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i am a crazy, psychotic human being who loves to read and watch horror movies. i love music and history. werewolves eat vampires for breakfast.

  • What is your opinion on advantix, frontline, advantage, and biospot?

    on personal experience, which one do you find to work the best for your dog or cat? i've heard that biospot is pretty good, but i've never used it before. just want some opinions. thanks guys!

    11 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • How do I delete my old 360 page without starting a new web address?

    my page is messed up pretty bad. been waiting quite awhile for it to correct itself, but nothing. need help....please....

    5 AnswersYahoo Profiles1 decade ago
  • What is going on with my 360 page?

    the updates on my 360 page are not showing. i'm not sure if i have any mail in my mailbox. the number of my page views have decreased by 2000 or more. i can't even view any of my friends. my friends comments from the past two days has disappeared. what the heck is going on here? it's really frustrating. is this happening to anyone else? how can i fix this? what's up with the yahoo help center? no emails to talk or receive email from a tech support or anything. what is happening to yahoo? i've worked so hard on my page. i don't want to have to abandon it. please, any suggestions. help. anything. yahoo is not helping here at all.

    3 AnswersYahoo Profiles1 decade ago
  • I am interested in obtaining a venus fly trap?

    i'm sure you guys have seen them in wal-mart. they are small and very neat looking. i would love to have one, but i don't know too much. before i do, i would like some advice and the proper care. any advice or information would be greatly appreciated.

    4 AnswersGarden & Landscape1 decade ago
  • Question about pregnancy and seizures?

    my husband and i are wanting to start a family. my husband is healthy and so am i. save for my seizures. they are grand mal and easily controlled by medication. i've only had one bought of seizures since i diagnosed four years ago. since then everything is a-o-k. i would just like to know if anyone had problems with their pregnancy if they experience seizures. thanks.

    7 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • PLEASE help with my scorpion and his molting?

    my emperor scorpion is molting. keeping his tank moist is no problem, but i'm having problems with humidity. what kind of light can i use to help bring the humidity up? also when i spray him he seems to be in pain or maybe trying to molt. i hope i am not doing anything wrong. i'm at a loss here. any advice. anything would be appreciated. he is my first scorpion. i am worried and i want the best for him. his name is uncle rico by the way. thanks.

    i'm spraying directly on him. just making sure the excess water gets to him. he keeps soaking his water dish. i've refilled it three times already.

    2 AnswersReptiles1 decade ago
  • Misting my tank?

    i've noticed a build up on all my tanks of what can only be descibed as lime. no matter how hard i clean it, the stuff won't come off.

    i've used spring water and city water. this seem to start when i used spring water to mist my tanks. then i switched to city water, and noticed no difference.

    can some one suggest something that is save to get this gunk off my tanks. is this build up unsafe for my critters? i have a scorpion, millipede, crested gecko, and a tarantula.

    what is causing this?

    6 AnswersReptiles1 decade ago
  • I need a good, safe cleaner that i can wipe my rats cage down with?

    i have a large, two level rat cage that houses 5 female rats. their platforms are the hard plastic. i need something that i can wipe and disinfect everyday because they defacate on it and i don't want them walking around in that kind of stuff. i've used unscented baby wipes but it doesn't take the smell away. i've even used a wet wash cloth. does anyone have any great suggestions? my rats refuse to use a litter pan. they just sleep in it. crazy rats....

    5 AnswersOther - Pets1 decade ago
  • I'm looking for a respected manufacturer of rat cages?

    i know that if you keep a rat in a cage with meshing or barred flooring they can get bumble feet. i was looking at a top cage maker that sells only wire mesh or galvanized cages with wire for flooring. is there any companies that sell large cages with solid flooring?

    6 AnswersOther - Pets1 decade ago
  • Which is easier: a saltwater tank or a freshwater tank?

    i'm interested in starting a fish tank. of course, i am a beginner. what would be some great fish to start out with in either tanks? by the way, the last time i had fish was when i was a kid. many, many eons ago. any advice would be appreciated. thank you...

    14 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • My Emperor Scorpion?

    this is my first scorpion and most likely my last. i love him to death, but i have had the hardest time with him. he eaten only one cricket in months. his temperature is fine, cage clean, and no signs of external injuries or paratistes. his coloring is dull. so i keep thinking that he's fixing to molt, but i don't think that's it. i read a book on scorpions, but it was no help at all. so if someon could maybe give some advice on their experience with them. what i may be doing wrong. he is in a dark, warm, humid place, but he's in my living room. could he be too sensitive to the noise? i read and heard they are real sensitive. so any advice would be greatly appreciated. thank you. no evil replies.

    2 AnswersReptiles1 decade ago
  • Rats and their dang water bottles....?

    why does water bottles leak when they are about halfway full? i keep having problem with my males water bottle. i've changed 2 out because they pretty much wet the whole cage. why do these things don't seem to leak when you first put them in their, but leave a nice wet spot for you to clean up? it's annoying. is there anything i can put under it, like paper, litter, or something? help me please.....

    3 AnswersOther - Pets1 decade ago
  • Crested Geckos?

    i have just aquired one. he is a 3 year old male named petrie. i would like to read other people's dealings with these cute little guys. what are some dos and don'ts? what are the names of your precious geckos? i want anything you guys have to offer. anything will be appreciated. thanks so much....

    3 AnswersReptiles1 decade ago
  • My female rat has a lump on the underside of her neck....?

    she is eating and drinking just fine. her activity is still the same. high energy and bounciness. lol!! from what i can tell there is not a bite. no missing hair. no blood. she is in the cage with four other females that get along beautifully. i don't know if it could be a spider bite or an allergic reaction. i just need some help on what it could possibly be. how long will this last? whatever it is. is there anything outside of the vet that i could put on it to help the swelling go down? it appeared yesterday. the day before she was just fine. there is no pain or any annoyance when i touch it. this is a complete mystery to me. any one with experience with this please help. i'm worried and confused for my little rattie.

    7 AnswersOther - Pets1 decade ago
  • werewolves: do you believe in them.....?

    my favorite monster of all time is the werewolf. hence my online name. majority of people don't believe in such nonsense. some of us entertain the thought of "what if?" while there are the few that swear up and down that they exist. i would love to know anyones thoughts on this subject. don't be afraid to tell me. i won't make fun if you think they are real or have seen one. have fun with this question or take this seriously. it's your choice.

    13 AnswersMythology & Folklore1 decade ago
  • The demise of Tweety Bird....?

    This is a very pointless question, but i have to ask. Who here despises TWEETY BIRD? For some reason I can't stand this stupid bird. Who here wishes for TWEETY to be eaten by SYLVESTER? I know I do. Yes, I have issues....

    3 AnswersTelevision1 decade ago
  • I need help figuring out what character in this picture is from...?

    The name is Kara. She looks to be a vampire. She was at first believed to be a crow. If you know anything about this character it would be greatly appreciated. Is she a fan's rendition from a book or role playing game? anything would be great. this all the information i have to give. i'm sorry there is so little to go on. if more comes up then i will gladly post. any suggestions will be welcomed. please don't be rude about anything. if the information i have given seems unclear or not enough, please be kind of enough to tell me. remember niceness is a wonderful thing. here is a picture:

    2 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • What are your thoughts on the movie Sin City.....?

    Did you like it? Did you completely and utterly hate? Were you confused? I'd like to know any of you thoughts on it.

    13 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • i need any advice that can help with smelly rats and their cages....?

    i have seven rats in my home. i love them to death, but they stink so bad. i keep my house clean. i'm not to sure about using air fresheners or other plugins. the boys are the ones that smell the worst. i just need to suggestions or anything actually. i'm embarassed to have people over because of the smell. does anyone know anything that can help alleviate the smell that is safe for my ratties. i don't want any of them sick. i also don't want something that smells like it is just "covering up" the smell. i do keep them refreshed and cleaned regularly. so no worries there. is there some kind of small animal litter that i can put under my rats regular bedding that can help with the smell. i'm just wondering on how to get rid of subdue the smell the cages give off.

    14 AnswersOther - Pets1 decade ago