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I'm currently a Nursing Student in Houston, Texas. I'm an honors student as well as a member of the Phi Theta Kappa, honorary society. My main interests are infectious disease and psychology.

  • I need to know a few Spanish phrases for my movers that I'm using at the end of the month.?

    I will have a 3 man team and it never fails, there's always only 1 guy that speaks English and the other 2 speak Spanish. With my very limited Spanish I can't communicate with them and it slows down the process. I mostly need to know how to say

    1. I'm keeping that

    2. That's going in the trash

    3. Downstairs

    4. Upstairs

    5. Please be careful with that

    6. This stays here

    Also I would like to label the boxes to say upstairs or downstairs to make it easier on them so they don't have to ask me, what's the best wording for that?

    Thanks in advance.

    1 AnswerLanguages4 years ago
  • Water Fasting Question?

    I'm curious to know what people's thoughts are on having a glass of sparkling spring water during a water fast.

    Example: Plain, unflavored Ozarka spring water or even plain Perrier.

    Are you for it or against it and why?

    3 AnswersNon-Alcoholic Drinks5 years ago
  • Water coming from the center of my track lighting in my kitchen. I'm on the 2nd floor in a 3 story apt complex.?

    Directly above me is another apt of the same layout. Where my lights are at should be just their kitchen floor. I have checked the rest of my apt and don't see any other leaks beside that one. Maintenance came out yesterday, he took the cover off of the center beam to expose the wires and he just wiped it off with a towel. He went upstairs to see if there was a leak and said that there wasn't. Since it wasn't leaking at that very moment, he wanted to just put the cover back on and leave it alone but I told him to just leave it off and that I was going to watch for more leaking to occur. Today it got twice as bad but the office was already closed. I'm afraid that the apt complex won't send a professional out here to look at it and I don't want someone that doesn't know what they are doing to try and tell me that this light is safe when I know better. Under the cover for the screws, I saw rust so that means that this leak has been going on and no one knew. That's what I'm guessing anyway because I have the exact same track lights in my dining room and they never give me any problem at all but the kitchen track lights burn out at least once a month or more often. What can I do to make sure that this situation is handled properly? Thank you

    2 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs6 years ago
  • Menstrual Cups Question?

    I have been doing a lot of research on these cups and finally decided to buy a Lunette 2. I'm 37, I don't have any children but I do have a super heavy flow. I am only 4'10" tall but I think that I have a high cervix. If I insert my middle finger I can just barely reach my cervix if I try really hard. I also think that I'm pretty narrow down there and I guess that I didn't realize this until today or at least I didn't realize how strong my pc muscles are.

    I got my Lunette in the mail today and decided to give it a dry run so that I would be experienced with it enough when my cycle comes next week. I used a little lube and manged to get it inserted using the diamond fold. At first, it wouldn't open but after I moved it around a little it finally opened up. There was pain inside there and I was relaxed but it felt like I was having menstrual cramps and also like something was pushing up against my pubic bone. It was not at all comfortable.

    When it came time to get it out, I could barely reach up high enough to grab it so I pushed down with my muscles and it made it come down but when I squeezed the cup itself, it didn't feel like it broke the seal, it felt like the seal got stronger. I tried to reach up and get my finger over the ridge but I couldn't. It took me a good 10 minutes of pain and frustration to finally get it out. I don't want to give up on these cups but this was really scary for me. I'm scared to buy another cup just to have to throw it away, it's a waste of money. What can I do? What am I doing wrong and why did it hurt so bad while I was wearing it?

    1 AnswerWomen's Health7 years ago
  • Is it ever really worth it to file a chapter 7?

    I have 40k student debt which I plan to gov consolidate and 14k that I can file chapter 7 on, is it wise to file the chapter 7 on the 14k or no?

    1 AnswerPersonal Finance8 years ago
  • I need a quick answer about my cat and his insulin?

    My vet put my cat on 2 units of Lantus twice daily. I just got his glucometer in the mail yesterday. So yesterday I checked his bgc reading at 10am even though he had gotten his insulin at 7am. I just wanted to see what the numbers were. Well they were 353mg so then later on in the night I fed him at 6:30 pm, gave him his insulin at 7pm and then tested his bgc at 8:40 pm and it was 122. All of this sounds great. Well today I started his first curve test so I fed him at 6:30pm then tested his bgc before his injection and the numbers came out to 82 and I was thinking that can't possibly be right so I tested again and got 117. I'm using an AlphaTrak II as well so it's just for animals and I have it set for cats. Anyway, my main worry now is that with a reading of 117, should I withhold his insulin injection for now or give it to him anyway? I'm scared that it will bring his bgc down way too far. I'll be testing his bgc in 2 hours so I could give it then if the numbers are high. How should I go about this?

    2 AnswersCats8 years ago
  • Insulin & Blood Glucose Reading Question?

    My vet put my cat on 2 units of Lantus twice daily. I just got his glucometer in the mail yesterday. So yesterday I checked his bgc reading at 10am even though he had gotten his insulin at 7am. I just wanted to see what the numbers were. Well they were 353mg so then later on in the night I fed him at 6:30 pm, gave him his insulin at 7pm and then tested his bgc at 8:40 pm and it was 122. All of this sounds great. Well today I started his first curve test so I fed him at 6:30pm then tested his bgc before his injection and the numbers came out to 82 and I was thinking that can't possibly be right so I tested again and got 117. I'm using an AlphaTrak II as well so it's just for animals and I have it set for cats. Anyway, my main worry now is that with a reading of 117, should I withhold his insulin injection for now or give it to him anyway? I'm scared that it will bring his bgc down way too far. I'll be testing his bgc in 2 hours so I could give it then if the numbers are high. How should I go about this?

    1 AnswerDiabetes8 years ago
  • A question about progesterone cream?

    I have uterine fibroids and I also have estrogen dominance. I have read some research that says that progesterone cream can help with these issues. I also read an article today though that said the progesterone will store in the fat cells in your body and can cause problems. My question is... is that fat storage of the progesterone due to the laboratory generated progesterone or the wild yam formula, or both?

    1 AnswerWomen's Health9 years ago
  • can a loose light bulb cause a breaker to trip?

    Today I was in my bedroom with the ceiling fan on. I turned the light on to find some clothes and I heard a LOUD pop, not the same sound as when a light bulb blows out. When the loud pop happened, the lights went off, the fan stopped working and the clocks were off. I went and checked the breaker box and it had tripped for that side of the house. I turn it back on and tried the fan/light again and once again, same loud pop, lights go out, fan stops working etc. This time, I saw some sparks come out from the inside of the light housing or globe. I called the apartment complex and they sent someone to check it for me. It didn't happen when he came but he said that it was most likely from a light bulb that was loose. I do run my fan a lot and I can make sense out of this but I want to make sure that this is possible.

    4 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs9 years ago
  • why does my cat growl at feather toys?

    I have 2 male cats that are about 6 years old. Whenever I get feather toys, one of them will put the feathers in his mouth and refuse to let go, all while growling. If I try to take the toy away, he will put his foot on my hand as if to warn me not to touch it. My other cat doesn't act this way at all. Can anyone tell me why the one cat growls and won't let go of his toy?

    4 AnswersCats9 years ago
  • In SWTOR if you are targeted in pvp, is there a way to remove it?

    On my healer toons, I always get targeted, that's just how it goes. Today when I was in PVP, I made a comment about having a target on me and someone told me that they could see it also and that I could remove it. I tried to explain the best that I could in a WZ that I couldn't actually see the target, I just knew that I had one because I was being blasted by several people at once as soon as I would return from dying. Anyway, they insisted that I could remove the marker. I'm pretty sure they are full of it but I wanted to ask anyway.

    2 AnswersVideo & Online Games9 years ago
  • Google Chrome... how to set it to NOT delete history?

    I recently checked my fiance's history only to find that it went back a few days but no more than that. He said that he has it set to delete the history after 7 days which I don't believe. I think that he didn't know how to delete certain things so he delete everything. Is there a way to set it to delete once a week or is he lying and trying to cover his tracks. I have to know before I marry him.

    2 AnswersGoogle9 years ago
  • can I uninstall a previous windows installation with disk cleanup?

    I have windows vista and I think this computer used to have windows 98 or something on it. A few months ago, I used the windows vista disks and installed that onto the system. Now whenever I go to disk cleanup, it's telling me that I have a previous installed version of windows and I'm afraid that deleting it will really mess up my computer. The file is so large though that it's probably slowing down my computer. I read some about this and saw that I should have a folder called windows.old but I can't seem to find it on the computer.

    1 AnswerSoftware9 years ago
  • How do I kick my sociopath out?

    I've done a lot of reading on sociopaths and I'm pretty sure (about 99.9%) that my fiance is one. Thing is that I don't want to be in this relationship anymore if he is and I'm not real sure how to get him to leave. I would leave but he's already cost me 2 other apartments and since this 3rd one is mine, I'll be staying. He's an alcoholic too which only makes matters worse for me.

    At the start of the year he was trying to keep me from going to work and we ended up being late on rent so he sold his car to pay for the rent. Now he blames me. If I tell him to leave he has nothing to drive to get out of here and none of his friends or family will help him either. What is the best way of getting a sociopath to leave? I just know that my situation might not be typical so I don't know how to go about it. Thanks

    5 AnswersPsychology10 years ago
  • Having problems with Verizon dsl, please help?

    I got Verizon about 3 weeks ago and finally got my box delivered last week. I hooked it up but it won't work. I have called them numerous times and they say that my service is ready to go but it's not working and I can't figure out why. I have it all plugged up correctly but the dsl light is flashing and the Internet light is not coming on at all. I connected the cat5 to my computer and it says that I'm connected but local only and no Internet. What is wrong and how do I fix it? Thanks

    3 AnswersComputer Networking10 years ago
  • Are my African Cichlids eating too much?

    I just got some African Cichlids and I think that they are just pigs lol. They are all between 1.5 and 2 inches long and they seem to have grown a little in the week that I've had them. They just eat anything and everything that I put in the tank. Their little bellies got all plump and they look like they just left a buffet. Do all Cichlids act like this? They don't have bloat or anything, they're just pigs.

    3 AnswersFish10 years ago
  • I have a question about alcoholism. ?

    I'm about to marry a man that is an alcoholic. Actually we are already common law married so he is my husband. He goes on these phases where he only drinks a little but then there are times where he will literally be drunk for days. He drinks and naps, wakes up and drinks some more and then sleeps again. It's just a repetitious battle. For the last 2 days he's thrown up beer and then drinks more. I personally know what it's like to be sick to that point but I wouldn't drink more. I can't understand why he does this. Can someone help me with what I should do? Thank you.

    3 AnswersOther - Diseases1 decade ago
  • Fiance's ex telling me things, continued?

    I'm on my iPhone and can't seem to add more details to my last question so here are some additional details.

    I did ask him to change his number and he said no because he has had it for a long time. I also asked him to delete her number and he said no because he wants to know when she is calling so he can ignore her calls. Btw he has spoke to her in front of me and it was not pretty. He was yelling at her and calling her a liar. Today she told me that he sent her 2 songs and they just happened to be the songs that he has been listening to for the last few days. They are kind of mean, leave me alone because you hurt me songs. Also her and I have an agreement that she will let me know when he is contacting her and she has followed through so far. I've been paying attention to see if he was home or not when she says he contacted her and it turns out that I was either asleep or he was gone. Last night he had tried to send her a message but I walked up on him before he could complete it and later when I saw it on his phone I asked him about it and he denied it. The message was "gue" that's all that he got out. Today she also said that she was getting a message from a blocked number saying "I dream of you" but at the time he had been sleeping on the couch for 3 hours. She could be the first one contacting him instead because he's so afraid that I'll get mad he decides not to tell me. Also today I asked her not to respond to his texts and see what happens and she said that she would rather not ignore him because he'll call her over and over. It seems that she wants to continue talking to him.

    6 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • My fiance's ex is telling me things. Should I listen?

    I'll try to go in order of events to make this easier to understand. First he needed to contact her to get some things that she still had. He insisted that I go with him and I did. Then she told him that she went out and got man handled by someone (I was thinking so what... Who cares). Then I call her to find out what is going on and she tells me that he is always contacting her and won't leave her alone. I have found him contacting her but never found anything bad like she says. I just wonder if she is trying to get me to leave him so that she can have him back.

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • TEXAS Deferred Adjudication?

    I live in Texas and a family member that also lives in this state just recently took deferred Adjudication for a misdemeanor offense. He has since heard that in the state of Texas, they are no longer keeping their word on this contract and are treating the offense as a conviction EVEN if the person completes every single thing that they were supposed to. I'm wanting to know if anyone that lives in Texas has had this problem or if you know of anyone that has had this problem. Please let me know if you have and what you did to correct the problem if you were able to. Thank you.

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago