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Lv 727,562 points

Zoe's mom - 3/11/12

Favorite Answers32%
  • Should we move the fish over and scrub tank down, or just change the filter?

    We have a tank we were told was good when we picked up the Glo fish, but it turns our it wasn't and it's only gotten worse. We've lost 5 fish and a snail so we need to do something. Not sure if we should move the 3 remaining fish to another, smaller, tank with their water and wash EVERYTHING from their tank, including getting a new filter, or if we should just get the new filter and do regular water changes?

    I don't want to lose any good bacteria, but I also don't want to leave a bunch of yuck in there...

    5 AnswersFish7 years ago
  • Name of a science fiction book ...?

    The babies are grown from test tubes in incubators and "mother" is a bad word.

    1 AnswerBooks & Authors7 years ago
  • How can I find a lost text box in a Word document?

    I moved a few things around and one text box went off the edge of the page. How do I get it back?

    1 AnswerSoftware8 years ago
  • What is the plural possessive of "foreman"?

    I have to write something about a meeting of several I'm thinking it's the foremens' meeting, but Word and Y!A spell check don't agree & I'm not confident enough to go ahead with it.

    1 AnswerWords & Wordplay9 years ago
  • Breastfeeding and chance right?

    I'm having a few pregnancy symptoms but at only 6-month postpartum, breastfeeding (well, pumping mostly), and with an IUD it seems highly unlikely. I'll test soon but I'm curious if anyone has gotten pregnant this way...and to anyone who got pregnant with an IUD, did you miscarry?

    2 AnswersPregnancy9 years ago
  • Turtle tank is leaking can we speed up the silicone drying process?

    We have no good place to keep the poor turtle while we're waiting for his tank to dry enough to use the silicone and then wait for the silicone to dry...

    What can we do?

    2 AnswersDo It Yourself (DIY)9 years ago
  • How can I zoom in while using Gimp "wrap" "move" tool?

    I'm trying to adjust a little bit on a face but the picture is of a whole person. I don't want to crop but when using this tool the picture is so small I can barely see what I'm working there any way to work on it zoomed in?

    2 AnswersSoftware9 years ago
  • Why is Word starting page numbers over?

    ...and how do I fix it?

    I have page numbers set up, and they have been fine for days of working on this document. There is an index which was perfect this morning.

    At some point today, around page 9 (changes to 8-10) my document begins over at 1, then it does it every 1-3 pages (page numbers after page 9 never get above 3).

    I don't have any section breaks...I don't know how to fix this!

    I even copied and pasted into another document and it did the same thing...

    1 AnswerSoftware9 years ago
  • How much mucus is in the plug? (TMI)?

    Got up yesterday morning to what I was sure was my mucus plug, but it didn't end. Almost every time I wipe I have more mucus and if I sit on a toilet for long enough there's always some in the water when I get's been 33 hours and it's still regularly coming out - normal?

    I'll be 39 weeks tomorrow.

    2cm + as of Tuesday

    At least 50% effaced (didn't get a number on that since 2 weeks ago)

    Hasn't dropped

    2 AnswersPregnancy9 years ago
  • When did your first drop?

    I'm 38w6d, 2cm, 50%, lost my plug this morning...but my girl won't drop.

    My mom says I didn't drop until she was in active labor, but that doesn't seem normal from what I've friend is due 4 days after and her son dropped like 3 weeks ago...

    The doctor didn't seem too worried, but she did seem to think she should have dropped by now. Even said it's possible the reason she hasn't is 'cause she's too big!

    Anyone drop at the last minute or was it mostly earlier?

    2 AnswersPregnancy9 years ago
  • 37 weeks and things just got odd...?

    Sorry if TMI:

    Tuesday I was 1cm/50% and things seemed normal. The next day the Braxton-Hicks picked up in frequency, duration, and strength, but they're not at all regular and don't hurt. Thursday I started having a lot of discharge in the morning (every morning until today) and the smell has gotten stronger (it's been different through most of the pregnancy just got stronger Saturday).

    I hit 37 weeks Saturday...

    Last night I kept getting sick (which I didn't even do the first trimester) but it was never more than a small amount in the back of my throat/mouth. Diarrhea kicked in last night too & I've been having a ton of very soft movements, though not diarrhea since about 2AM.

    I've been dizzy most of the day but my office is really hot & often makes me feel a bit off...

    Sound like I should be worried about problems or hopeful the end is near?

    4 AnswersPregnancy9 years ago
  • How long were you slightly dilated?

    I know it could be minutes or weeks, but I'm curious what some women's personal experiences have been. I had my 36 week visit last night and I'm 1cm/50%...I'm hoping this suggests I will not go late...but I do know it really doesn't mean anything.

    How long from the first time you found out you were dilated until labor began?

    1 AnswerPregnancy9 years ago
  • First baby-stuff laundry...mix it in or keep it separate?

    Is it really necessary to separate baby clothes/blankets from ours/use different detergent? This seems like a waist to I wrong?

    15 AnswersNewborn & Baby9 years ago
  • I'm pregnant vs. Am I pregnant?

    Can we petition Y!A to break this into two separate categories so the women with real pregnancy related issues can get real answers and those that want an online pregnancy test can have their own section?

    7 AnswersPregnancy9 years ago
  • Are birthing classes necessary?

    My husband and I talked about it briefly in early pregnancy and decided not to take birthing classes.

    He's a paramedic and I have been around lots of birth, talked to moms about it, and done tons of research (research is what I do when I'm stressed). So I feel like we're prepared, and we honestly don't want to spend the money...

    Yet as we get closer (26 weeks 6 days) I keep wondering if there's more we could/should be doing to educate ourselves as much as possible. It could be early nesting or my crazy desire to know as much as I can about as much as I can (hence the research).

    If you took one, was it helpful? If not, did you regret it?

    7 AnswersPregnancy9 years ago
  • "Pregnancy" body pillow vs. regular body pillow?

    The shape of the pregnancy pillows looks much more comfortable but the price tag is a bit high for me (seem to be around $40-$50 on Amazon). I'd rather not spend too much on myself with the baby coming.

    Are the regular ones comfortable for use during pregnancy?

    Pregnancy9 years ago
  • If one kidney isn't functioning at 100% can the other make up for it enough to make tests "normal"?

    I've had issues with protein in my urine in the past and it's never turned out to be anything else wrong and they've let me go without worry (ultrasounds and BUN/creatinine all fine). I have had more UTI's than most and I also had a kidney infection about 5 years ago.

    I got pregnant in June and my protein levels have been fine on dip sticks the whole time, but I had a really hard to kick UTI in the first month (lasted about a month) that took 3 rounds of antibiotics to kick.

    At 22 weeks I started having some right flank pain and decided to be checked out. Turns out I have hydronephrosis in my right kidney and I'm freaking out a bit.

    I'm doing my 24 hour urine tomorrow followed by the standard blood tests Monday.

    I'm worried that the hydronephrosis has been around since the UTI and, therefor, has caused real kidney damage. I'm curious if my left kidney could be working well enough to make up for any damage to the other. In other words: if the test are fine does that mean I'm in the clear or could there still be damage?

    Anything else I should know??

    5 AnswersOther - Diseases10 years ago
  • When should I tell my new employer that I'm pregnant?

    I interviewed for a job I really wanted back in January & soon after I got a letter stating that I "passed" the interview, but they chose another candidate & they would keep my info on file for another position. I started another job I HATE in April and got pregnant in June (found out in July). Last week (14 weeks pregnant) I got a call that the person they'd hired has been promoted and the position is mine if I want it. I accepted on the spot, and scheduled my start date for 10/17/11 (time for 2 weeks notice and a trip to the in-laws that's been planned for a while). I did not mention the pregnancy at the time, and now I'm worried about when I should break the news. They are known as a great place to work in the area and I don't want to lie. Should I tell HR when I go in on the 17th out wait a few weeks to "prove myself"?

    8 AnswersPregnancy10 years ago
  • How do I get my shower to stop sounding like a teapot?

    Just moved in and assumed the sound would end when we changed the shower head from the terrible, old, gross one they had to our good one but it's the same. It comes and goes but doesn't seem effectd by the temp or reducing the pressure.

    We don't want to be pain tenants so early but I don't know how to make it stop!!

    3 AnswersDo It Yourself (DIY)10 years ago
  • How can I deal with a death in the family while pregnant?

    I'm only 7 weeks and last night my FIL who's only in his early 50's had a major heart attack and didn't make it.

    We have only gotten a few broken hours of sleep and most was on planes heading from NY to TN.

    I'm glad we were able to tell him about his son's first child before all of this, but much of the family still doesn't know.

    I don't know how to handle myself, be there for my husband and in-laws, and not make it too much about me.

    Please help, any advice is welcome.

    1 AnswerPregnancy10 years ago