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Lv 32,157 points

Mr. Ripple

Favorite Answers19%

All My Friends, which includes All of YOU,(I Hope), call me Robert. I may possibly rank as high as a Tee Shirt Scholar drowning in information yet starved for knowledge. I look down on no one and will never intentionally hurt anyone's feelings. I am only here to learn, meet new friends and enjoy their company.

  • Inspired by "The Archeologist" "Faith Unearthed" How many poetic rules did I break?

    Faith Unearthed

    The bones of an Angel - the bones of a Saint,

    Barely enough for the Artist to paint

    Guided by innocents - Discovered by chance,

    Could not be embellished could not be enhanced

    We argue the Truth while ignoring the facts,

    Blinded by opinion rather than follow the tracks

    Found in the earth and written in books,

    We've seen in the past - we know how it looks

    Still hidden so deep in the mysteries of time,

    What guides our thoughts and makes up our mind

    Why do we wonder when all has been said,

    That the proof of life is only left by the dead

    While in our hearts we all feel the same,

    After two thousand years the faith still remains

    The bones of an Angel - the bones of a Saint,

    Barely enough for the Artist to paint

    2 AnswersPoetry8 years ago
  • "A Why in the Road" can anyone relate?

    A Why In the Rode

    Have we lost Hope in us?

    Did we let that fire of passion grow cold with age?

    Should we, at the least, keep our love warm with the fires of memory?

    Or do some memories cool all fires into regrets?

    We now stand before this mystery door.

    We both hope the other will Love the other enough to give the other what the other hopes for.

    We can't give you what you want.

    We can't give me what I want.

    Our directions are no longer the same path.

    We can't see the same finish line.

    Yes, we did build a beautiful castle, of sand.

    But, the waves of time has washed away that " forever after plan".

    We both now carry a heavy load.

    We both now face a why in the road.

    4 AnswersPoetry8 years ago
  • Is this just a story about a Hobo or a poem of sorts, maybe both? Please C/C?

    The Hobo's Successful Failure

    I have been a loafer for most of my laid back life,

    with little time for friends and no time for a wife.

    Oh, The afflictions of responsibility, how does one endure?

    Such a terrible waist of youth, why should I mature?

    I have no fear of failure, I own nothing as my proof.

    I never need to sweep the floor or patch a leaky roof.

    I can come and go when I damn well please or hit the dusty trail,

    then on occasions, I get a free vacation at the local jail.

    On my favorite bench, one day, as I lay a napping,

    I was rudely awakened by a tap, tap, tapping.

    A brand new sign on the old oak tree,

    so I walked on over, what could it be?

    "Attention all children, both young and old, The Big Top Circus is coming to town,

    They would be here soon, in a matter of days, just down the rode at the old fair ground.

    "With Lions, Tigers and Trapeze flyers, Elephants, Clowns and Shows on the Side,

    Popcorn, Peanuts, Cotton Candy and more; every kind of fun that's ever been tried."

    On closer inspection of the very last line,

    "Looking to hire local talent, if you're so inclined."

    All I have to do is make people laugh?,

    Folk laughing on my behalf?

    Well, these same people have always laughed at me;

    There wasn't much difference as far as I could see.

    When the circus showed up, I met the Ring Master.

    One quick glance, he knew; I was who he was after.

    He shook my hand, said "every one just calls me Bob,

    You've come dressed like a Hobo, so you've got the job."

    Well, Thank you kindly Sir, I'll do my best.

    Imagine that, Me, dressed for success!

    I hear the crowd roar inside the big top tent.

    A sip from the bottle, I didn't waste on rent.

    With that shot of courage, my courage was up,

    I wanted to cheer them, with my true makeup.

    They were just folks, looking to dodge life for awhile,

    now's the time for the clown, with the big fake smile.

    As I step into the ring I slip on a big pile of dung,

    couldn't go on for my ankle had sprung.

    Doubts descend upon all of my Hopes,

    again, I find success, backed up to the ropes.

    No sound of laughter, not a single grin;

    Fate has decided, I should not win.

    I'm not at all angry, not at all blue,

    for fate knows me well, I know it's true.

    Hiding behind this fake smiley face,

    is my real, honest, smiling face.

    For I understand my true success;

    Is to know how to live with no distress.

    The irony of this humorous letdown;

    That a real Hobo has failed as a clown.

    12 AnswersPoetry8 years ago
  • Is today national poetry day?

    I have been on the rode for a few days and I have truly missed every one of You Wonderful poets.

    This morning I woke before daylight and watched a magnificent sunrise from my back porch. I felt so blessed I wrote this aubade in appreciation, for I have so much to be thankful for.

    Hope remains

    Mocking bird sings multiple allusions,

    Efforts to ward off any intrusions.

    Too many residents she would deter,

    After all, this back yard belongs to her.

    While the mocking bird keeps up her warning,

    Daybreak reveals texture to gray morning.

    Reds and yellows of autumn are arrayed,

    And a new day of life is now displayed.

    All bright stars did not go where heaven reigns,

    Those of Freedom shine both at day and night.

    Bright stars on blue, blood red on cotton white,

    A golden new day to know, Hope remains.

    Our Hope, always there for the world to see,

    When that light of Glory shines, on the Free.

    15 AnswersPoetry8 years ago
  • A short little whatever C/C maybe?

    Hell's Bells

    Some day, if it's warm,

    I may come out to look.

    Some night, if it's quiet,

    I may come out to listen.

    If I hear the bell, toll,

    with a welcome call,

    I may come out to stay.

    5 AnswersPoetry8 years ago
  • Part Two of Mr. Ripple's interview with Dr. Dog in de tail???

    Dr. Dog

    And while Dr. Dog is out front sniffing around the fire hydrant Robert waits in the office.

    Ten minutes later:

    Dr. Dog: please take up where you left off, you and Shadow were walking to -- Sunday School ?

    Robert : that's right, actually the excitement started after the Church service when we were exiting the building.

    All of a sudden I heard this loud commotion just outside the Church doors. Men were yelling, Women were squealing , Kids were laughing, well it didn't take long to find out that Ole Shadow was behind all the ruckus going on, actually he was behind this cute little Setter that belonged to Mrs. Jones ----

    Dr. Dog: beg your pardon ?

    Robert: Oh I'm sorry, cute little Setter that lived with Mrs. Jones.

    Dr. Dog: You don't mean they were?

    Robert: Yes sir Dr. , Right there in front of God and the whole congregation.

    Dr.Dog: were you not mortified ?

    Robert: well, given the time and place it was kinda touch and go there for awhile at least until Rev. Ike spoke up and told everyone that it was only part of God's plan and for every one to move along and let Nature take its course. After that Me and Ole Shadow weren't welcome at the First Self Righteous Church anymore, at least Ole Shadow wasn't but I never went back either because, well you know, you can't go anywhere without your shadow.

    Dr. Dog: well, Robert that was quite a tail, ha ha, just a little inside joke.

    By the way, where did all this take place?

    Robert: A quaint little Town called Sopchoppy.

    Dr. Dog: Oh My! Oh My! Tell me you are not talking about Sopchoppy Florida!

    Robert: Why yes Dr., that is the place. So you have heard of it have you?

    Dr. Dog: Yes I have Robert, that is the place of my birth!

    Robert: know way! Are you telling me? It can't be! It just Can't Be!

    But you do bear a striking resemblance to Ole Shadow and your Irish ancestry is very evident! This could only mean---- you must be the true heir of Shadow!

    Dr. Dog: That's right Robert, it must be true, and my given name is Shade, the son of Shadow.

    Robert: Then this must mean?

    Dr. Dog, Dr. Shade rather: Yes, Robert, for better or worse, You now belong to me.

    True story! at least the part about, Most of it anyway

    7 AnswersPoetry8 years ago
  • Are the minutes from an interview with a Psychiatrist close enough to poetry?

    Interview with Dr. Dog

    Dr. Dog: Mr. Ripple can you recall the name of your first master?

    Mr. Ripple : yes Dr., I believe that he answered to the name of Shadow.

    Dr. Dog: very interesting Mr. Ripple, if you don't mind, can we be a bit less formal, Robert, could you please tell why you used the phrase "he answered to the name of Shadow"?

    Mr. Ripple: I mean Robert: Thank you Dr., yes Robert works fine for me and would you like for me to call you something other than Dr. ?

    Dr. Dog: no, please refer to me as Dr. , now, continue with your answer, Robert .

    Robert: I'm so sorry Dr. But I forgot your question.

    Dr. Dog: I had asked you why you used the phrase "he answered

    to the name of Shadow" I mean it sounds a bit derogatory, if you will.

    Robert: Oh, No Sir, I would never belittle Ole Shadow, he was the best dog I ever owned! Er, I'm sorry, Ole Shadow was the best friend I ever had.

    Dr. Dog: very interesting, Robert, you seem to have developed a bit of a possessive attitude somewhere in your past. Could you tell me a bit about your childhood and when you first became acquainted with Shadow?

    Robert: Well Dr., as I recall, it was early summer because school had just let out for summer break. As I was walking home from school on that last day, I got this feeling that I was being followed, so I turned around and there he was, this big Ole ugly mutt of a dog, Er, sorry Dr. no offense intended! But like I was saying, there he was, this big wonderful dog was following me like my own shadow and that is what I called him from that day on, until he up and ran away.

    Dr. Dog: Well Robert, that is quite interesting. Now, if you can, please tell me about your relationship with Shadow, some of your adventures if you will.

    Robert: well Dr., by the way did I mention that you look just like Ole Shadow?

    Dr. Dog: well I hope that I can take that as a complement, please carry own with your adventures you two had together.

    Robert : Well I do recall one very exciting adventure we had. It all began one Sunday morning on the way to church. Oh, by the way, we lived in a very small town and walked just about every where. So like I was saying, it was Sunday morning and I was walking to Sunday school and Ole Shadow was living up to his name, because he was right on my heels, about two steps back. When all of a sudden ......

    Dr. Dog: I hate to interrupt but before you go any further with this exciting adventure I think we need to take a quick fire hydrant break, let's take a ten minute break.

    And while Dr. Dog is out front sniffing around the fire hydrant Robert waits in the office.

    Ten minutes later:

    This is a two part series, I will continue, only if there is interest. It gets much better!

    Please, cast your vote.


    4 AnswersPoetry8 years ago
  • Can someone Please help me with these chains?

    Kayte's Sonnet

    Oh, heavy heart why must you beat my soul

    My eyes downcast see shadows of the past

    Hope is gone, my praying has played no role

    To ease her pain and beg her life to last

    As I gaze into these past reflections

    I'm Holding her hand, I'm needing her smile

    Joys buried deep, there's no resurrection

    While the chains of grief hold my heart on trial

    The Brave Heart She was, kept hidden her pain

    The letter she left, tears want let me touch

    Oh, damn, heavy heart, my soul you have drained

    My Sweet Little Girl, I Miss You So Much

    You Fought till the end, Your Courage was sure

    You Fought for the world, still seeking the cure

    Please C/C My Little Girl Earned the Best, I owe it to Her.

    It should be better, a tear fell on every word.

    12 AnswersPoetry8 years ago
  • Is this even close to a sonnet C/C Please?

    Robin Hood

    Would, could, should

    He would have lived his life in quiet peace

    Would Hope life to grant such a simple wish

    Have all his friend's and family's love increase

    Lived all his life to a happy finish

    He could have loved his lady, but for fate

    Could not have known the lonely life to come

    Have time to find lost Hope before to late

    Loved all his friends and endured hate from some

    He should have known the tricks that life can play

    Should hope to find his answers from the past

    Have a chance to begin a brand new day

    Known from the start just how to make it last

    He would live life to love all those he could,

    Should have Hoped for this to be understood

    I may have caused the rhythm and flow to falter here but I got curious about something.

    As You read this, start with the first word of each line on each stanza, then drop to the first word of the next line and continue that line, and so forth all the way to the end.

    It's crazy I know, but couldn't help myself. I had to stand on my head and look in the mirror back words to write this wrong, I Hope it's right.

    14 AnswersPoetry8 years ago
  • Honest Doormen, short poem in ten syllable lines, C/C?

    Honest Doormen

    They don't maliciously want to harm you,

    They're honest doormen with a job to do.

    All they need is a sight, a sound, or thought,

    Any sadness that our doubts may have caught.

    From upon that rode of lonely journeys,

    An abundance of available keys.

    Can open that door where we pay our dues,

    Then, like it or not, we must sing the blues.

    4 AnswersPoetry8 years ago
  • How does "Honest Doormen" on a ten beat count sound?

    Honest Doormen

    They don't maliciously want to harm you,

    they're honest doormen with a job to do.

    All they need is a sight, a sound, or thought,

    any sadness that our doubts may have caught.

    From upon that rode of lonely journeys,

    an abundance of available keys.

    They open that door where we pay our dues,

    then, like it or not, we must sing the blues.

    Please C/C

    9 AnswersPoetry8 years ago
  • The Life that We Shared, Please C/C?

    The Life that We Shared

    He had all the answers in his youth,

    I now regret how he scorned the truth.

    His plan for life, no need for a plan,

    this foolish act was how it began.

    Not once he thought, life has no rewind,

    looked past the future, then left it behind.

    He raced the clock, no respecter of time,

    sped past his youth, a blur was his prime.

    Now life demands I pay all these debts.

    Why must I face so many regrets.

    I wish he had known me back then.

    Oh, I wish he had known me back then.

    Would he have listened, would he have cared?

    Would it have helped this life that we shared?

    6 AnswersPoetry8 years ago
  • Such a "Sweet Weapon" Should it be worthy of C/C?

    Sweet Weapon

    I can find you in the night,

    when there is no light.

    I can find you by the ocean,

    if I take a notion,

    I can find you in the forest,

    in a peaceful rest.

    I can find you in a dress,

    or a little less.

    I can find you on the street,

    at a place you like to eat.

    I can find you when you're looking,

    especially if you're cooking.

    I don't care about your color,

    heritage or any other.

    I don't care if you're thin or fat,

    as a matter of fact, I'm blind as a bat.

    I have been here from the start,

    every since you've had a heart.

    I Hope to always exist,

    though I will ever be at risk.

    I have only one Hope, to be spared,

    like it or not, I have to be shared.

    No, no, no, I am not a disease,

    so don't even go there, if you please.

    I will give you only one little hint,

    from a sweet weapon, I was sent.

    7 AnswersPoetry8 years ago
  • That Final Gift From Life, C/C?

    The Final Gift of Life

    In life's twilight gloom, yearning for relief,

    bowed head, closed eyes, seeking any peace.

    What anguish this gift from life,

    when she heard that final bell?

    She had left him here with silent,

    emptiness,to face these gates of hell.

    His back pain was at ten,

    his heartack at one hundred.

    He had so many doubts,

    so many trials ahead.

    The future had slipped past,

    what wisdom in looking back.

    Would his sweetest memories,

    be distorted by the facts?

    His back pain was still at ten,

    his heartache still one hundred.

    When Hope and memories began to fade,

    when there was nothing left to dread.

    Reaching out with grateful heart,

    He accepts that final gift from life.

    6 AnswersPoetry8 years ago
  • Anyone care to make "Stone Soup"?

    Stone Soup for Poets

    "Stone Soup", human nature on parade.

    All Kind Poets, please come to our aid.

    Combining nice words, no one can doubt.

    Keeping in mind what may come about.

    If a GIANT chef threw us all in a blender

    A wonderful poem hopefully would render.

    If you wish to share any food for thought.

    Follow the flow of the last that was brought.

    2 AnswersPoetry8 years ago
  • Can anyone C/C A Slip From the Future?

    A Slip From the Future

    Stepping stone to stone,

    the water cold and clear.

    I find myself upon my back,

    grinning ear to ear.

    My crossing, a near success,

    but for a future plan,

    Strayed from the task at hand,

    to devise a bridge's span.

    7 AnswersPoetry8 years ago
  • Is this poetry? If so please C/C?

    Of Whippoorwills and Truth

    Have you ever felt the serenity of a warm Southern night,

    Listening to the Whippoorwill, tell you who he is,

    over and over and over?

    I often find myself, drifting back in time,

    longing for those simple things,

    that somehow slipped away.

    These memories, though precious,

    softly sing the blues.

    All the times my Mama prayed,I would someday find,

    that elusive buried treasure, contentment for my soul.

    All the times my Dad, tried to show the way.

    I shrugged my shoulders in insolence,

    turned walked away.

    Now I feel the guilt of my foolish past.

    The truth is much more clear today,

    as it imitates the Whippoorwill,

    I Told You So! I Told You So! I Told You So!

    Oh the bitter sweet memories,

    delivered through the essence of a warm Southern night.

    The Whippoorwill has been there always,

    to remind me who he is,

    Over and Over and Over.

    Just as the truth will be there always,

    to remind me who I am,

    Over and Over and Over.

    5 AnswersPoetry8 years ago
  • too much repetition, maybe, but it felt good, and the title may give it away, C/C anyway, OK?

    Water Colors

    I saw the sky's

    two shades of blue,

    azure above, sky below.

    I saw the cloud's

    two contrasting shades,

    pearl above, eggshell below.

    I saw the trees,

    fall colors, twice on display,

    vivid above, shimmering below.

    I have seen all this beauty

    above and below,

    spectacular view, undoubtedly two.

    1 AnswerPoetry8 years ago
  • Million Dollar Smile He deserves better can you C/C?

    Million Dollar Smile

    Another little boy, with a million dollar smile,

    Abandoned and alone, with no one for him to love.

    How could we let this happen, forgive us God above.

    Where the hell is justice, will there ever be a trial?

    For the cause of that little boy with a million dollar smile.

    Put a man on the moon, Through a party at the bar,

    Make a thing of beauty from an old rusty car.

    I could go on awhile, why we have no time to spare.

    Why we have no money, no loving home to share.

    For a little heart of gold and a million dollar smile.

    5 AnswersPoetry8 years ago
  • Can you C/C this METH-ODD of Self Destruction?

    The Claws of the Beast!

    He had heard about the danger, had to see it for himself.

    It would never befall him, it was always someone else.

    He began to play too close to the deep and dismal wood.

    That small voice was screaming, the danger understood.

    This warning is for all, who presume to know no fear.

    Your soul will be burning, when the evil beast is near.

    Demons creep to greet you, hear their heinous sighs.

    The beast may even whisper, someone's telling lies.

    Not long ago they had their health, irrational but strong.

    The horror in the mirror, proof, their audacity was wrong.

    The beast has ripped their lives apart, hopeless situation.

    Now they have nowhere to turn in their lonely desperation.

    The mutilated bodies, found, North, West, South and East.

    METH-ODD of Self Destruction, The Claws of the Beast.

    4 AnswersPoetry8 years ago