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Favorite Answers30%
  • My Front load washing machine stops at the rinse cycle?

    we have a frigidaire front load washing machine ftfb4000fs1, this weekend we moved it from the first floor of our home down to our basement to use down there instead. No problems happened while moving it. I did several loads of laundry the first day then the next it started acting up. While washing it will do everything it is supposed to until it gets to the spin, it seems to get stuck in the rinse cycle and won't spin out. I can however switch the dial to drain/spin and it will spin fine so I don't think its the belt or motor. The washing machine is under 2 years old.

    4 AnswersCleaning & Laundry1 decade ago
  • Need help figuring out my son's math homework?

    Covering and Surrounding

    Oliver drew a rectangle. He says the area of his rectangle is 7 square units and the perimeter is 16 units. Do you think Oliver is correct?


    13 AnswersHomework Help1 decade ago
  • How can I stop my cat from sleeping near my kids heads at night?

    I have to lock my cat in a crate at night or she will sleep half on my 3 year olds head at night. My daughter will wake up screaming because the cat won't move. I will take the cat out of the room and if I don't lock her in the crate she will go right back in. I don't have a room I can lock the cat in at night and I don't like the idea of shutting the kids door at night. The cat is 6 months old and started doing this about a month ago. Anyone have any ideas on how to stop the cat from doing this?

    10 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • Is there anyway to supplement the heat in an inflatable spa?

    We have an inflatable spa and it only heats up to slightly over body temp but is supposed to go to 104. Is it possible to use a water bed heater or something else to help boost the temperature? We only have regular plugs so can't use anything high voltage.

    1 AnswerMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • 1966 Johnson Outboard Runs great with rabbit ears on but won't run in the water?

    We just got a boat and in the driveway with ears on it runs great, but as soon as we put it in the water to go it either won't start, or when put in gear it dies. When running in the driveway if I cover the middle carb it will die I can cover the top and the bottom carb and it stays running. I have already cleaned plugs but not replaced, changed gas lines, checked gas tank filter, and changed the lower unit oil.

    Any suggestions would be great.

    5 AnswersBoats & Boating1 decade ago
  • How do you stop a dog from digging another dogs Grave?

    I need help, We sadly lost our Golden Retriever Sophie to a very tragic accident a month ago, and our other golden Sydney was very depressed about it, she even tried getting in the grave with her when we buried her. We buried her 4 feet down, but about 2 weeks ago Sydney started trying to dig her up. She doesn't get far before we stop her but I don't know what to do to stop her and she does it almost every time she goes outside, It is very upsetting to have to rebury her all the time. We loved her so much and it hurts everyday we wake up and she isn't there. I will not dig her up and move her or cremate her so please don't suggest that.

    12 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • why do I have to enter a verification word in yahoo mail?

    All of a sudden, when I send an email in yahoo I have to enter a verification word before it will send. Does anyone know why or how I get it to stop? I've never had this problem before and I can't find answers in yahoo help.

    4 AnswersNotices and Errors1 decade ago
  • I'm trying to pick out a name for my Golden Retriever Puppy?

    It is a Female, and All our animals have always had S names, Our favorite so far is Sienna What do you think? Any other suggestions?

    We are also thinking of Zoe because we sadly lost our precious Golden Sophie and this was her name before we adopted her at 5 months old and changed it, It means Life and we thought that would be a good way to remember her. But it is not an S name.

    So what do you like better we are also open to other suggestions for S names.


    14 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Does anyone know why I have to constantly reset my network adapter?

    I have windows vista on my Toshiba laptop, I can get online without a problem, but when I go on certain web sites it won't load the page, I then have to reset the network adapter and then it loads fine. I never loose connection I only can't visit certain sites. I have tried all the steps from microsoft, they have been emailing me back and forth giving me stuff to try and nothing has helped. I have also used firefox with the same issues. I am debating switching from vista to xp because I never have a problem on my home computer that has xp on it. Do you think that would solve my problem? Thank you for any help.

    3 AnswersComputer Networking1 decade ago
  • Why do I keep getting the error: internet explorer cannot display web page?

    I have windows vista on my laptop, I keep getting that message on certain web sites, not all the time but alot. And I am still connected when this happens, I can get on other sites no problem, When I click for more info I go to the network page and I repair the network adapter and then the page will load right away after it is repaired.

    Does anyone know why I have to do this all the time?

    It only repairs for a short time and then I have the problem again.

    7 AnswersOther - Internet1 decade ago
  • My remote car starter has stopped working?

    My 2001 dodge caravan has a remote starter in it and it has always worked great, all of a sudden one day it just stopped working. The remote is fine we have 2 of them and they both light up the van lights come on like it is going to start and then they go out and nothing. Does anyone know what may be wrong with it? We have had it for 3 years without a problem. Thank You

    6 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • Can anyone tell me why i step on my brakes and the car shuts off? Or in cold weather the car runs off the batt

    Can anyone tell me why i step on my brakes and the car shuts off? Or in cold weather the car runs off the battery untill it dies and then the alt kicks in and everything gets normal

    4 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • My van is making very faint knocking noises and it sounds like water running though out the dash board?

    We have kind of a knocking noise that seems to be coming from under the engine, and also you can hear what sounds like water running while you are inside the van through out the dash board area. Does anyone have any idea what this could be? The van was running great and then just started with this noise that you could hardly hear and slowly started getting louder. All fluid levels are where they should be. Van still runs good too but we haven't been driving it just incase there is a major problem.

    2001 Dodge caravan sport 3.3

    2 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • Puppy is having trouble eating and foaming at the mouth?

    The puppy has an appointmet tomorrow but I am worried, Golden retriever puppy 10 weeks old, he is all of a sudden very skinny, his muscles seem stiff, he is having trouble chewing, drinking lots of water and he is foaming and drooling alot. His skin also seems very tight. I am very worried, he was fine yesterday and today he just looked awful. There are 3 other pups and they are all fine. They have all had there first puppy shots and have been wormed.

    11 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Where is the transmission control module on a 2001 dodge caravan sport?

    2001 dodge caravan sport 3.3 v6 flex fuel

    2 AnswersDodge1 decade ago
  • do you wear a name ring facing you or away from you?

    My mothers ring says mom enclosed in a heart. I'm not sure which direction to wear it with mom facing me so I can read it or away so others can. Thanks

    10 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 decade ago