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    Ok this is for applied business math and this homework question is one that my professor did not teach. Any help is much appreciated.

    Carletta has $10,000 to invest. As her financial consultant, you recommend that she invest in Treasury Bills that yield 6%, Treasury Bonds that yield 7%, and corporate bonds that yield 8%. Carletta wants to have an annual income of $680, and the amount invested in corporate bonds must be half that invested in Treasury Bills. Find the amount in each investment.

    1 AnswerInvesting8 years ago
  • Starting a Drunk College Kids Taxi Service?

    CLearly I didn't know how to title this question...

    Well I want to start a service where I (a sophomore in college) offer to drive kids to and from parties on the weekends. I've seen time and time again instances where someone will claim to be the designated driver at the beginning of the night and by the end of the night, will have given in, and will be one of the most drunk out of the whole group. Seeing as how I don't drink, I think this would be an opportunity to help kids out (possibly save lives) and make some extra cash. Do you think I can do this? Any tips are much appreciated.

    P.S. I have a very entrepreneurial spirit and don't look forward to having a "real job" so this is where my idea is coming from. :)

    3 AnswersSmall Business8 years ago
  • Starting a Drunk College Kids Taxi Service?

    CLearly I didn't know how to title this question...

    Well I want to start a service where I (a sophomore in college) offer to drive kids to and from parties on the weekends. I've seen time and time again instances where someone will claim to be the designated driver at the beginning of the night and by the end of the night, will have given in, and will be one of the most drunk out of the whole group. Seeing as how I don't drink, I think this would be an opportunity to help kids out (possibly save lives) and make some extra cash. Do you think I can do this? Any tips are much appreciated.

    P.S. I have a very entrepreneurial spirit and don't look forward to having a "real job" so this is where my idea is coming from. :)

    1 AnswerSmall Business8 years ago
  • How to Get Out of Work For a Day?

    I work at a store in the mall (for the summer). I'm supposed to work Tuesday at 2. I attend college an hour away and I have an interview at the mall near my school (to work during the school year) at another store on Tuesday at 2. I would just tell the manager at my current store that I have something important to attend (like an interview for a scholarship or something) but they'll say I should've requested the day off in advance.

    I've been hired at this store for almost 6 weeks and have only worked twice! I'm contemplating not even giving an excuse because they've treated me like such crap.

    What do you think I should do? Thank you in advance.

    2 AnswersOther - Society & Culture8 years ago
  • Should I Leave it be? Or Try to be the Bigger Person?

    My best friend won a contest for a spa day and she can bring 3 other people. She wants to bring me, "Friend A" and "Friend B". Friend A and I used to be very close friends until she stopped talking to me a year ago, during our high school graduation after we had a fight and had been experiencing (what I now see as immature and caddy) problems in our friendship. I don't want to turn down my best friends offer of the spa because shes really excited about it but I don't want to just be sitting there looking like I have a chip on my shoulder because Friend A doesn't like me. I feel like if I were to go and just ignore Friend A's prescence that would be really awkward. I probably sound immature to some people but...sorry I don't know what to tell you. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

    3 AnswersFriends8 years ago
  • Should I Be The Bigger Person? Or Just Leave it Be?

    My best friend won a contest for a spa day and she can bring 3 other people. She wants to bring me, "Friend A" and "Friend B". Friend A and I used to be very close friends until she stopped talking to me a year ago, during our high school graduation after we had a fight and had been experiencing (what I now see as immature and caddy) problems in our friendship. I don't want to turn down my best friends offer of the spa because shes really excited about it but I don't want to just be sitting there looking like I have a chip on my shoulder because Friend A doesn't like me. I feel like if I were to go and just ignore Friend A's prescence that would be really awkward. I probably sound immature to some people but...sorry I don't know what to tell you. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

    1 AnswerFriends8 years ago
  • I Uploaded a Video to Youtube and now...?

    I filmed and edited a video in iMovie 08 and the audio is fine, there's talking and background music. Now that it's uploaded though, after about a minute in the audio cuts out and all you hear is the music. I re-uploaded 3 times and it's the same every time. What happened? More importantly, HOW DO I FIX IT?! Thanks if you can help

    1 AnswerYouTube8 years ago
  • Help with this easy question about OVULATION and PREGNANCY?

    I never understood ovulation when it was taught back in school! If you have unprotected sex on March 16th and you ovulate March 17th-22nd, will you experience first week pregnancy symptoms between the 17th and 22nd? So if you were to take an emergency contraception pill, would it suffice the 5 day limit? Also (kind of unrelated but just curious) if a man were to not use a condom while touching the females genitals (not going inside, not ejaculating) could pregnancy occur from pre-ejaculation touching the woman?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • I have a question about ovulation and pregnancy.?

    I never understood ovulation when it was taught back in school! If you have unprotected sex on March 16th and you ovulate March 17th-22nd, will you experience first week pregnancy symptoms between the 17th and 22nd? So if you were to take an emergency contraception pill, would it suffice the 5 day limit? Also (kind of unrelated but just curious) if a man were to not use a condom while touching the females genitals (not going inside, not ejaculating) could pregnancy occur from pre-ejaculation touching the woman?

    1 AnswerTrying to Conceive8 years ago
  • How Do I Get My Roommate To Take A Shower?

    Haha no, seriously.

    We're roommates in a dorm at college. I shower everyday...she on the other hand...not so much. The last time showered was probably 3-4 days ago at best. She's a bigger girl and has bad body odor and at the end of the day when she takes her socks and shoes off...I won't get into detail. Her hair smells too because she doesn't wash it herself, she gets it done at a salon- she was supposed to go two weeks ago but that never happened. The few swipes of deodorant she uses in the morning don't last throughout the day and she continually wears the same pants, shirts, and even socks several times without washing them. She is my friend so I don't want to be rude about it, I need some advice on how to subtly tell her to shower or hint at the fact that she needs to everyday. No this is not a joke, despite what you may be thinking. Thanks!

    2 AnswersFriends8 years ago
  • Why Wouldn't He Text Me Back?

    I've been talking to this guy for 2 months and we haven't gone a day without texting each other. I went home from college Thursday night so Friday night at 7 I texted him saying "sorry I haven't talked to you all day, I'm having a mother daughter bonding day lol" no reply. So the next day around 2 I said "hello?" No reply. That's usually what he does when he doesn't get a reply back from me for a little while. Its been 3 days which has never happened before. Why do you think he hasn't texted me back? I didn't leave on bad terms with him or anything, right before I left we hugged goodbye. Any ideas?

    Oh and please don't laugh at me, thanks :)

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Please Help. Why Does Keep BLOWING OFF Our PLANS?

    I've been talking to this guy for almost 2 months (first month was Christmas break so we couldn't do anything since we live an hour away from each other but go to the same college). Now that we're back at school whenever we make plans he always blows them off with excuses. Ex: the day we got back we were supposed to hang out but he said his mom wouldn't bring him back to school until that night. Then we planned to hang out that week but he said he had the flu so he couldn't. We finally go to hang out once really late at night for only a couple hours (we didn't do anything, don't worry, I'm not a slut). Now we're supposed to go to the mall today an hour ago but he says his brother had an asthma attack so I doubt we're gonna go. Every single time we have an opportunity to hang out we never do and every time we make plans we never do. What's up? We've told each other that we like one another and we text everyday and he does the sweet little bull crap texts that guys do in the beginning and when he's drunk he texts me 'babe' (I don't drink so I'm never with him). I know this was long but it would really help me out if any one has been through this or knows why he's doing it, because I'm pretty sure he's doing it on purpose. Thanks very much.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • What's His Deal With Texting? Advice, Please?

    I've been talking to this guy for about a month and we haven't done anything "physically" because we were on winter break and live about an hour away from each other and now we're back at school (we go to the same college) and we haven't had the chance to hang out yet because he has the flu, but we still text everyday. The thing is, he'll randomly stop texting for hours. Ex: yesterday the last text I sent him was at 7:30 and I didn't talk to him again until I texted him this afternoon. I understand that he could be busy and forget, but he does it EVERY single day. We've already told each other that we like one another so my theory is that he feels like he doesn't have to try anymore, but that's just one opinion. Do you guys have any other ideas or explanations? Thanks for the help!

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago

    Please help, I'm a bit...technologically challenged.

    I make YouTube videos and I want to have instrumentals in the background. Whenever I try to download a song from a website just a white box with a bunch writing pops up and I can't find how to even listen to it on my computer. I have a Macbook Pro if that makes a difference, thanks for any help you can give me!

    1 AnswerOther - Computers8 years ago

    I'm a freshman in college and I got A's and B's and a C+ and a C. I'm a little disappointed in myself, but I know that high school definitely didn't prepare me for college. My mom is going to be really hard on me about this - I'm not worried about getting "grounded" or anything like that, that won't happen, but I just don't know how I'm going to tell her about the C's without her getting mad at me. Any suggestions? Thanks.

    5 AnswersFamily8 years ago

    Ok, I've been struggling to find answers so hopefully you know what's up. I filmed a video on my Mac Book Pro and edited it in iMovie. The original clip was 4:35 but I edited it down to 2:47. When I click share>youtube all the sharing options are grayed out (like youtube, itunes, mobileme) so when I try to go to my youtube account and select a file to upload, the only available option is the unedited 4:35 video. What am I doing wrong? I'm new to iMovie so that's why i sound like such rookie! Thanks for any help

    Happy New Year

    2 AnswersYouTube8 years ago
  • HELP!!! What should I dooooo?

    I've been talking to this guy for like a week and according to our mutual friend he has a huge crush on me. Our friend told her mom who is friends with my mom an she keeps saying "oo Megan has a secret admirer at school" and i just keep playing dumb and now my mom and her friend are going to pick up that mutual friend from our college for winter break and I KNOW the guy I've been talking to is gonna be mentioned and the mutual friend is gonna say how we've been talking but I don't want that to happen because I don't want my mom to know!!! She'll make such a big deal out of it and will never stop talking about it. Please tell me what I should do when my mom brings it up. I'd text my friend and tell her not to say anything but were not close just friends through our moms so I don't have her number...reading this back I sound like an idiot lol thanks guys

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • What should I do? I put myself on the line and this is what I get :(.?

    The other day I asked on here if I should message this guy on FB because he added me and I know he would've had to go through a lot of trouble to find me. So I did and he never responded. All I said was hey, you found me! Now I feel like an idiot because this is the first time I've ever taken the initiative to try to get closer with someone I was interested in. Do you think it was stupid of me to do that? By the way I know I sound like a dumb little kid but the fact of the matter is im in college and am trying to start fresh but this is just setting me back and making me feel so stupid. What if I see him in person again? Wahhhhh...umm I I'm done lol. Thanks guys.

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago

    So there's this guy at my college who I introduced myself to a few days ago and today he invited me to be his friend on facebook and I kind of have a common name so he would've had to have done quite a bit of searching to find me haha (I know because my own cousins and close friends couldn't even find me at one point) so I'm thinking that's a good sign right? So I was wondering if I should message him and just have a casual conversation with him or would it be too soon or whatever? yeah I'm a ridiculous over-thinker when it comes to these things :P but we've never really had a conversation in person before. GUYS if you were him would you like this? and GIRLS have you ever done something like this before? how did it turn out? thanks for any answers :)

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago

    ugh MORE problems I don't get. :/ any help is ridiculously appreciated.

    1. suppose that y varies indirectly with the square of x

    a. use a variation constant K to express Y as a function of X

    b. given the function in part (a) when X=3 and Y=18 solve for K

    c. given the function in (a) and the constant K from (b) if Y=5 what is x?

    2. given that h(x)=x^2+5x+12 evaluate h(-3) and h(0)

    3. find the initial value for the exponential function f(x)=5/8(4)^3x

    thanks alot for any type of help

    1 AnswerMathematics8 years ago