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Lv 2772 points

Lea Havoc

Favorite Answers8%
  • Dog euthanized unfairly?

    I picked up a stray about 2 1/2-3 weeks ago, searched for his owner in multiple ways and never heard anything in return, i had him scanned for a chip and still nothing.

    He was a very sweet and energetic Pit maybe about 1-2 years old.

    I was unable to locate a home for him and was unfortunately able to keep him due to my my 3 year old daughter coming over for the weekend (I didn't know how he was towards children and didn't want to take any risks).

    I was forced to do what i never wanted to do and that was to take him to a shelter in order to try to get him adopted or as a place for him to stay temporarily.

    The day i brought him to the shelter (Thursday) I talked to several people and they all understood and agreed that if anything was to happen, if he was unable to be adopted or if someone seemed fit enough to adopt him, they would call me. I was willing to pay all adoption fees for the right person to give him a new home. If he wasn't adopted out, they knew i was going to come back and pay the adoption fees to get him back out. Like i said....they agreed and promised me that he would not be euthanized and they would call me if anything happened....

    Today (Monday) I went back, I asked to see Crash (The Pit i had brought in) and the guy at the desk told me he wasn't there, when i asked where he was he wouldn't even look me in the eyes/ in my direction as he told me they had euthanized him. I asked him why and he said he was aggressive towards the other animals, I for one do not believe this.... I have 2 other dogs that he wanted nothing more than to play with, he never tried once to hurt them. One of my dogs was aggressive towards him and anytime she got that way with him, he would back off. I talked to another employee that happened to be there the day i brought him in and she had no idea he had been euthanized and she herself said that she didn't see any aggression in him towards the other animals.

    The same guy that said he was aggressive also told me that the day after he was brought in the shelter was over crowded. I'm thinking breed discrimination because i noticed while i was in the shelter, there was only a small handful of the many pits that were in there the day i brought Crash in, I looked on their website when i got back home at the list of adopted animals and only 1 of the many other pits had been adopted out.

    I'm wanting to do something about this but i don't know exactly how to go about it or what exactly i should do....Any suggestions?

    8 AnswersDogs9 years ago
  • Government grants...?

    I'm trying to look into government grants and pell grants, I don't fully understand how they work and if there is even a difference between the two. Also i don't know where to start looking, every site i go to seems like a bunch of schemes....

    1 AnswerFinancial Aid10 years ago
  • Swollen lymph node in hip.?

    I've already been to the doctor once because of this, they cut it open and drained it, gave me antibiotics and it went away but after a week, i ended getting sick and wasn't able to hold down any food or liquids and was constantly going back and forth from feeling too hot and too cold, i also started having severe abdomen pains so i went back to the doctor and found out i had an infection in my colon as well.

    Now a month later the same issue with my hip is back, i'm taking antibiotics again but its not going down and i'm slowly starting to get abdomen pains again and my appetite is slowly vanishing. My hip is inflamed,swollen, extremely red and also looks kind of like a slight bruise. It's very painful to touch and it hurts having clothing items even slightly touch it.

    I'm a bit scared at this point and I don't want to go back for them to just drain it again and put me back on antibiotics if it's just going to return (I understand that it can take months for it to completely go away but it's only getting worse).

    2 AnswersInfectious Diseases10 years ago
  • Child support help.....?

    I am 23 and the parent of a 2 year old little girl. Me and her father split about 8 or so months ago after about 3/4 months i started dateing again he calls me and says "so i see your dating again" i reply with a "yes" and all he says is "well be home (on whatever day it was) in the morning because your being served".

    He filed for soul custody of her....the reason he had her was because i had to move back in with my parents and i felt she was better off being in her own home. I was unemployed for 1 1/2 years because we felt it would be cheaper if i stayed at home with it took some time to find a job in a college town. I make $8 an hr. and get about 28 hours a week (sometimes less) im paying $340 a month in child support , my paychecks are bi-weekly and are around $170 after they take out the child support. I work 2-9:30 almost everyday and it would be physically impossible for me to work a second job because of those hours.

    I dont have a car anymore and i cant support myself financially meaning i am stuck at my parents house. My plan was to move back into my parents house, get a job , save up for a car, get a place of my own and go to school so i could be financially stable for my daughter , I cant afford to even do one of those. i told him thats what i wanted to do, he was supportive of it and constantly wishes me luck with everything and yet im paying $340 a month and he knows how much i make, how does he expect me to be able to achieve any of this paying that much? I feel like i am being royally screwed. I asked for himto file for joint custody and he refused, when i asked him what full custody meant he told me that "nothing will change it will be just how it is now, except my mom will be able to take her to the doctor and enroll her in day care", he lied, . I was also never told of a court date to fight the custody.

    What can i do to try and get joint custody or at least get my child support lowered so i can still help with her and survive on my own in order to better for her?

    I really want to do the best for myself in order to be able to give her the best life possible and i cant do that. Im struggling from day to day and its killing me.

    8 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • 1 year old with a cold......?

    New mom has a little one with a cold and needs some suggestions...

    When she was teething my pediatrician recommended a tiny amount of tylenol to ease her at night , ive been doing the same with the cold.

    ive been keeping her in warm clothes at night (its pretty cold in my house) and i give her a warm bath 1-2 times a day to ease her also.

    What other medicines can help with a cold?

    is there anything else you would recommend that i do?

    3 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • i need help with a book title....?

    ok there is a book i read when i was in maybe 4th or 5th grade (around 98-99)

    all i remember was on the cover there were clouds in the sky that spelt out the title .... there was a sidewlk with hop scotch on it and a childs shadow ... very colorful vibrant cover.... i wanna say there was a main character name mike hart .... im not sure if that is correct... i remember it being about a little boy who had died.....

    i think the title was something like (if i am correct on the name that is ) where is mike hart , what happened to mike hart etc...... something along those lines

    it has stuck with me all these years and its killin me that i cant remember it because i want to pick up a copy...

    sorry i dont have much info on it.... it was over 10 years ago... if someone has any idea what it could be , please let me know....

    2 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Need help identifying correct artist?

    I have a textured landscape painting

    looks like winter with moutains a few trees and a river , mostly light blues.

    The name on it is Richard Nelson , that is all i know about it , if anyone has any information or thinks they might please let me know.

    2 AnswersPainting1 decade ago
  • severe migraines after giving birth?

    about a month after giving birth i started noticing minor migraine headaches over the past 6 mo. theyve been getting worse.

    They last anywhere from a few seconds to several hours and i get them off and on almost everday.

    what could be the cause of this and what should i do?

    (tylenol, ibuprofen, midol etc... not doing much anymore)

    5 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • boys vs. girls.......?

    i just found out i will be having alittle girl , now ive helped my mother raise my brothers but i havnt really delt with little girls before.

    In your opinion whats the differences between a girl and a boy (newborn-1 year.)

    20 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade ago
  • bleeding...?

    i am 20 weeks and about 2 weeks ago me and my boyfriend were being intimate and i felt and quick sharp pain after we had finished , i went to the restroom afterwards and i was bleeding not alot but a little more than spotting within about 2 minutes it stopped. i am seeing my doctor on wed. but wanted to know if anyone else has had this problem?

    1 AnswerPregnancy1 decade ago
  • need opinions on a theme.....?

    i am 16 weeks pregnant and am already wanting to get a head start on the nursery , im wanting to go with black, red, and white as color , and thought that dr.seuss would be a perfect theme , seeing as red and white are main colors in the books ,and dr.seuss was my favorite as a child and still is.

    i am 100% set on doing this buuuuut my partner doesnt like the idea one bit , he wants pirates or world war airplanes.

    I tried explaining to him that for one we dont know the sex yet and dr.seuss is a very unisex theme , the theme could also be used up till around age 8 or so .

    Also i explained to him that dr.seuss is very educational and yet he dosnt want anything to do with it.

    what do u think i should do?

    6 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • punk rock mom to be needs help with a nursery theme......?

    i want something that ill like and that wont scar the little guy , hahaha , im going with the colors red and black but i need help picking a theme , daddy to be wants pirates / dog fighters

    as for me im not sure yet

    9 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade ago
  • 12 weeks pregnant trying to get a headstart on baby registry.?

    im doing unisex colors so no it does not matter that i do not know the sex yet.

    this is my first baby and i have a list of what i "need" for the baby, but some of it seems pointless and more of like a must have for baby.

    what are the most important things i should register for?

    i already have registered....

    monitor , travel mirror , burp cloths , diapers , bottles , bottle sterilizer , bottle brushes , pacifiers , mittens , rattles , teethers , first aid and grooming kits , vaporizor , diaper pail , tub , hooded towels , wash , shampoo , lotion , diaper rash ointment , baby wipes , wipe warmer , travel system , jumper , bouncer , positioner , high chair , crib/portable crib , toys , socks , onsies , shoes.

    what am i missing , or do u suggest that any of these items are not necessary?

    4 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade ago