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  • What to do when you find that special someone, again.....?

    So for years, I've tried to re-connect with an old friend/boyfriend who I was really close to. For years I've had no luck finding anything on him. Well last night I found his family's website and took a look. It seems as if he is now married with 2 stepkids. I posted a friendly message addressing his whole family and wishing everyone well. But heres the thing. I believe this person was my soul mate. Everyday since we lost contact 7 years ago I've thought of him. It wasnt either of our faults that we lost contact (we were young and our parents didnt want us together which brought up other issues) I really want to be in his life as a friend and if the time ever came, to be more than that. But for now I would settle for friends. Please help. I'm in a serious relationship with someone I know I dont want to be with and I cant help but to feel sad all the time about losing my lost love. What should I do? Should I try to directly contact him or not?

    7 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • do guys think about sex as much as i do?

    ok so is there any guys out there who just isnt into sex that much? Like it really doesnt matter to them if they have sex once a week or once a month? my man acts like he never wants it anymore. we been together for almost 5 years and i still want to like everyday and he acts like he hates me for it. What should i do? Ive tried everything and he acts more like his is my bother than my boyfriend.

    15 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • how many people really miss their ex's once things are over?

    I mean like really think about them and wonder what they are doing? Even if its been years since you guys split. Im just wondering because I keep dreaming about one of my ex's and it weird b/c we been broke up for almost a year. When i wake up i can almost feel him next to me. Ive moved on but alot of times my mind just keeps wondering about him. Is this normal?

    12 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago
  • Does anyone know of what could be making me sick?

    For like the last week i havent been feeling so well. It started a few days ago when i woke up having a nose bleed. It bleed for a little while and stopped. The next day woke up to the same thing, except this time i was vomiting soon after. Today I woke up vomiting again and just was cranky and really sleepy. I went back to bed and since i got up to come to work ive just felt sick like i was going to vomit again. Ive been able to eat, just not as much without getting a sick feeling. I'm 99% sure Im not pregnant( thats usually the first thing people think of.)

    3 AnswersOther - Health1 decade ago
  • Birth Parent of adopted Child?

    Is it normal even years after giving up a child for adoption to still miss your baby? I gave my son up to is paternal grandparents almost 8 years ago. It was suppossed to be an open adoption but turn into anything but. What can birth mothers do to fill the hole in her heart that the child left behind? I cant have anymore children and that is the only thing that i think would fill the space. Most of the time im ok with everything but then there are times like this i just want to cry my eyes out over my lost child. Please help

    7 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • long over b/t me and an ex but my mind still wonders?

    When i was 12, I met my best friend. Thing between the 2 of us grew slowly and strongly. When i was 15, his "new" adoptive parents didnt approve of me and reported him to the police. He was arrested and I've never heard from him again. My mind still wonders where he is and what hes doing and does he hate me for letting his adoptive parents find out about us. I just dont understand why even after almost 7 years i still find myself thinking about him everyday. Ive tried to find him on the net but no luck. I've moved on but the "what if's" still come to mind frequently. Has anyone else ever had this happen to them? Have you ever lost the love of your life and still think about them years later? No sarcastic comments necessary. You will be reported.

    2 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • Acne Question for the 20 somethings online now.?

    Im 21 and have always had my bouts with acne. in the last few weeks things have just got worse and worse. I'm getting these hard balls underneath my skin on my chin and i know that you not suppossed to try to pop them but i do any ways and nothing ever comes out of them. They hurt so bad. Then Im getting these painful ones with stuff coming out of them on my forehead and cheek. Seems like sometimes they are going away but then..... I wash my face twice a day and change my diet( no soda, more fruits and veggie, this was my new years thing) I thought a change may have helped but it seems to be getting worse since then. I cant afford to go to a derm. dr so what can i do to help it? Really its driving me crazy hurting so bad and looks awful. My skin has always been bad but i thought i would have outgrown this by now. I thought it was a teenage thing.

    9 AnswersSkin Conditions1 decade ago
  • Why wont he...........?

    ok so im 21 and my man is 26. We've been together for almost 5 years. Well we went from cant keep our hands of each other for 5 seconds and having sex like 5 times a day to "HE" cant stand to touch or be touched by me and refuses to have sex with me. I beg, I pled, I try making him dinner to eat together (which he still wont b/c hes parked in front of his new 360), masturbating, just about any and every thing i can think of. But still nothing. His idea of sex is the 30 seconds he spends about once every two weeks getting some while I'm usually trying to sleep. I confronted him about this and he said that he just tired. But to me that bull**** b/c he has enough time when he comes home from work to sit in front of the 360 for HOURS on end. Sometimes staying up all night playing and then going to work at 6 in the morning with NO sleep. What can I do? Is it me or him? Sometimes I think that its me. I feel like im not what he wants so he just ignores me. Please help.

    15 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • green tea???


    8 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • Hotel Amenities that you cant live without!!!!?

    This is a survey for my job. I'm in the hospitality business and need to know what things you have to have when staying at a hotel? What features do you look for when making a reservation? What items do you prefer to have in your guest room? What would make you want to stay with a brand of hotel again? What would make you not want to stay? There isnt anything too big or too small that you can add to our list. We are trying to do improvements based off of guest suggestions. All responses are apprechated.

    8 AnswersOther - Destinations1 decade ago
  • Dreams.....what does this one mean????

    Last Saturday night my aunt committed suicide.I was unaware of the events of that night till about 3 days ago.On last Sunday morning I was woke by a dream that i was having.My dream was about the devil chasing me as I was trying 2 save someone else. The devil kept coming from underneath me & trying 2 grab my feet as he was chanting "I'm gonna get you".when i finally was outside of this building he was chasing me through I was standing in front of tall the top of each was a person.i was trying desprately to get to the middle one.I have no idea who was there at the top of there logs.but as i got closer something grabbed the person in the middle & took off.Then i woke up.Please dont say im crazy but i think this was about my aunt passing away.what do you think?Do you beleive that you can be so close to someone that you can sense when something is wrong.before i went to bed that night i thought of calling her but decided it was 2 late. i only wish now that i would have.

    7 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago
  • coping with a loved ones suicide......please help!!!!?

    I just found out this week that my aunt committed suicide last Saturday night. Some times i think that i am ok but then all of the sudden it hits me and i start crying uncontrolable. How do you cope with this? We were really close. Im 21 now and have lived with her from the time i was 15 till i was 18. She cared about me when my parents abandoned me. I was unable to attend her funeral b/c i just moved to another state and didnt have the money to go home. I didnt ever have a chance to say goodbye. I never thought that anything like THIS would happen. she has been terminally ill for some time with HEP C. I could have been ok with it if she died from that but for her die by her own hand is tearing me apart. A part of me is angry with her for not thinking about all the ppl who care about her. Then the other part of me is so sad b/c i know i'll never see her again. How do i deal with this? Please help I've never been this down in my life about losing someone to death.

    11 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • i'm so worried about my mom!! what should i do to help her?

    I'm 21 and recently moved 600 miles from my mom. she suffers with manic depression and 3 weeks ago quit taking her lithium cold turkey. She knows what this does to her but she said that she just couldnt take being on meds anymore and quit. She said that her dr prescribed her an anit-physicotic drug instead but she doesnt want to take it either. Shes been on lithium for 10 years and i know how she was before she was finally diagnosed. She was depressed, slept alot, had really bad mood swings, would black out and attack people who made her mad and just little things that most of us take for granete she couldnt accomplish alone. I'm so worried about her and wonder if my moving away pushed her to this. I'm her youngest child and the only one of her 3 kids that she raised. Shes been under alot of stress lately with that and starting to build her new house. I just need to know what to do. thanks for anyone that answers with real answers.

    10 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • White girl hair and black girl designs?

    last night my room mate did my hair and its so cute. But i was wondering what type of products cant she use in my hair. Like I know grease but any other products. I just dont want my hair to be greasy when i take it out and wash it. Does anyone know any really cute ways to do white girl hair? Right now it got twist in the front and curls in the back with little knots on the top where the twist end.

    6 AnswersHair1 decade ago
  • Creative Shoe Storage Ideas?

    We recently moved into a new apartment. Being we had new carpet layed down at move in we have a new rule "All shoes go off at the door". Well this has created a hurricane of shoes in the foyer. does anyone have a creative idea for shoe storage at the front door. We have 3 adults and 3 small children so you can imagine that 6 pairs of shoes ( usually its more than that) at the front door as soon as you walk in. Any Ideas please, I'm going out of my mind tripping over shoes. (putting shoes in the bedrooms is impossible with 3 kids under 3 so that wont work plus I'm at work most of the time and whoevers at the house with them has a hard enough time just getting the shoes off of them before they are running through the house.)

    8 AnswersDecorating & Remodeling1 decade ago
  • 20 to 25 yr olds old. Would you be friends with someone ........?

    This is to all the people who are 20 to 25. Would you be friends with someone if you knew that they smoked weed? How many people wouldnt be friends with someone b/c of that. Even if they didnt push their own beliefs on you and didnt do it around you. How many people think that smoking weed is bad for you.

    3 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • ok this is gonna sound crazy but it really happened..........?

    ok so last night me and one of my roommates friends were at my house. She went to take a nap and left her kids with my roommate roommates son who is about the same age( two of the kids are 2yrs old and one is 4). I was in and out their room checking on them when i didnt go check on them for about 20 min the 4 yr old came and got me saying that the 2 2 yr olds were in the bed naked and touching each other. I hurried to the room and when i got ther the boy had the girl in the "doggy style" position. Now i dont know what his mom has exposed him to but i found this to be very inappropiate and seperated them and made them put on clothes to cover theirselves. Is this normal for 2 yr olds to do? How do you handle the situation? How do you explain this to the parents? I need answers fast please help.

    15 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • Swollen Glands on one side of my neck? Am i getting sick?

    So yesterday morning i woke up and one side of my neck hurts so bad. Ive been sick before of course and both sides of my neck usually is sore when i get sick but this time its different. It hurts to even turn my head to the side. Is this normal? The gland is a little swollen but it just hurt really bad without me even touching it.

    5 AnswersOther - General Health Care1 decade ago
  • Dog was bleeding to much during surgery to be fixed. Anyone my know why?

    I took my dog to the animal protection agency to be "fixed". When i went to get her this afternoon they told me that at the beginning of the surgery, after they made the first cut on the top layer of skin, she started bleeding excessivly and they had to stop and stitch her up in fear she would have bleed to death during. They were at awe of what could make her bleed like that. She does have a bad ear infection which they gave me meds for. Has anyone had an experience with this. Will she be able to be fixed? help would be appricated.

    4 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • My roommate hates my dog. what can i do?

    Me and my boy just got an apartment with his sister. She knew that we have a pit bull that we have as a indoor pet. Well I paid the deposit on the new home and applacation fees for everyone and my boy paid the pet deposit. Now she is saying that she doesnt under any circumstances want our dog in HER house. We pay 2/3 of the rent as well as all utilities. She also has the majority of the house to herself and her child even though she only pays 1/3 of the bills. She says that her friends kids have alergies and that its not fair that they cant come visit b/c we have a pet. Is she being unreasonable or is it fair that we have our pet where we want. Just to keep things cool we only allow our dog in our room and on our balcony. But this isnt good enough for her she said that she doesnt even want the dog in our room. I think she is just being a b i t c h. What do you guys think?

    8 AnswersFamily1 decade ago