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Favorite Answers35%
  • Poll: How old do I look (yes I know I sound like a 16 year old girl)?

    The only reason I ask is that someone said I look an age that is WAY off, I have heard on both the younger and older side, so I know I sound like a 16 year old girl, but still what do you think

    Also it may help to know that I am 5'10'' and around 140lbs

    10 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • How much to bleach my hair before dyeing?

    Right now I have medium to dark brown hair and I want to dye it to blue.

    I want to give it the 'natural' look, by that I mean I do not want it all to be one solid blue, but rather made of different shades of blue like real hair is, so how much would I bleach my hair, if at all. Also any tips on dyeing your hair would be appreciated.

    1 AnswerHair1 decade ago
  • What to do if someone has an allergic reaction?

    A good friend of my is allergic to nuts and I never really sat down to think about what to do if he had an reaction. In my mind there would always be an epipen but I come to realize that for the amount of times we eat out and how often restaurants can mess up your order, it is possible that he would have a reaction when he was not somewhere were we could get an epipen. Now I know the first thing would be to call 911, but what do you do after. Do you give cpr to a person who passes out because there thought is swollen shut, would it even do anything. So I would just like to know what to do, hoping I would never have to do it.

    3 AnswersAllergies1 decade ago
  • Can someone explaine Choice theory?

    A 'friend' recommended this book,

    Choice theory : a new psychology of personal freedom by DR. William Glasser,

    Now I wanted to get some background information about choice theory before my book get shipped to me, so could someone give me some background information, or explain choice theory in there words, and please no Wikipedia, thanks

    2 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago
  • How to block emails by IP in yahoo?

    I have been getting emails form a IP, that seem to come daily, is there a way to block by IP address.

    2 AnswersAbuse and Spam1 decade ago
  • Poll: Do you think that this drawling is suggestive?

    Alright so I made this, but I do not think I crossed the line of PG, but someone said that it is PG-13, because of my detail. Here is a link to the pic,

    How would you rate this(pg, pg13, ma, ect)

    also I do not care if you think my art is crap, I would just like to know if you think it is suggestive.

    Thanks and Hugs


    9 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Do you think that 256 bit encryption is overkill?

    I do not use my computer for to store information that I would not mind to share, but the thought of someone looking, taking my files is wrong. Not so long ago I got hit with a very bad virus, and it was everything that I could to to save my system, now that I restored my computer I was thinking about all the files that I could have lost, not that I would care if that information was stolen, it is just the thought of it. So I decided to encrypt my files, I was thinking is 256 bit encryption overkill, for someone who dose not keep sensitive information on there computer, and as a note I am using the Rijndael algorithm, and an 16 character password with both letters, numbers, upper and lower case, plus some random symbols thrown into the mix.

    2 AnswersSecurity1 decade ago
  • WereWolves of London, what do you think it means?

    I have had this song in my head for some time even if it is way before my time and I keep thinking about what it means, Here is what I think, what do you think(if you do not know the song,

    I think it shows how people can be made out as monsters, when they are really just misunderstood.

    Let me give you an example in the song,

    "I saw a werewolf with a Chinese menu in his hand, walking through the streets of Soho in the rain. He was lookin for the place called Lee Ho Fooks, for him to get a big dish of beef chow mein"

    Now this shows that the 'monster' is doing something that everyone would do,

    then it is followed by "Ya hear him howlin around your kitchen door, ya better not let him in.

    Little old lady got mutilated late last night, werewolves of London again." I think this is more of a sarcastic view, showing that something bad happed so it 'has to be' to be those werewolf's that did it because they are monsters, when all he every see them doing is every day things, and never doing anything wrong.


    2 AnswersLyrics1 decade ago
  • Poll: What is the most interesting spam you ever had in your Email?

    I just got this, so I thought I would share

    "Were havye YOU been all my life" and yes they mistyped have,

    So what was the most interesting one you ever got, and did you click on it or just delete like me?

    2 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • WereWolves of London, what do you think it means?

    I have had this song in my head for some time even if it is way before my time and I keep thinking about what it means, Here is what I think, what do you think(if you do not know the song, Google it, and then you can play it).

    I think it shows how people can be made out as monsters, when they are really just misunderstood.

    Let me give you an example in the song,

    "I saw a werewolf with a Chinese menu in his hand, walking through the streets of Soho in the rain. He was lookin for the place called Lee Ho Fooks, gonna get a big dish of beef chow mein"

    Now this shows that the 'monster' is doing something that everyone would do,

    then it is followed by "Ya hear him howlin around your kitchen door, ya better not let him in.

    Little old lady got mutilated late last night, werewolves of London again." I think this is more of a sarcastic view, showing that something bad happed so it 'has to be' to be those werewolf's that did it because they are monsters, when all he every see them doing is every day things, and never doing anything wrong.


    3 AnswersWords & Wordplay1 decade ago
  • Do you know any sites like Magaupload?

    I think that sums it up, I NEED FREE, that is it, and I would like more then 300mb, but I will take any,




    4 AnswersOther - Internet1 decade ago
  • Any good Free 3D modeling software?(organic objects)?

    I am new to 3D modeling, and am not in any classes for it, I think of it as fun, not work. As of now I have blender, it is by far one of the best 3D modeling software out there, and it is free, the only bad thing is it is made for people who know what they are doing, and have some background I can only do some very basic in it, and I would like something more basic to start out in. I want somthing that I can make 3D models of people/animals not of buildings.

    Thanks very much

    I know someone was going to say google sketchup 7, and not that I do not like that for buildings, but for organic objects I need something a little better.


    I have used auto CAD,In school for 2d, but I do not have the $800 for it

    6 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • Any good Free 3D modeling software?

    I am new to 3D modeling, and am not in any classes for it, I think of it as fun, not work. As of now I have blender, it is by far one of the best 3D modeling software out there, and it is free, the only bad thing is it is made for people who know what they are doing, and have some background I can only do some very basic in it, and I would like something more basic to start out in. I want somthing that I can make 3D models of people/animals not of buildings.

    Thanks very much

    6 AnswersProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • Why dose President Obama, plan to only send 30,000 more troops?

    Stanley McChrystal, the commander in Afghanistan asked for 40,000-60,000 more troops in order to win the war in Afghanistan, and save American troops. Am I the only one who thinks that giving LESS then what is needed, is not right, why would he send less then what is asked, General McChrystal said that he needs no less then 40,000 so why send him less, Why not send him 50,000, or even only 40,000. This war is starting to sound like Vietnam, and we do not what that to happen.

    7 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • What are some Camcorders like this, for around the same price?

    I want to get this sony HDR-FX7 high definition Handycam® camcorder. It has everything that I want for a good price $2000, I am having a hard time finding any other camcorders like this for the same or close price. Do you know of any that I can compare this too. Also it dose NOT have to be HD, I could not find any that are not, I do not want to spend too much money but is this the best and cheapest one. Hear is a link to the camcorder that I want, and please don't just put up any camcorder.

    2 AnswersCamcorders1 decade ago
  • (teen health)Why could I have lost 20lbs in a month?

    I am 16 and I go to my doctors every month, because I suffer from some insomnia. For the last month or so I have been it a real shi*y mood, I mean i know that I get mad for no good reason, but that dose not stop me from getting angry. This morning I work up and decided to weigh myself( and I my weight is now 138lbs) last month when I went to the doctors I weighed 155. I am 5 foot 10, so 155 is not over weight, when I looked at the scale I could not believe my eyes, i just lost 17lbs in 20 days, for no reason.(I did see if the scale was off, and it is not). I do not have a eating problem that I know of, I eat when I am hungry and I do not eat when I am not. I have been less hungry in the past month, but I still eat like I should. How scared should I be, I mean I know that parasites, can make you loose weight like this, but I do not eat fish, and i do not eat, ground beef to often. Now that I think of it about a week ago I felt really sick, with bad diarrhea and nausea, but that only lasted 3 days or so, what could make this happen, and what should I do about it, I plan to talk to my doctor about it next time I go, but is there anything that I should know for now.

    somone asked if I am on any medication and I am, It is amitriptyline, 20mg weight loss is not one of the side effects listed on the sheet that came with them, I have been on amitriptyline for a while now and I only just now started to loose weight.

    3 AnswersMen's Health1 decade ago
  • Why could I have lost 20lbs in a month?

    I am 16 and I go to my doctors every month, because I suffer from some insomnia. For the last month or so I have been it a real shi*y mood, I mean i know that I get mad for no good reason, but that dose not stop me from getting angry. This morning I work up and decided to weigh myself( and I my weight is now 138lbs) last month when I went to the doctors I weighed 155. I am 5 foot 10, so 155 is not over weight, when I looked at the scale I could not believe my eyes, i just lost 17lbs in 20 days, for no reason.(I did see if the scale was off, and it is not). I do not have a eating problem that I know of, I eat when I am hungry and I do not eat when I am not. I have been less hungry in the past month, but I still eat like I should. How scared should I be, I mean I know that parasites, can make you loose weight like this, but I do not eat fish, and i do not eat, ground beef to often. Now that I think of it about a week ago I felt really sick, with bad diarrhea and nausea, but that only lasted 3 days or so, what could make this happen, and what should I do about it, I plan to talk to my doctor about it next time I go, but is there anything that I should know for now.

    1 AnswerDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • Should I meet my Biological father?

    Well I am my teens and this has been eating at me for some time, so I thought that asking random people would help. My mom told me not so long ago that my "dad" is not in fact my dad witch is not that big of a deal to me, because I never had a good relationship with the person who for most of my life I thought was my dad. My mom left the person that I thought was my biological father and got remarried to who is now my step dad. I think of my step dad as my father, he has been that way since I was 6. So my mom tells me that the person who is my biological father is a lot like me, both in the way that I look and the stuff that I like(computers, and stuff like that). I do not think that I want to have a father-son relationship with my biological father, he has kids, and I have my step dad. I can not think of any reason to meet him, only if I would like to know my medical background. If I would meet him, I would have know Idea what to say to him, or how to feel. I have never known this person, and now I find out that he is my father. How should I feel about this. I have no idea what to do. If I meet him, what could I possible say to this person who i never met, he has his life with his wife and kids, and I have mine with my Mom and Step dad. Part of me want to meet him, just because this person is my father. But the other part of me dose not because if I never knew this person why should I try now, my life has been fine without him, so why should I meet him. I have no idea what to do. Please help me (this keeps me up at night a lot it is now 5:43am the next day and I have yet to sleep, I cant get it off my mine).

    8 AnswersFamily1 decade ago