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question about ticket for riding dirt bike on street?
I was riding a 50cc dirt bike with a friend in his court, about 1 1/2 years and a cop passed by, seen us, then turned around and we had to talk with him. After talking for awhile he issued my friend and i tickets for the same thing, riding dirtbikes on a street and other small things. The court date was 3 months later for both of us, same day and when I went there with him they said I wasn't in the system for any ticket, although my friend was. So the lady behind the desk helping me said that it wasn't in the system so don't worry about it. So I left it alone until just this morning when I had my new supervisor run a DMV check so I can drive the company vehicles and it came back as me having my licensed revoked for a ticket. So I went to DMV to ask about it and the person helping me printed out a paper saying why my license was taken 5 months ago and how much the fine was ($800) I will lose my job if I don't get this sorted within the next 3 days.
How exactly can I go to the court and prove I was there on that day and had full intentions of paying the ticket?
2 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police7 years agooil light problem need help!!?
I hit my engine on a railroad track and it started to make rattling noises seconds after. Drove it home fine. When i got home i noticed an oil light. Oil was full and not leaking. Oil pan was dented but also not leaking. There is a louder rattling now and is hard to accelerate. White smoke out of tail pipe as well. Car hasent been driven for about 4 months. What could be my problem
5 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs7 years agoneed help fixing my car!!!!!?
I jumped the front of my car over a huge train track not knowing it was huge and slammed my engine on the ground( very low car). Then right after it happened i started to hear a faint clinking noise and slight loss of power followed by a oil light about 30 minutes after. Now my car has the noise but much louder than before.It struggles to get above 3000 rpm and when i try to, it gets a lot louder.It also smokes bad when i try and get it above 3000 rpm. i have no check engine light. Can slamming the bottom of your engine cause your timing chain to go out of whack and start making very loud noises, cause smoke,and have an oil light?
7 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs7 years agocar question. needs rebuild?
Ok. I have a lowered s13 and was going over a train track and thought it was smaller than it was. Went over the train track and realized it was bigger than I thought as I was literally in the air and slammed the bottom of my engine on the ground. It started making weird noises after. Headed home with music blasting and noticed 5 minutes from home that my check oil light was on ( probably broke my oil pan) and turned my music down to listen to the engine and it was VERY loud with a clinking type noise. Stopped at a Walmart to buy oil and when I turned the car off it started to smoke from under the hood. Bought oil, put it in, drove home knowing I broke something. I'm an idiot. The acceleration was VERY slow and tons of smoke poured out the back. The faster I went the more smoke came out. So I've come to the conclusion I fried the piston rings and I need a rebuild.
I need some assurance thats the problem before I pay a shop probably 2k for a rebuild.Hitting my engine could done this?
4 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs7 years agohelp with job question?
I need help finding an entry level job that pays at least $12 at minimum to cover my bills/expenses.What are some jobs and/or companies that pay at least $12 an hour or more full time? Your help is greatly appreciated
2 AnswersFinancial Services8 years agoword for people who are meant to be together?
What is a word or words that mean meant to be together
4 AnswersEtiquette8 years agoWhat are some things people use everyday?
What are the most common things people use everyday?
11 AnswersWords & Wordplay8 years agoneed help with housing for college?
I am going to college next semester and the college i am going to is 2 hours away.I have college basically paid for with grants, but i need a place to live.I thought i would have money for housing..but it turns out i don't.I don't have parents and i don't know anyone in that area, so i don't have any support financially.The cheapest apartments in the area average about $1400 for a 1 bedroom and the cheapest being almost $1000 for a 300 sq feet studio..a full time job wouldn't cover the entire cost of living there.
I have no clue what to do.Are there any programs, grants, or something that can help me pay for housing?? If i don't find a way of getting housing, i cant go to college :(
3 AnswersFinancial Aid8 years agoquestion about housing?
I am going to college next semester and the college i am going to is 2 hours away.I have college basically paid for with grants, but i need a place to live.I thought i would have money for housing..but it turns out i don't.I don't have parents and i don't know anyone in that area, so i don't have any support financially.The cheapest apartments in the area average about $1400 and the cheapest being almost $1000 for a 300 sq feet studio..a full time job wouldn't cover the entire cost of living there.
I have no clue what to do.Are there any programs, grants, or something that can help me pay for housing?? If i don't find a way of getting housing, i cant go to college :(
1 AnswerHigher Education (University +)8 years agoquestion about housing?
I am going to college next semester and the college i am going to is 2 hours away.I have college basically paid for with grants, but i need a place to live.I thought i would have money for housing..but it turns out i don't.I don't have parents and i don't know anyone in that area, so i don't have any support financially.The cheapest apartments in the area average about $1400 and the cheapest being almost $1000 for a 300 sq feet studio..a full time job wouldn't cover the entire cost of living there.
I have no clue what to do.Are there any programs, grants, or something that can help me pay for housing?? If i don't find a way of getting housing, i cant go to college :(
3 AnswersRenting & Real Estate8 years agoworking out question?
I was wondering if it is possible to get noticably bigger and more defined in 4 weeks of hard working out 5 days a week and taking protein supplements.I'm 5'10" and 135 pounds.I am already toned being so skinny.
How can I achieve this.what would be best
3 AnswersDiet & Fitness8 years agoFoster child question?
Do foster children get FREE college? and if so, how?
1 AnswerOther - Education8 years agoQuestion about macbook air?
I'm looking to buy a new 2013 macbook air for school and I was wondering if I upgraded the processor from a 1.3 gigahertz( turbo boost to about 2.6 gigahertz) I think to a 1.7 gigahertz (turbo boosted to 3.3 gigahertz) and upgraded the ram from 4 gigs to 8 gigs and standard 4mb cache if it would breeze though applications and processes that I would need for completing work and possibly play games such as battlefield at a decent fps.It comes with an Intel HD 5000 graphics card, and I've read its actually pretty good.I do understand for the same money I could get a macbook pro retina, but I like the size, battery life, and the solid state drive of the air.
2 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks8 years agoI have a college question?
Is it possible to enter a state college with a GED obtained with high scores ( 3000+) and do well on the sat test (1800) ?
1 AnswerHigher Education (University +)8 years agoQuestion about fafsa?
I am wanting to go to college and I want to fill out a fafsa.Can I fill out a fafsa and see what I qualify for without having a process afterwards? Will i lose what i qualidy for if i dint follow through afterwards? I just want to see what I qualify for
1 AnswerFinancial Aid8 years agoI have a college question?
Is it possible to get accepted into Sonoma state with a GED?
2 AnswersHigher Education (University +)8 years agoI have a college question?
Would it be possible to get accepted into a state college with a GED ? I am 20 years old with a GED and college has very recently become an option for me financially, and I want to take full advantage of the opportunity I was given.I have lived my whole life in both middle school and high school knowing I would never be able to to go to college, so i always completely ignored college talk and as a result, I know very little of how college works and how getting accepted is done. I have always done very well on all of my test and exams, but was never motivated as a child to do the work.The laziness as a child is no longer present and the adult in me has arose.I am very excited and very motivated.So my question in completion would be, is it possible to get accepted into a state college and how exactly would this be done? Sorry for the lack of knowledge.Your help is greatly appreciated
2 AnswersHigher Education (University +)8 years agoQuestion about job salary?
I am trying to move to Sonoma county and I was curious if the jobs in that area pay well.currently living in Modesto where jobs all pay low.I need to rent an apartment there and I need to move in about 2 months.
If you can help answer my question in any way it would be greatly appreciated
2 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment8 years agoNeed help fixing my car?
1989 Nissan 240sx automatic 260000 miles fuel injected
Car wants to stall when first given a stop to about 2000rpms it wants to stall.but after those rpms its fine.rpms drop drastically all the way down until it stalls if I continue to press the gas.but if i let off as rpms drop it catches itself and acts normal until gas is pressed does it in every gear where rpms are low.but after it gets past the low rpms I can floor it to redline without a problem. Car has check engine light codes for 45, a leaking(yes leaking) Injector and 23,a bad throttle position sensor.both were replaced and tps was adjusted correctly and still has the same codes.check engine light turns off at random and when it does car runs a lot worse than before.I have gas in my oil and spark plugs were black before does not have excess exhaust fumes
Replaced fuel filter, o2 sensor, spark plugs, tps ( when disconnected runs a lot better), and checked the fuel pump and it seems fine.if fuel pump was bad wouldn't it not let me floor it after the hesitation? It will rev to redline very easily after the hesitation.maf sensor was checked and seems won't start without it? Or it won't redline? Correct?
Could these symptoms be a bad fuel pressure regulator? When I turn the key to on, but engine is not started, I can press the throttle cable and the fuel pressure regulator makes a electronic hiss or some sort of whining at about 10-15% of full throttle.almost the same amount of throttle that makes the car want to stall.before that amount its fine, and after the 10-15%, its fine.
2 days later today--- check engine light turned off but still runs horrible.yes it does have gas
Need help ASAP!
4 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs8 years agoI have an O2 sensor question?
I have recently replaced my o2 sensor because my car was stalling and hesitating.after installation the car ran fine for about 3 days.then it started the hesitation and messing up.I went and checked the o2 sensor and its completely black and u can run my finger across it and pick up black soot.could this be the reason my car is hesitating again
3 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs8 years ago