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I am a single mom and have a wonderful 20 month old son and a very supportive family. I am an advocate of co-sleeping, breast feeding and home birth. I think we have instincts for a reason and need to listen to them more.I'm eagerly looking forward to hiking and picnics with my son this summer! Blessed be.

  • Is there a concern with weight when using cinderblock shelving?

    I am moving into a mobile home (yr 2002) and wanted to set up shelving along an entire living room wall. But are cinberblocks and boards too heavy for a mobile home floor to safely support? They would mainly be book shelves.

    2 AnswersDecorating & Remodeling9 years ago
  • Keeping loaded magazines (handgun)?

    A friend of mine said I shouldn't keep my extra clips loaded when I am not using them because it damages the springs and they won't work as well. However I have had conflicting advice about this...does anyone know if it really hurts their functionality?

    8 AnswersHunting1 decade ago
  • Single parents, when do you introduce the kids to people you date?

    I have a 20 month old son and was wondering about the idea of introducing someone I am dating to him. My son doesn't talk yet and hasn't shown any tendency to form attachment to people who are not close family. If he met the man I am dating it would just be as, "This is mom's friend and we're going to hang out and play games for a while." I guess I am questioning it because I don't want to drag people through my son's life but I rarely date and think this may be someone who will be around for awhile. Also, at this age I'm not sure it matters much as long as I am sure my son is safe and not left alone with someone I met a month ago. Anyone have advice/experience to share on this subject?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Single parent who is dating. When do you introduce the kids?

    I have a 20 month old son and was wondering about the idea of introducing someone I am dating to him. My son doesn't talk yet and hasn't shown any tendency to form attachment to people who are not close family. If he met the man I am dating it would just be as, "This is mom's friend and we're going to hang out and play games for a while." I guess I am questioning it because I don't want to drag people through my son's life but I rarely date and think this may be someone who will be around for awhile. Also, at this age I'm not sure it matters much as long as I am sure my son is safe and not left alone with someone I met a month ago. Anyone have advice/experience to share on this subject?

    5 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • Is there no such thing as casual dating?

    I am not at all interested in a relationship and I have been dating someone for a few weeks now. They know I do not want to be serious at all and love being single at this point in my life. I thought we could just hang out, have fun, moderate physical contact but no sex and all would be good. But this person has started hinting at how they are looking into the future etc with me. Ummmm, what happened? Is there no such thing as casual dating? I am not looking into the future with anyone and they know it so why the talk of what we could do for New Year's, planning camp-outs this summer and showing me off to their friends? Since I have made it abundantly clear what I want and don't want they know this is not going anywhere but I think they want to just ignore what I say and hope for the best. So do I ditch them now or just go along with things until they give me "the talk" about where our relationship is going?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Why can't I download anything?

    I just got my computer back after the hard drive quit working so they installed a new one or whatever it is that they do and now I have absolutely no toolbar at all for the internet I can't even go to my homepage and I can't download anything. Not Yahoo toolbar, not Messenger not anything not even the new version of Microsoft so wtf does anyone have any suggestions?

    3 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • Help me find a way to let my friend and her daughter live with us so she won't be homeless.?

    Here is the situation. My landlord is selling the land we are on to a homeowners association. My good friend recently started staying with me because she left her abusive husband and she and her one year old are here. The landlord and the assoc say no one can live here anymore unless they own the house. And they will not let me make her part owner since she is not family. Unless I can somehow fight this she will be homeless in two weeks in October in Montana. We already have snow on the ground not to mention how wrong it is to let this happen. Is there a way to FIGHT?!

    1 AnswerFriends1 decade ago
  • Help with legal advice on how I keep my friend from being homeless.?

    Your Open QuestionShow me another »

    My friend will be homeless soon! Please help me.?

    Here is the situation. My landlord is selling the land we are on to a homeowners association. My good friend recently started staying with me because she left her abusive husband and she and her one year old are here. The landlord and the assoc say no one can live here anymore unless they own the house. And they will not let me make her part owner since she is not family. Unless I can somehow fight this she will be homeless in two weeks in October in Montana. We already have snow on the ground not to mention how wrong it is to let this happen. Is there a way to FIGHT?!

    4 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • My friend will be homeless soon! Please help me.?

    Here is the situation. My landlord is selling the land we are on to a homeowners association. My good friend recently started staying with me because she left her abusive husband and she and her one year old are here. The landlord and the assoc say no one can live here anymore unless they own the house. And they will not let me make her part owner since she is not family. Unless I can somehow fight this she will be homeless in two weeks in October in Montana. We already have snow on the ground not to mention how wrong it is to let this happen. Is there a way to FIGHT?!

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Any advice on single mom going to college?

    I was just wanting some information about sites to go to our programs to apply for. I am a single mom with a one year old. Any help or experiences would be soooo appreciated.

    10 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • "Busy Ball Bopper" balls... can anyone help?

    My son has a playskool Busy Ball Bopper toy and he loves it. Problem is he has lost all but one ball! I know there is a way to get replacement balls but I have searched the Hasbro website, Amazon and Playskool and can not find anything about ordering replacement balls. Has anyone else done this? How did you do it?

    7 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • Suggestions to help a toddler with new living arrangements?

    My good friend is going to move into my house with her daughter who is 16 months old. My son is the same age. Neither of them have siblings and are not used to constant interraction with another child. Any suggestions on how to make this transition easier for them?

    1 AnswerToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • If your friend were not a good mother?

    Would you still be friends with her and bring your child to her house to play? This is not a case of abuse but this person's child is unsupervised much of the time, constantly being yelled or snapped at and the house is not quite filthy but certainly not clean. In her defense she tries to do a good job and just seems to not know how or not to recognize how badly she is failing.

    20 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • Problem with my shower and bath faucets?

    Water comes out of the bath faucet but not the shower. When I turn the faucet so water will come out of the shower...just a trickle. And I know my shower head is not clogged. Any ideas?

    3 AnswersDo It Yourself (DIY)1 decade ago
  • How would other moms react to this? (visitation long story)?

    My husband and I are seperating currently and I dropped my son, Columbia, off at my ex mil's house today to spend two hours with his dad. His dad did not want to see me so he had a friend of his come out and take our son into the house. I was fine with this but since the split my son has been more attached to me than usual and I was concerned about a stranger taking him into the house and whether he would deal with it once he realized I was not there behind him. My son is 14 months old. So my ex's friend distracts my son with a toy walks him into the house and I leave. About three minutes later I text my ex to ask if Columbia dealt with that transition alright so I knew if that would work out for all of us or if I needed to find a different way to hand him off so to speak. Not only did he respond with swearing at me and telling me to leave him alone he said I was a controlling *&%! and that he would not answer any questions from me. All I asked for was a yes or no. I'm sure any mother out there understands the need just to know their child is fine and not hysterical or freaking out because of some new routine. My question is... How would any of you react? Do I have a right to be peeved? Do I have the right to tell him that until we have court ordered visitation I am not comfortable leaving our son alone with him?

    12 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • Doulas, I would like to ask you some questions.?

    I am looking into becoming a doula and just wanted some experience from any of you who are doulas.

    Where did you get your training from?

    How long did it take?

    How did you choose who to go through to become certified?

    Anything you want to add I'd be interested in hearing. Thank you!

    2 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • If your child wanted cake but you wanted to feed them something healthy?

    What sort of healthy "dessert" type things would you feed them? Alternatives to anything with sugar and icing are what I am looking for. Thank you. If it makes a difference this is for a one year old.

    15 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • Could God be Jon from Watchmen?

    He was a human who just had powers we couldn't compete with but he wasn't all knowing or all powerful. I always thought intelligent design wasn't so unbelievable it was the stuff like God loves you but will send you to Hell and God can do anything but doesn't end suffering. What if God were just a guy who was really powerful but essentially not better than us? It would explain a lot of imperfections because the being who created us wasn't perfect.

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Video games undermining parenting and marriage?

    I am directing this question to parents because we are raising the next generation, "Do you think letting your kids play video games with affect their adult lives?"

    I know four women in real life and read a lot on Y!A about how husbands just want to play video games and ignore their family or never do chores and don't spend time with their wives. Where did this come from? I know some of them were raised that way and maybe it is just bad habit. So if we raise our kids like that aren't we just promoting it and causing another generation to be messed up by this obsession? OR would these men find another way to tune out because the bottom line is they don't care?

    7 AnswersParenting1 decade ago