for a new girlfriend to spend the night when kids are home?
The kids ages are 15, 12 and 7
6 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade agowhat rights does a father have to see a child if the mother keeps the child from him?
They are getting divorced and the mother won’t let the father spend time with the child. The mother says that the 8 year old boy doesn’t want to be with his dad because of what the mother has told him about the father, that he steals from him, doesn’t want him anymore, has a new family, and other complete lies. What can he do to spend time with his son?
7 AnswersFamily1 decade agoUnusual custody arrangement?
My husband and I have amicably agreed to a divorce. He is a good dad to our 4 kids and wants joint custody. My concern is that he works longer hours than I do. I am home every day for the kids after school. Sometimes he works past their bedtimes. He will not agree to me having full custody with him having every other weekend visitation even though I told him that he could see them whenever he wanted. He wanted the kids every other week, but I didn’t like the idea of the kids being ping pong balls, bouncing back and forth every 7 days.
So we hatched a compromise and I am just looking for opinions about how this will be for the kids. The kids, who are all in school, will come to my house after school, stay with me until supper time and then go to his house. Either he will pick them up or I will drop them off. We get along pretty well so seeing each other everyday isn’t a concern. This is also basically how life is for the kids now anyways where I do homework with them and spend time with them after school and when he comes home, he takes over and puts them to bed and gets them up in the morning.
5 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade agoDoes anyone know anything about this golf cart?
I would like to know how old it is and anything else anyone can tell me about it.
3 AnswersGolf1 decade agoHousing Solution in a Divorce?
My husband and I agreed to divorce after 12 years of marriage and 4 kids. We agreed to split the kids 50/50. Neither of us can afford our house without both of our incomes and finding 2 houses that have 4 bedrooms that are affordable in our small town seems impossible. So I came up with a possible solution and was wondering what the legal ramifications would be.
What if my future ex husband co-rent an apartment together and when it is my week without the kids, I would stay there and he could stay at the house and visa versa. I know this might sound strange and I wouldn't want it to be permanent but until we can both save up enough money to buy a decent house on our own, we could split the mortgage, utility payments and the rent.
My husband and I have a unique relationship and I think he would agree to it. I could find a 2 bedroom and we would be like roommates that never see each other.
15 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade agoIs My Husband Having an Affair - Please help me with this Poll?
Here are the facts known to be true
- he snuck around behind my back
- he went to her apartment at least 5 times when no one else was there
- he gave her money at least once for the amount of $200
- he gave her alcohol at least once
- he called her at least twice a week
- he gave her at least one gift
Based on these facts would you
a) think he was having an affair
b) really dumb
c) she is just a friend
d) all of the above
28 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade agoIf the Building that they are having the State of the Union Address got Bombed by Terrorists?
Who would be left in line to be the president?
14 AnswersGovernment1 decade agoWhy Does Goldman Sachs Support ALL of the leading Candidates?
They are in the top 5 supporters for McCain, Obama, Romney and Clinton. Anyone have any good reason for this or is this another reason why we should all vote for Ron Paul?
3 AnswersPolitics1 decade agoHow can the media be mostly liberal when they are owned by mostly conservatives?
12 AnswersPolitics1 decade agoWhy do Christians Thank God for Saving them from Disasters that he Created?
or do they think the devil can create natural disasters and God is like superman who saves them?
22 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoCan anyone help me identify the ship in this picture?
It is a photo of my grandfather when he was in the Navy. There is a symbol on the lifeboat behind him that appears to be a WV - could that be the USS West Virginia? Thanks!
6 AnswersMilitary1 decade agoDoes Apple TV work on more than one TV at a time?
I have a wireless network. Can apple TV work with that? I have 4 tv's and would like it to work on all 4. Is this possible? Do I have to buy a lot of extra's for this to work?
1 AnswerOther - Hardware1 decade agoAre You Who are against Abortion, Also Against Birth control?
Why or Why not.
15 AnswersPolitics1 decade agoDoesn't it seem like atheists and agnostics get along better than Christians do with each other?
Even though almost all atheists and agnostics have differing points of view, I have yet to be flamed by either for my beliefs (or lack there of) where Christians often argue amongst themselves over seeming meaningless details in the bible. Why is that?
19 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoA question for Pastafarians. Can the FSM eat himself?
My son asked me this question last night and I promised him I'd ask. Thank you.
12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago