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  • Summer math/reading programs to do at home?

    My son will be finishing kindergarten in 2 weeks. What programs are available to do at home to continue progress through the summer? He has learned so much in this first year, I want to avoid backsliding as much as possible. Thanks!

    6 AnswersGrade-Schooler1 decade ago
  • Summer break math/reading programs to do at home?

    My son will be finishing kindergarten in 2 weeks. What programs are available to do at home to continue progress through the summer? He has learned so much in this first year, I want to avoid backsliding as much as possible. Thanks!

    4 AnswersPrimary & Secondary Education1 decade ago
  • Looking back as an adult, do you wish your parents would have been different in some way?

    Such as spend more or less time with you, take a bigger interest in you, or let you have more privacy, etc....

    6 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • Beverage recipe for a group?

    I'm looking for a recipe for beverage that I can take to a potluck at work. Preferably either a make ahead recipe or a mix. I'm thinking along of lines of a coffee and/or chocolate drink, non-alcoholic as it's for work.

    5 AnswersNon-Alcoholic Drinks1 decade ago
  • Seriously, how do you stick to a financial plan?

    This question is for those who are financially worry-free. I don't mean wealthy people or those who don't take care of their own finances. I mean people who are working, raising families, and yet on top of their financial situation.

    I am married with 2 young sons. What we make in take home pay covers well over our usual bills. Groceries and gas are budgeted, but a little looser. Saving money seems like a joke. I budget out our finances to the point I get obsessed with it. It doesn't seem to matter how much out of debt we get, we can always find some place to use the extra money instead of using it to pay off another debt. I'm really frustrated because I have no idea what I'm doing wrong. Why can I figure it on paper, but can't make it happen? I write out a meal plan for an entire month and stick to it very closely, we don't eat out, and we don't go out. Because of our situation, I really worry about how my sons will learn to manage finances. Give me a clue!

    8 AnswersPersonal Finance1 decade ago
  • Amortization schedules?

    Is there a website or free software download that offers amortization schedules that can be used to enter multiple accounts, APRs, minimum payments, etc?

    I, at one time, had a software program that all you did was enter your debts and interest rate, etc. and as they were paid off added that amount to the next debt payment and so on.

    5 AnswersCredit1 decade ago
  • Nightshifters......?

    Before you go into work after at least a one night break, how many hours of a nap do you take? And how long are your shifts..8 or 12?

    3 AnswersCareers & Employment1 decade ago
  • Kindergartener lying?

    My son just started kindergarten this year. Suddenly he's telling lies at home. The lies are not protecting his behavior though, they are actually lies about how he is getting in trouble at school. He is not getting in any trouble at all! He is making up stories about how he had to stay inside or his teacher told him to behave, then tells my husband and I a while later that he lied and wasn't really in trouble. My son is shy, but makes friends easily. He would be humiliated to actually be pointed out by his teacher that he is misbehaving. I have talked with him about how his lies hurt my feelings and how when he lies I don't know what stories are real and which are made up. What are your thoughts?

    12 AnswersGrade-Schooler1 decade ago
  • Calling in sick to work?

    Does anyone else feel guilty when they call off sick to work? I only work two days a week night shift. Last night I got so sick I asked to leave halfway through my shift. I am still feeling terrible and vomiting, but I don't have a fever or any other symptoms except pain in my stomach. I have only been at this job for 10 months. To make matters worse, last week I had to call in sick because my allergies were so bad that my eyes were swelled almost shut. I saw my doctor that day because over the counter allergy meds were not working. I work in a hospital so going to work sick would not be very good for the patients. I drive my husband crazy when I'm sick and have to call off work because I analyze all day whether or not I'm REALLY too sick to be at work even though I feel horrible. I've never called off a day just because I didn't want to go and if I call off work I don't even leave my house unless I'm going to the doctor. Anyone else overwhelmed with guilt at calling in sick?

    6 AnswersCareers & Employment1 decade ago
  • Frustrated with potty training...?

    I know this question is asked over and over, but I'm about to lose it! My son is 32 months old. He refused to wear diapers 5 months ago. My first thought was whoohooo, he's ready! We got out the potty chair and let him investigate for a few weeks without pushing the issue. We let him sit on it and once he did finally pee, we made a huge fuss and gave him smarties. That is as far as we have progressed up to this point. I set a timer for every 1/2 an hour and he has to sit on the potty when the timer goes off. Half the time he'll pee, half the time, he'll wait until he gets up and pee in his pants. I've stopped giving candy because he would ask to sit on the potty, not pee, get candy, then pee his pants while he ate his candy. I'm so frustrated right now that I'm losing my patience with him. I have taken breaks for a few days, more for my own sanity. We have tried offering rewards that require him to be trained, staying at grandpa's, preschool, etc. nothing is working! Help?

    18 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • When are you back to school shopping?

    I'm a mom of a soon-to-be kindergartener. When does everyone back to school shop? Do you wait for all the deals? Do you really find any deals? Where's the best places to shop? How much to you plan to spend? And lastly, what is on your list....clothes, shoes, backpacks, pens, pencils, etc.

    20 AnswersGrade-Schooler1 decade ago
  • How many moms (or dads) plan real meals most nights at home?

    I'm a "wanna be stay at home mom"....I work only a few nights a month and am home 75% of the month. I, or my husband, meal plan and make homemade meals at least 5 or 6 nights a week. I frequently bake breakfasts too. I'm just wondering how common this is? I hear people at work joke about what they feed their kids for dinner...usually a bowl a cereal. In this busy day and age, how common is it that families have cooked meals at home. Stay at home moms or not.

    22 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • Recommend a cell phone?

    What brand and model of cell phone do you have and do you like it? I'm shopping for a new camera phone for my husband. We have Verizon.

    4 AnswersCell Phones & Plans2 decades ago
  • Gerber Life Insurance?

    Anyone have this insurance for their children? What's some thoughts on why to get it? Anyone with children old enough for college...did you use this as an investment for college funds? How did it work for you? What were your experiences?

    My boys are 5 and 2. I've got these ads in the mail since my oldest son was born. I can't bring myself to apply for life insurance for my kids because, to me, I just feel morbid about it. I realize it could be a good investment for the future, but what is the difference between using a life insurance policy versus investing?

    5 AnswersParenting2 decades ago
  • Chocolate Chip Dip Recipe?

    I need the recipe for Chocolate Chip Dip. The only ingredients I remember ares cream cheese and chocolate chips. It's pretty thick. Your supposed to dip graham crackers in it.

    6 AnswersCooking & Recipes2 decades ago
  • Question for any who really does know the Bible...?

    My "friend" IMed me this quote..."jesus also said if you don't believe in be at lease believe my teaching" but apparently doesn't remember where he found it...someone help him please! :) TY

    12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality2 decades ago
  • What's on your Grocery List?

    I love to cook but always have the feeling "there is nothing here to eat!!!". What's everyone shopping for? Food, paper products, cleaning products, personal care items, anything!!! Whatcha buying?

    12 AnswersCooking & Recipes2 decades ago
  • Cleaning Stovetop Burners?

    I have a Whirlpool stove that has ceramic coated cast iron stovetop burners. The burners are gray, the stove is white. Everything seems to discolor the burners and stick to them, no matter what it is. I'm a clean freak and it drives me crazy!! I've sprayed them with oven cleaner, scrubbed them with SOS pads, etc. Nothing really cleans them very good. Any suggestions of something really simple that I'm missing?

    5 AnswersCleaning & Laundry2 decades ago
  • When friends change, how does it make you feel and how do you react?

    When friends you have known for years change personality wise, does it make you feel bad? I'm almost 30. Two of my co-workers are friends I've had for 15+ years either from high school or old jobs. They both are really nice people and easy to get along with, but they change completely depending on who is around. It's extreme changes. They don't seem to be bothered by it or notice it, but it's irritating to me. Do you think this is normal for me to feel weird? It's almost depressing! Anyone else experience this?

    1 AnswerFriends2 decades ago